2 more “insider” victims

| October 25, 2012

The Stars & Stripes reports that two more Americans have been killed by an Afghan in an ANP uniform the day after Mullah Omar’s zombie urged Afghans to kill more of the “invaders”. But, he did urge them to be more careful about avoiding the murder of innocent civilians;

Omar also exhorted his fighters to “pay full attention to the prevention of civilian casualties,” saying the enemy was trying to blame them on the insurgents.

Last week the United Nations called on the Taliban leadership to stop the use of homemade roadside bombs and mines. The Taliban say they use only remote-controlled roadside bombs which — unlike the mines automatically activated by pressure-plates — allow a bomber to choose the time of the blast and specifically target coalition troops and their Afghan allies.

But, I guess shooting 14-year-old girls in the face is still fine. And, oh, yeah, on the day that Omar made his pronouncement, the Taliban choose to storm an Afghan market, probably because of all that phallic-looking fruit and vegetables. Or something. They killed five policemen, but it cost them 25 Taliban fighters in the process.

Category: Terror War

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2-17 Air Cav

“They killed five policemen, but it cost them 25 Taliban fighters in the process.” Yeah, the five who were killed were probably recorded by the Taliban as friendly fire casualties. Bastards.


A little news item popped up this morning: 40 Afghans dead, 50 wounded in a suicide bomb attack on a mosque:
