Tuesdays with Claymore
…the horror…the virtual horror.
Oh, so NOW you’re worried about poll sampling
Putting Suicide Hotline on speed dial
Facebook…where Twitter DUmbasses go for relief
There’s something running down his leg, but it’s not a tingle.
Wait…there’s still a Doonesbury?
Yeah, good thing the left doesn’t have a bunch of talking points like the right does.
Pfft…as if government workers are going to reduce the number of days off they have?
Desperation? I don’t think you understand the word.
ex-aide to Powell says Romney scares him…on MSNBC nonetheless!
Paul Ryan beats up old people and makes them eat cat food.
Isn’t it really just ‘yard sign redistribution’?
Stupid old people…why can’t they just vote for Obama and shut up?
“Our” wealth? “Ours”? But don’t call them socialists.
DUtards fear a global depression…but still think collectivist governments are cool.
Barry fiddled while Benghazi burned.
“Dear lefty pussies, stop being pussies.”
In 1492, Columbus was a douche.
Old rich people should just pay their Social Security, not draw any out and shut up.
Whoa…even I can’t think of anything clever to put to this bullshit.
DUmbass needs “help” countering “lies” about Obama’s record on vets….maybe we should help him?
Living in a New England bubble.
Category: Tuesdays with Claymore
Send M O a letter of support or a postcard of appreciation? I read the comments in there. Wow! Really? I mean really, really? Wow.
I looked around the site, but I didn’t see ANYTHING that said it was satire. Someone please tell me I just missed it.
Re: king of drag racing. I was hoping for a nice article on Kenny Bernstein. Guess I shoulda known! HA!
Nope, it’s not a parody site…those are real people posting that crap. We should get BNG and TSO to offer up some of their DU experiences…only Tim understands.
Perhaps I’m missing something, but why is the “democratic underground” even being linked from this site? I’ve seen nothing on there that should be tolerated by anyone with a shred of honor within them.
Quit wasting space linking to that shitpile.
Frank, It can be comic relief, and it also helps remind us how delusional some people are.
I particularly liked the guy who correctly spelled oxymoron, but consistently misspelled “moran”.
Sorry, should read “misspelled moron as “moran”. LOL
@4 Amusement and outrage all in one tidy package Frank….the DU is a fascist intolerant group of buffoons who censor and ban their critics while spouting all the time about a free exchange of ideas.
As long as the ideas are the ones they approve, just like any good fascist organization the DU operates with suppression of dissent.
To provide a little context for everyone (except Frank, who clearly doesn’t want to know his “enemy”), here’s why they spell moron as “moran”:
It is so funny you can get a taste of the thought process that goes on at DU by looking at the Chavez reelected thread. One person disagrees and he is castigated. Even though he is doing pretty much the exact same thing as many before him…hell if you want a look into the future of Venezuela look at Zimbabwe.
I also love the discussion on vets and the first commenter’s pic is of Scott Olsen. Yeah like that is going to get anywhere with any vets.
Oh – I know my enemy, Claymore.
I’d simply prefer herding them into a limb chipper, or watching their heads explode via a hi-vel projo, burned at the stake, disembowling, skinning alive or shooting on sight without seasons or bag limits and no obligation to pick up the mess. I needn’t get any angrier at what the bastards have done to further the destruction of my country – I’m already plenty pissed.