The party of inclusion
From the Daily Show, the open party, delegates at the DNC talk about how inclusive they are;
Category: 2012 election
From the Daily Show, the open party, delegates at the DNC talk about how inclusive they are;
Category: 2012 election
@VOV – Don’t apologize….I think that is one of the better illustrations of the issue I’ve ever seen.
Ah, but VOV, while the choice of being black or white or whatever else is not something one can make since one’s skin goes everywhere on full display wherever one goes, how one acts upon one’s sexuality IS a choice. It doesn’t matter one’s orientation – each of us chooses when and where to display it, unlike the color of one’s skin. Short of hiding one’s skin entirely, some part of it will always be visible.
That is the distinction.
And I object to your choice of words here: “I can see why you might struggle with this issue.” Just because I am willing to articulate my view, which apparently does not align perfectly with yours, does not mean that there is a struggle going on. Having an ability to treat all persons with dignity until they make unreasonable demands is not something with which I struggle. Who others associate with is simply not my business until they demand that I either participate in or pay for their choices.
Well said, OWB. One has no control over one’s heredity. One has full control over one’s associations and conduct.
However, I would add a third to “participate” or “pay for” – “approve”. Tolerance does not equate to approval.
Anyone has a right to live as they choose, provided they do so in accordance with the law. They do not have the right to demand I approve of their lifestyle choice.
Now, getting back to the original topic of Jonn’s article:
So, the Jewish candidate is engaging in the “Big Lie”, eh? I wonder if Brown even realizes the irony of that particular comparison.
Oh, and according to the Washington Examiner article, this is not the first time Brown has resorted to comparing political opponents to Hitler or Stalin. I guess Brown never heard of reductio ad Hitlerum or Godwin’s Law.
OWB objection duly noted, my apology to you. We will agree to disagree. It appears to me, my apologies if I am wrong, that you are suggesting being gay is choice people make and then act upon instead of a naturally occurring physical trait like eye or skin color. That is clearly where Hondo, you, and I will disagree.
I am repulsed by the idea of gay sex personally, thus I can’t imagine a scenario where someone decides that it is as acceptable in their brain as hetero sex is to me. It makes me believe, perhaps incorrectly, that these folks have no choice in who they are wired to be aroused by as they live their lives.
Therefore I do not feel they should be denied an inherent civil right granted to non-gays. That civil right is the right to engage in a one on one legal contract with another human being over shared property, insurance benefits and distribution of wealth upon dissolution of the relationship should that occur, not the religious version of marriage.
My apologies for offending you, that was not, nor will it ever be, my intent. I like reading your words and I enjoy an articulate discussion. You make me consider my position carefully much as Hondo does when I post here, I know my errors will be quickly spotted. I thank you for keeping my thoughts on point and as accurate as I am capable of making them.
You will find I agree that I have no desire to pay for anyone’s marriage, gay or otherwise. Nor am I a huge fan of paying for other people’s children, businesses, corporate bailouts, etc…smaller government would indeed be better.
Pretty much sums it up..
Had to post the vid link, its getting way too serious around here …
@57. Laughed at the video and then ruined it by reading the comments to it. Now, I’m back where I started–which rather reminds me of the movie Groundhog Day.
No, VOV, what I am saying is that one’s behavior is a choice. I don’t know that any behavior, beyond some muscular reflexive movements, is hard-wired into our brains. For instance, I have some instincts related to survival sorts of things, but the exact ways to get there are choices.
Was taught a long time ago by a Freudian that physiologically, the human anatomy doesn’t give a flip what stimulates or what satisfies it. The ego doesn’t care. The superego and the id duke it out to decide what the ego gets. Since all of this is occurring within the individual, it is a decision based upon whatever criteria that individual chooses to use. Or the simple choice to just let the ego act without restraint.
While I don’t buy into Freud entirely, that part always made a lot of sense to me.
In my experience being gay isn’t a choice. I have a cousin who, from day 1, wasn’t like the rest of us. We, other cousins and I, formed our own little clique, dad’s sister lived next door and mom’s sister and brother lived on the next block. He would rather stay in the house playing with the girls than be out with the guys doing dumb-ass boy stuff. His movements and mannerisms were definitely feminine. The rest of us went out for sports in high school, he joined the chorus and drama society. We enlisted in the Marine Corps, he went to art school. He never made any secret of his orientation. How does a six year old “choose” a life style?