Janos v. Kyle

| February 25, 2012

I guess Jesse Ventura doesn’t like the fact that real SEAL Chris Kyle wrote in his book that he smacked down Janos in a bar several years back, so he’s seeking a legal remedy;

Ventura, whose real name is James Janos, recently filed a defamation lawsuit against Navy SEAL Chris Kyle over the portrayal of a bar fight Kyle claims they had six years ago in Coronado, Calif. Kyle wrote about the alleged incident in his recent memoir “American Sniper: The Autobiography of the Most Lethal Sniper in U.S. Military History.”

Under the headline, “Punching Out Scruff Face,” Kyle describes a confrontation with a “celebrity” who served in the military during the Vietnam War and who “most people seem to believe was a SEAL.” He said Scruff Face winters in Baja California, opposed the war in Iraq and described the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks as a “conspiracy.”

I’m not surprised that Ventura would sue, I’m only surprised that it took so long for him to try cut himself out a chunk of the profits from Kyle’s book.

Thanks to Zero for the link.

Category: Shitbags

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Old Trooper

If this actually happened, Jimmy’s gonna have to come up with witnesses that say it didn’t happen, who were actually around him at the time of the incident, otherwise, he’s gonna look foolish. Ok, I know that’s kinda redundant, but you know what I mean.


I haven’t seen “The Body” claim to be a Seal only that he was UDT. Didn’t his plate on his truck say UDT? Anyways, if anyone deserves to be bitch-slapped in a bar, jesse is probably at the top of the list


jonp–he’s certainly danced around it, and hinted (VERY STRONGLY) that he was in Vietnam, when neither was the case.


Ive seen him wearing a trident before. Is that something that UDT had or is he doing more implying?

Cedo Alteram

1# Thats what I’ve been waiting for the witnesses. Ventura has no credibilty, in general or proving a case of libel in this matter, the burden is on him. Still I’d like to hear from a third party.


Like others have opined, I’d love to be a fly on the wall of that deposition.

Hey, Janos–you’re a fucktard and a shitty actor, and all those ‘roids have rotted your brain. Wanna sue me too?

Old Trooper

jonp: I have heard him claim that he was a SEAL many times. They have him saying it in several interviews to news stations and on his show “Conspiracy Theory”.

Old Trooper

From wiki:

Navy career

From September 11, 1969, to September 10, 1975, during the Vietnam War era, Ventura served in the United States Navy. Ventura graduated with BUD/S class 58 in December 1970[8] and was part of Underwater Demolition Team 12[9] and later as a reservist with SEAL Team 1.[3]

Ventura often came under fire for allegations he lied about being in the Navy SEALs. Bill Salisbury, an attorney in San Diego and a former Navy SEAL officer, accused Ventura of “pretending” to be a SEAL and wrote that Ventura would be blurring an important distinction by claiming to be a SEAL when he was actually a frogman with the UDT. Compared to SEAL Teams, UDTs saw less combat and took fewer casualties.[10][11][12] Following that, Governor Ventura’s office confirmed that Ventura was a member of the UDTs. His spokesman stated that Ventura has never tried to convince people otherwise.[10] Ventura stated: “Today we refer to all of us as SEALs; that’s all it is,” and described the accusations of lying about being a SEAL as “[m]uch ado about nothing.”[12]

Ventura has frequently referred to his military career in public statements and debates.[10][13][14] He was criticized by hunters and conservationists for stating in an interview with the Minneapolis StarTribune in April 2001, “Until you have hunted men, you haven’t hunted yet.”[14][15]

In January 2002, Ventura, who had never specifically claimed to have fought in Vietnam, disclosed for the first time that he did not see combat. He did not receive the Combat Action Ribbon, which was awarded to those involved in a firefight or who went on clandestine or special operations where the risk of enemy fire was great or expected. However, Ventura, who was stationed at Subic Bay in the Philippines, was awarded the Vietnam Service Medal, which was given to military personnel who took part in the contributions to the war effort in Vietnam. [9]

Bill Grant

He wasn’t on SEAL team 1, he was never a SEAL. This came out when he was governor and he had to admit he was not a SEAL and was never in combat. SEAL 1 is not on his dd-214.


[…] submit that Kyle popped Ventura August 31st, 2012 Earlier this year, we learned that Jimmy Janos, otherwise known as Jesse Ventura decided to cut out some of Chris Kyle’s […]