Yes, PC Has Reached the Point of Blithering Idiocy

| August 31, 2012

Remember, folks: according to our very own State Department the expression “hold down the fort” – as well as many others – is now to be considered offensive.

For instance, Robinson warned, “hold down the fort” is a potentially insulting reference to American Indian stereotypes.

“How many times have you or a colleague asked if someone could ‘hold down the fort?'” he wrote. “You were likely asking someone to watch the office while you go and do something else, but the phrase’s historical connotation to some is negative and racially offensive.”

Read the rest of the article for some more real “winners” in terms of absolutely inane thinking.

Yes, many common terms have different meanings today than they did years ago.  For example:  the term “slave” was derived from the generic term for the Slavic peoples of eastern Europe – Slavs.  So . . .  is saying I’m “slaving away” cutting the grass or at work now offensive to eastern Europeans?

This is sheer idiocy.  And someone got paid to come up with it.

Category: Dumbass Bullshit, Liberals suck

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I am native American and I don’t see the reference, WTF, tried of Fukin PC.

2-17 AirCav

This political correctness business is a crazy as a bunch of Chinaman at a fire drill. It’s high time we circle the wagons on this. The question, as I see it, is just how do we get these knuckleheads back on the reservation?

The Dead Man

Robinson wrote. “Now that you know the possible historical context of the above phrases, perhaps you will understand why someone could be offended by their use.

If anyone is getting offended by any of those phrases, it’s because of idiots like him telling them they should be. I’ve read the link and I’m still not convinced it’s not an Onion or Duffel post. This is pants on head levels of stupidity.

Al T.

Worked with State Dept in Iraq. This does not surprise me in the least.

2-17 AirCav

I hear Honky-tonk is out, too. Ditto whitewashing. And please! No more references to someone being hauled away in a paddy wagon!


Saying your slaving away at work is only offensive to black Americans. Nobody else was truly a slave according to the PC police.

I still enjoy watching the reaction on people’s faces when I introduce myself as Whitey.

Currahee John

Robinson is an idiot. For the record, “hold the fort” originally had a Civil War, not Indian Wars connection. It became a popular phrase after the October 5, 1864 battle of Allatoona Heights in Georgia, after a popular song was written to commemorate Sherman’s message to BG John M. Corse, who had been sending frantic requests for reinforcements, “Hold the fort, we’re coming.” An equally popular hymn was also released based on this theme, “Hold the Fort, He is Coming.”

Jonn Lilyea

We blithering idiots take offense at your use of the phrase in this post.


Don’t forget that MSNBC finds many words racist, like Chicago and Angry according to Tingles.

Terry Thompson

Why is it that PC is such a big thing except during running for office. The two parties now are anything but PC.


This is why I quit my job as a State Department Contractor. THat, and working with them for two tours overseas. They had the balls, when my orders came down for BNCOC to tell me I wasn’t ALLOWED to go, because I was the only security cleared person on site and needed to watch the workers on site. They also said, that even during a time of war, State Department authority supersedes that of the DOD. State thinks they are more important when it comes to winning wars, than the actual WARFIGHTERS! This shit is why nobody likes working with State. They embody the self righteous idiots from the South Park episode where the grownups enjoy the smell of their own farts.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Wow indians are still p1ssed about being sh1tty warriors?

If those injuns were better fighters they wouldn’t have started out fighting on Cape Cod and ended up trying to hold San Francisco….once again proving it’s a good idea to keep pace with technology, that way you can be eating lobster with drawn butter and a nice cold beer in the comfort of your cozy home instead of spearing a monkey to bring back to your hut…

If we can just remember the lesson of better technology we can eliminate those pesky muslims in Afghanistan too…kill most of them including the women and children and round the survivors up and force them to live without hope on arid, un-farmable “reservation” land in their native homelands…until they learn to open casinos, then we can let them join our society.



You know people have WAY too much time on their hands when they have to invent ways of being outraged/offended.

I’d love to see the looks on the faces of the left if “good” liberals like Mel Brooks, Richard Pryor, et al, tried to make “Blazing Saddles” today.


VOV–the only “Native American” who would be pissed about the expression of holding down the fort would be Lizzie “Fauxcahontas” Warren down in Mass.

Yeah, Indians got and to an extent are still getting a shitty deal, but really, there’s something going around my brain about picking one’s battles?


Wasn’t it a DoD employee or advisor who tried to ban the use of the term blackmail as being racist, until it was pointed out that the term is 1) Scottish and 2) a federal legal definition?

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Sparky, the sh1t part about Warren is that the dipsh1t liberals here in the people’s republic don’t mind the lies of their own party members, as long as they get elected…

That’s the problem I have with these sh1theads, I will point out that guys like Cheney, Limbaugh, Nugent, have all done their level best to avoid service and consequently we should be suspicious of their motivations. F#cking liberals will never mind the lies their guys tell as long as they get power. They would rather have a complete lying buffoon like Warren because she’s a Dem than Brown because Brown is a repub….I’d rather have the honest guy who I believe I can work with than the liar every time…guess that’s my own naivete at work.

Crotchity Old Bubblehead

I nominate Robinson as the first of the government employees earning $100,000+ to leave.


Is it me, Or is anyone else offended by the fact that state has a chief diversity officer… I find that title culturally insensitive!

Virtual Insanity

Lucky, if Robinson is the chief, does that mean there’s a whole tribe?

*ducks stapler*

Sorry, nothing else to do today since I’m holding down the fort at work while the military folks are off.


God, I seriously hope not! But these are the same idiots that scream and freak out about Afghans delicate sensibilities, when we use the term Hajji. The term Hajji, is a term of endearment in the middle east, like Esquire here. It is a term of respect, meaning ‘one who made the pilgrimage to Mecca.’. That pilgrimage is known as the Hajj. These idiots are supposed to be in charge of diplomatic relations with other countries, and NONE OF THEM KNOW THAT. They know nothing about geopolitics, but freak out if you draw down on a kid who swings his AK at your Team SGT. What the fuck is going on at State, and what are they drinking? Someone call Kool Aide and tell them to water down the grape drank!!!


What an ass. No offense to donkeys.


Jesus! After reading that article, I need a beer! I’m so tired of these idiots! Pretty soon, we won’t even be able to speak, because it might “offend” someone.


Idk David, the fact that his position and title exist is offensive to me. That and so is the two hour Muslim prayer vigil to be held at the DNC.


But Lucky, you culturally insensitive bastard, we simply MUST allow it.

Yet strange how nobody in the MSM has made mention of it, nor will they be broadcasting it. Maybe they DO know the backlash the Dems would receive over it.


Maybe Clint can show up at the DNC and start waving a rubber .44 Magnum around throwing Harry Callahan quotes all over the place. That would be something worth watching, and laughing at maniacally as the demoturds scurry about, wetting themselves at the sight of a big, scary (fake) gun.


Yes Redacted, but if you shape that gun into a big, greasy, turd-covered phallus, they’ll be pissing their panties with joy, not fear.

Symbols having meaning and all that, I’m threatened by the latter more than a rubber gun. Or a real one, for that matter.


I see alot of people turning the channel during that event, bet it’s gonna be nothing more than a giant, putrid, stinking shit pile of political correctness.


… guess I picked the wrong week to quit building machine guns …


Redacted–I get that both sides are going to use celebrities, but look at some of the names that the DNC is going to have speaking next week, including:

Sandra Fluke
Tammy Duckworth
Nancy Keegan (head of NARAL)
Lilly Ledbetter
Eva Longoria

And those are just the civilians. Sure, they might trot out LTG Kennedy on stage and have her try to tell us how tough Obama is on national security matters, or maybe how family-oriented they are during Barney Frank’s speech, or the “up and coming voice of the Democrats” Lizzie “Fauxcahontas” Warren.

Again, any liberal pundit who thinks there’s going to be a big bounce after the DNC is on some serious shit.



Green Thumb

These days if you tell a lady that you like her new hairstyle, shoes or just plain that she looks nice it could be considered sexual assault if she does not like it.

The liberal NW!!


Redacted–Yeah, I know. Maybe he’s having a problem getting a flight on American after that whole “Words With Friends” debacle. Besides, Charlotte is a US Airways hub.

I understand not hurting someone’s feelings, but to sit there and spread my ass cheeks because someone claims THEY’D be butthurt if I didn’t? The world is a tough place, people. Better get used to a few bumps, scrapes, and a harsh word every now and then.

And beware the government or public official that tells you they can protect you from the above.


PC garbage is a control tactic. I ignore it, whenever possible.

And the above statement makes for a great argument when you’re bored, too! 😉

Green Thumb


Try UM. (PC control tactic).

It is in place.


@35 “UM”? Sorry, you lost me on that one.


So, slang expressions are out because they are not pc, and using words as they are defined is out becuase no one understands the meaning of words these days.

Is this just the latest variation on the libs telling anyone who does not march in lockstep with them to shut up?

Green Thumb


I reading some of your prior posts, I assumed you where from or lived in the 41rst state.

If not, I apologize.


The fact that the State Department has a position with the title “Chief Diversity Officer” is all the proof I need that we can have massive government cuts with no negative impact.

Green Thumb


The irony is that I have found that those that scream diversity the loudest are usually the most narrow minded.

Odd how that works.


@38 You are correct. Now I understand. Thanks.


Slang replaces other, less erudite vocabulary. Fokken, for example, means to strike, and is one source of that F–K word so popular with tweenagers these days. Ficken is a derivative of fokken.

But being politically correct means that you can’t pronounce the title of one of my favorite plays the way the Irish do it. They usually drop the “h” in “th”, hence ‘the’ is pronounced ‘da’ or ‘te’ and “Richard III” is pronounced “Richard da T’ird”.

However, it’s always an advantage to know the slang in other languages, for example, “chingador” or “waschlappen” or “lesbisch”, especailly if one can pronounce them in an endearing, placid way with a pleasant smile. There is also that built-in resource, an extensive vocabulary that allows one to produce elegant and explicit vitriol without turning a hair.


Adding to the list of verboten words, black hole, because it’s ra-a-a-a-cist.


Astronomer: Yeah, that singularity is commmonly called a black hole.

Tourist: Why?

Ast: Because light and matter go into it and nothing leaves.

Tour: But why black hole?

Ast: Because you can’t see it by direct observation, only by inference. For example, the number of stars orbiting close to it have orbital periods of less than a 24-hour period.

Tour: Well, you shouldn’t call it a black hole.

Ast: Really. Why not?

Tour: Because that’s racist.

Ast: We don’t do racism in astronomy.

Tour: But you’re saying black hole.

Ast: Yeah, because it’s an astronomical term.

Tour: It’s racist.

Ast: Do you see the business end of the telescope up there?

Tour: Sure.

Ast: Great. Go sit on it and rotate.

2-17 AirCav

Enunciation, people! Enunciation! Whether it’s a Black Ho or a White Ho, that’s equally offensive–in an std kinda way.


Hondo, you da man!

AirCav, what if it’s a Ho-Ho?


The muslims are responsible for “slave,” as you accurately state, and is a reference to the slavs they enslaved by the hundreds of thousands.

From now on I’ll say: “Hold down my dick” or is that racist?