Tuesdays with Claymore

| August 21, 2012

..fundamentally changing America.

You know what you find in the middle of the road? A yellow stripe and dead animals.

Domestic disaster.


Call of the mild.

Right wing hunting?

DUer admits to “soul searching”…comrades have to look up what a “soul” is.


Spitting mad.

Social Insecurity

Conservatives bully and cheat…progressives convince and build consensus…and I have a pet unicorn.

The answer is blowin’ in the wind.

DU Accuweather

At least you’ll be able to find a nice pair of khakis and a button-down shirt.

He bows to foreign kings and princes, but…

“Free Bradly! Oh, and me too while you’re at it.”

Go West Young Repo Man!

Constitutional right to vote? Really?

Romney wants women to die, because apparently he’s not married to one…or has a mother …

DUers have interesting “hypotheticals”.

Debate moderators are racists.

Yup…this totally ends Ryan’s career. Totally.

Galluping to victory.

“Wait! I thought these guys were on OUR side!”

So Wikipedia is only good for left-wing information?

Facebook…that bastion of political discourse.

FBI probing…a nudity scandal…probe.

Bailouts? You can bank on it.

Category: Tuesdays with Claymore

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I don’t know how you guys can even lurk on that board, it is filled with some of the most ignorant, blind, and vile people I have seen in a long time. I can only get one comment into any topic before I have to close it out in disgust.


It’s a hobby I started back when I was a moderator for Ann Coulter’s site. We’d have the inevitable liberal who would show up and try to argue that their side wasn’t full of ignorant haters…so, as a public service, I would troll the favorite leftard haunts (BartCop, Kos, DU, etc) and bring back shining examples of leftist enlightenment and tolerance…to wit the aforementioned liberal would either disavow the examples or suggest this wasn’t typical for their side’s beliefs. I called bullshit then and I call bullshit today. In any case, lurking over there has become one of my evil indulgences over the years…enjoy the labor of my fruits. 🙂


You are a braver and nobler man than I Claymore.


Rerun0369: He’s got a higher tolerance for bullshit and a stronger stomach than most, too.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

@4 and he’s much more clever than I am, I couldn’t resist posting a few replies and I have been perma banned already in less than a week….

So much for tolerance for free speech or diverging opinions…I like how those cowardly little pr1cks like to talk a good game about contrary opinions and the importance of free speech, they just can’t abide speech they disagree with so they don’t actually practice what they preach because they are a bunch of chickensh1t whiners.

Whether you like the opinions on this site or not you can say what you want and be as contrary as you like, sure you will draw some withering return fire, but that’s what a free exchange of ideas often is, a bunch of heated arguments to validate your point.

If the founders were as big a bunch of pussies as the assclowns at DU we would have had a national holiday on the queen’s birthday this year same as the UK.

Boo-hoo you said Dems lie as much as Republicans…I want my mommy you can’t post here anymore even though your response had links from the same newsource I used in my OP…waa…



The centrist thing made me laugh. OP talked about the left and the civil rights act. He obviously doesn’t know his own party.


I’m equal opportunity…been banned by DU and FR.


@$#!@ computers……@7 was me.


CI…haha. Me too. I tried once to play their side and tricked them into common sense and was banned. I love to make them eat their own stupidity…

Veritas Omnia Vincit

@8-@9 what got me banned was some little bubble head chick talking about the long history of racism of the Republicans, when I pointed out that 2 republicans were responsible for breaking the filibuster of the civil rights act in ’64 and that JFK as a matter of political expediency voted against the “57 act along with Al Gore’s dad, she chastised me by saying she meant the long history since Bush Jr…meaning only the last 10 years or so. When I asked for examples she didn’t have any, and the next time I tried to log on…well my posting privileges had been revoked…

A bunch of pussies who can’t defend their positions so they ban opposing views and they don’t understand why they are struggling to win elections. When you are so out of touch with the electorate that you won’t hear anyone with an opposing view it should be obvious why your opinions and candidates are not respected. The sad part is they think it’s because those with a differing view are all bigoted morons as opposed to just people with an opposing opinion on how to solve our nation’s problems. Not much chance of bipartisan anything with extremes like this on the left and the right. The article about denigrating centrists shows exactly what is happening on both sides of the aisle at the extremes, when there is no political compromise there is no actual progress. If we start voting out all these 4ssholes who won’t negotiate with each other after a single term the candidates might get the message that we actually expect them to get to work and stop f#cking around with our money and our future. I doubt that will happen though because we are extremely lazy voters and we don’t vote for the other side, even to send a message. It would be very interesting to see what happens if every incumbent was voted out for 2-3 cycles in a row…


The thing that makes me chuckle is they say Yahoo comments section is full of nothing but right wing trolls since it is not their precious echo chamber and actually allows differing opinions.


I also got banned after just one comment. They were going on and on complaining that right wing sites were deleting comments and not allowing free speech. I replied with 5 words that got me banned, “kinda like you do here?”.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

@12 nice…so much for an opposing view.

Mutual admiration societies tend to be like that, when you’re not an admirer they have some difficulty with you.


I replied with 5 words that got me banned, “kinda like you do here?”.

Irony…it’s not just what chicks do to your clothes before making you a sandwich.