Occupy Obama Campaign

| August 17, 2012

It looks like the far-Left isn’t happy with Obama either. In a link sent to us by GI Jane and Claymore, a few dozen occupied Obama’s Portland campaign headquarters to protest the treatment of Breanna Manning who is being tried for releasing thousands of classified documents.

Scott Olsen seems to have been there, although he left before the voluntary arrests began. “Once bitten…”, but not before he quipped that he sure would like to urinate in a police car.

Yeah, I said “voluntary arrests”. If you’ve ever been to a protest in recent years, the hippies coordinate with the police as to who will be arrested and when. We’re so civil here in the US.

The local news was a little more sympatico with Olsen when they said;

Some of the seven protesters sitting inside wore t-shirts reading “Iraq Veterans Against the War,” including Scott Olsen, an Iraq War veteran seriously injured by a police projectile during an Occupy Oakland protest on Oct. 25.

I’m not sure that it was ever determined to be a “police projectile” Was it? I mean determined in the way rational people determine things…like not taking the word of hippies.

But, it sure is nice to see IVAW doing things to help injured veterans like they did for about a minute sometime last year. Obviously, they’re back on the fund raising train and linked to Veterans For Peace, those lying pretenders;

Many of the Oakland protesters claim to be associated with Veterans for Peace, a prominent fixture in the institutional left’s anti-war movement.

Well, we can certain that if the IVAW and the VFP are involved there are few, if any, real veterans of the current wars, or any other war, for that matter at the protest.

The protesters said in a statement that they were demanding that President Obama apologize for statements they said he made regarding Manning’s guilt, that the president ensures soldiers are free from pre-trial punishment, alleging that Manning was held in long periods of isolation, and that Manning be pardoned.

Ain’t that precious? They think that taking over a campaign headquarters will impact the Manning trial. Little naive dicks that they are.

Category: Antiwar crowd, I hate hippies, Occupy

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“I mean determined in the way rational people determine things…like not taking the word of hippies.”



And to think Obama and the ‘Occupy’ derelicts used to be such pals.
We ought to have a caption contest for Olsen’s picture.

I’ll start:

“Girly-girls for Bradley Manning”


It is all a sham.

No matter what in the end these people will still vote for Obama. You always see these libs and Obama lovers spout off about how unhappy they are with him, etc. etc. Like some of those celebs.

But when it comes to election time they’ll still vote for their guy.

Similar to a lover’s quarrel or spat, just a minor distraction before kissing and making up.


“Some of the seven protesters sitting inside wore t-shirts reading”

Wow, I hope they had room for all of them in that office. I’m guessing the SWAT team had to call guys like Wittgenfeld and Tim Poe as reinforcements to deal with sooooo many. Must’ve needed a charter bus to take all the “Arrest Volunteers” to jail. Come to think of it, that kind of fits something: The new AV Squad.

Tman @3: If that ain’t the truth, an anal dwelling butt monkey will be popping out of my fourth point of contact sometime in November.


Oh shit, he must have got his skull thumped harder than everyone thought.

Joe Williams

Desparately seeking attention.


There’s been an update:
Guess who posted a video on YouTube.
“Following last night’s coordinated protests, which included the occupation of Obama campaign headquarters in Oakland, California and Portland, Oregon, video footage from inside the building in Oakland has surfaced.

The video depicts protesters tussling with Obama campaign staff, most of whom are female, while another protester speaks on his cell phone with an unnamed individual as he summarizes the demands of the occupiers. At just about the 1:30 mark, the situation escalates and chaos ensues. Yelling can be heard from both sides, chairs can be heard being tossed around, and pushing and shoving is seen on camera.
“This is our space, get out of here!” screams one of the campaign office staffers to the protesters. “This man is a veteran!” one protester responds. “These are Obama’s wars!” yells another of the protesters.

While Occupy Oakland members participated in the protest, the majority of those inside the campaign office were also with Veterans for Peace, a prominent fixture in the institutional left’s anti-war movement.

Another video from Olsen depicts a protester in the Oakland campaign office reading the group’s demands from a bullhorn. Those demands focus on “statements of guilt” that Obama has made about PFC Bradley Manning — the soldier who currently faces trial for providing classified materials to the whistleblower website Wikileaks — according to the protesters, as well as complaints about Obama’s promises to end the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.”

Obama, Pelosi, Reid, and the rest of the Dem cabal fed the maws of the ‘Occupy’ mob, but they cannot control them.

Karma’s a bitch.


Chairs being tossed?! Hope that dumbass remembered to DUCK this time. He won’t be able to sustain much more brain damage. As far as the other occuturds, it seems the monster this regime created has turned on them.


This is the one year anniversary of Occupy Wall Street, so the Occupiers are back in New York City to do their thing, trashing the place again.

The difference is that this time, there are police on foot, mounted police, squad cars and wagons, and barricades everywhere the marones want to penetrate that part of the city.