The Duffel Blog; cast of “Stars Earn Stripes” dead
Yeah, it seems that Stars Earn Stripes couldn’t avoid the satire at The Duffel Blog;
The entire cast of the the military-themed reality television show Stars Earn Stripes has been killed in Afghanistan, according to a statement released today from NBC.
“This is really an unfortunate tragedy,” said NBC Executive Andrew Jacobson. “These stars were trained by real professionals and given lots of fake Hollywood-style action shots. We thought that it would be fitting for the final assault of the season to take place in Afghanistan on the front lines with no help from their professional instructors.”
I’m glad that they gave Nick Lachey the most gruesome death – he really deserved it.
Category: Satire
I wonder if it was a HALO jump with thousands of other operators like our Fecal Four buddy, Oliver….
Dammit that’s funny shit right there!
all this talk about this show, I may have to find a place to DL it out here and check it out.
I wouldn’t recommend that torture, Former3co.
Agreed. Just watch the Action Figure Therapy recap.
I laughed so hard I nearly wet myself at that one!
What? No Todd Palin beheading?! I’m so disappointed.
These people weren’t even A-list celebrities, why try and ransom those rejects when it was so much more fun to cut off their balls?
I admit it–I LOL’ed. HARD.
I have a story about this which mentions and has a link to AFT as well Steve Colbert who has the line of the day…. See below….
As for former 98 Degrees singer Nick Lachey, who described being on the show as a “once-in-a-lifetime experience for people like myself to step in there and get in the trenches,” Colbert quipped, “Yes, once in a lifetime, other than all the times you could have enlisted.”
That was by far the funniest article that TDB has published. I’ve been a fan for awhile, and I damn near pissed myself laughing!
Sylvester Stallone is reportedly seeking new “celebrities” to appear in a Stars Earn Stripes clone, which will be marketed under the “Expendables” brand.
Um, Andy? You got to edit your story…last line “ahve” vs “have” Just saying lil bro….As for that asshat Wesley er “Weasle” er Waco Clark? Did his retirement pay run out?
@12. Thanks. Was writing three things at the same time when I put that up. Caught four typos but missed that one. Appreciate the help.
This can’t ne true! Please tell me they are OK. NOT.
I still have not watched the show and have only seen the commericals!
I predict that Grady Powell will shag Eve Torres senseless!