Dishonorable Disclosures

| August 15, 2012

The folks at the Special Operations (OPSEC) Political Committee sent us this video, if you have 22 minutes to spend, it’s a good video and clearly explains why they oppose this administration and the impact of the leaks that Administration has made for political gain.

Intelligence and Special Operations forces are furious and frustrated at how President Obama and those in positions of authority have exploited their service for political advantage. Countless leaks, interviews and decisions by the Obama Administration and other government officials have undermined the success of our Intelligence and Special Operations forces and put future missions and personnel at risk.

Category: 2012 election, Barack Obama/Joe Biden

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The battery on my phone won’t survive a 22 min video, but I find it disturbing that the opsec committee would air this out publicly for a few reasons. I won’t get into those without watching the video but I hope a couple of them would be obvious.


I understand these frustrations but I feel on the whole that it does a disservice to the community of quiet professionals to be so outwardly political. It also seems unlikely to me that all of the leaks are the fault of the Obama camp. Some, certainly, but others have hurt his credibility and standing within his own electorate. It seems far more likely that each side has leaked things aimed at achieving their own goals.


[…] this video at This Ain’t Hell. The folks at the Special Operations (OPSEC) Political Committee made a video that clearly explains […]


Watched and shared…not in my lane any more and not much else I can do

charles williamson

what is the other purpose for the involvers in this productivity? get this authorized and keep this quite.we must dezert and prospect.charles f williamson state gov.sec.3330.


The bottom line is that agents and special operators are being compromised and endangered. That needs to come out. I don’t blame them for speaking up on their own behalf; their trust has been betrayed. Their lives are on the line. If they can’t trust the people in power to protect them, then the next option is for them to try and protect themselves.

Common Sense

#2 All of the leaks under discussion came from the White House, what other “side” is there?

There’s nothing in the video that hasn’t already been discussed elsewhere. The difference are the special operations folks who explain why these leaks are so bad for our country and our allies.

I think that if the leaks weren’t so egregious and so damaging, these PACs wouldn’t have formed. Even Diane Feinstein, of all people, was appalled.

bama man

there is a very good reason to bring this out our men and women in uniform have died and some will die as a result of this if you dont see it our way you are no better than obama and the rest of those sorry basturds and bitchs that support bullshit like that hell move to iran or join obamas muslim brotherhood cause you are not American!GOD BLESS THE USA


MSN and the NYT have an article today about OPSEC and “Dishonorable Disclosures.” Interesting.


When leadership is as stupid and careless and reckless and pure anti American and endangers the lives of real Americans…it needs to be told and accountability needs to be demanded. If our leaders in Congress, the Senate and the Judiciary won’t hold him accountable then it is incumbent on the men involved and those of us who support them to do it ourselves.

Mary Ann

This hit so close to home for me, I had to blog about it! These men have EVERY right to let the public know of their concerns.


Eric Boehlert over at Media Matters took to Twitter this morning telling the SEALs they, “don’t have guts.”

For a guy who wouldn’t have made it past morning PT the first morning of BUD/S, she sure does talk a pretty good game….

(and yes, the “she” was intentional.)

Yat Yas 1833

Eric Boehlert is the reason there are laws against incest! He’s living proof that relationships like that cause mental retardation.


[…] Boehlert, the partisan flack August 16th, 2012 For those of you who missed Sparky’s link in the comments, here’s the Twitter shot of Eric Boehlert’s remark about the folks of Special […]

Paula rubin

I am the wife of ret command sgt maj special forces of the original 300 long before the green beret. Listening to the pres of the USA disclosing classified inf and putting that poor doctor in prison was mind boggling. My mouth just dropped open. I couldn’t believe my ears. I can’t figure out if he is just plain stupid or just evil. I hope and pray every and all military personnel get that crazy man out of office before he kills someone. The biggest question I have is nothing legal was done about it through our congress. Senators. Is the man on drugs? Our guys had to be tied down practically when Hanoi Jane put their lives in jeopardy. We had friends in prison only feet from. So many died. Twenty years later some at convention still talk about their hate for


The pollyannas that impute nefarious motives to the OPSEC people are trolls. It’s past the time that for the people most endangered by the policies of the megalomaniac in the White House. They have the standing and the knowledge that most people do not. Of course, the progtards and liberal weenies will denigrate them, their concerns, and their mission, just like Democrats and their fellow travelers always do.


OPSEC. Spot on. Nothing more to say!

Capt. Ahab

This video and the people behind it are trash – its a pack of lies and half truths put out by a Political Machine – you know “swift boating” – if you look at the facts it is obvious who is behind this and why –

but to so many hate filled “patriots” they will see and hear what they want


Figures that someone from a deep blue state would chime in and make this political – as well as use a swiftboat reference. They just love claiming that term is pejorative vice expository.

How is the weather in south-central MA today, “Capt. Ahab”? Or does a dozen or so miles north of Springfield qualify as “western MA”?

Joe Williams

I think if this happened during Kornea or WW2, someone or somebodies would be serving a life sentence or excuted. For some reason the word impeachment keeps coming to mind. Joe


@18″…The people behind it are trash…”

I think that’s a nice summation of the way liberals/”progressives” view not just our SOF folks but Warfighters in general.

I was once told, “Those that can’t do, criticize.”


I am sharing this video everywhere.

My gripe with this video is the kermit-voice muppet narrator. Can’t these guys score a professional voice-over?


[…] can’t wait for the movie August 20th, 2012 Sparky sent us this video. It proves that the OPSEC folks are on the right […]


[…] him after watching this video from MSNBC in which he faces off with Navy Seal, Gabriel Gomez, from the OPSEC folks. Gomez actually gives credit to President Obama for making the decision to go after bin Laden at […]


[…] August 22nd, 2012 SO, it had to begin; folks are beginning to come out to criticize the people at OPSEC who released a video last week complaining that the Obama Administration is releasing secrets for political purposes and […]


Rep. Peter King (R-NY) is the Chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee, currently investigating the leaks of classified material pertaining to the raid on UBL’s compound to the public. He appears to be a no-nonsense man, so I made some notes during his interview this afternoon.

He specifically referenced the following things under investigation:
– information from recent conferences that came from the White House
– information that could only have come from the White House, e.g., flight patterns followed by the helicopters during the raid — these were top secret
– detail released about the raid that was unparallelled by anything previous, including information about classified operations during World War II, which were not declassified until more than 30 years later
– the operations in Yemen in May and June; only a small number of people knew about that
He said what has been done is indefensible by any standard.

Diane Feinstein (not interviewed) has confirmed that some of the information is coming from the Oval Office, the White House ranks.
Mr. King was visibly angry when he spoke about these things.


Can someone put a ‘ban’ on these eklablog spamsters?
