A year ago today

| August 6, 2012

Kilo writes to remind us that a year ago today was the largest loss of life in a single day for the special operations community. This link from Jennifer Harper at the Washington Times;

“A most sobering anniversary: August 6. It marks the most serious and heaviest loss of life for our SEAL community in their illustrious service to our country,” says Rep. Scott E. Rigell, who reminds the nation of the helicopter crash one year ago in the Wardak province of Afghanistan that killed 25 members of Navy SEAL Team 6, along with five U.S. Army National Guard and Army Reserve crewmen, one civilian interpreter, seven Afghan commandos and a military working dog. The twin-rotor CH-47 helicopter was brought down by a rocket-propelled grenade; the Taliban were quick to take credit for the attack, which Defense Secretary Leon E. Panetta deemed “a reminder that we remain a nation still at war.”

Mr. Rigell read on the House floor the Albert Carey Caswell poem “We stood” which was written in memory of the fallen special operations folks that day. Here it is in it’s entirety from Mr. Rigel’s House.gov page;

so you can sleep!
While, out across our Nation our Mothers now so weep!
WE FOUGHT, so you can live!
All in such blessed peace–that which our most selfless sacrifice so gives!
As all in such pain and heartache our families must now so live!
so you could sleep!
Upon that Bed of Freedom so very sweet!
As to all of you, our promises WE did so keep!
As it was all for you, WE now so sleep!
So Sleep, all in such cold dark quiet graves so very deep!
All of our most precious lives!
While, all of our brothers in arms did so cry … and did not ask why!
As WE so raised our hands so way up high!
And so swore to pledge our most precious lives!
To make a stand!
To make a difference with it all!
As WE so gave that last full measure while standing tall!
As WE died and bled!
To so keep all of our most solemn vows of honor, said!
As why out across our nation our FAMILIES now so weep!
All but for the greater good, WE so gave all we could!
As WE pray now to our Lord their fine souls to so keep!
For THEY so stood for what was right!
All with their most brilliant souls so burning bright!
As THEY died, all for that old Red, White, and Blue this sight!
As into that face of evil, THEY so marched off casting their most heroic lights!
To so go forth, all in such a most brilliant force to fight!
Was but THEIR most sacred battle cry … call!
Because, moments … are all that WE so have!
To make a difference! To hear that call!
To change the world! To go off so boldly with flags unfurled!
Troops mount up, as Heaven calls!
Move on! Move out!
As there are 30 more new angels, in the army of Our Lord …
To fight that battle, who shall not pause!
To so watch over us all!
And then there comes a gentle rain, their tears will wash down upon us so to remain!
To ease our pain, so we won’t have to cry anymore!
As forever in our hearts YOUR most sacred names, WE will carry ALL!
Because, YOU died so WE can sleep!
Upon, that Bed of Freedom … YOUR Gift of Peace!
As now WE LAY YOUR FINE BODIES down to rest, to sleep!

Aunty Brat names names.

Category: Terror War

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Rest in peace, men. And may God continue to comfort the families of the fallen.


That poem gave me chills… Thanks Jonn.


In memory of Extortion 17 Soilders and SEALs of DEV GRU From WEB SITE http://extortion17.com/ Remember Our Brothers This story was posted to David Carter’s Facebook page by his and Bryan Nichols’ friend, Randy Conrad. Thanks Randy. VERY emotional. The crew of CH-47D 89-00175 call sign Extortion 17 were men that I was honored to have worked with here in Afghanistan. Just a few hours ago at 0630 this morning we were able to have a small memorial here on the FOB honoring them. The ceremony was held at the Task Force Knighthawk Headquarters Flag Pole. The flag stood at half mast as three staggered formations of solders were individually called to attention and then to parade rest. Around the sides of the small gathering stood a few hundred soldiers, all in their own micro formations. These small formations happened without any orders to do so. You see, every heart here was centered on giving every ounce of respect to these men whom they quite sincerely call brothers. Every bit of order and decency seemed to automatically happen without anyone choreographing it. Truly a beautiful sight to behold. The three main formations consisted of the three companies of Task Force Knighthawk. In the middle and closest to the Flag was Bravo Company. It was from B Co that these hero’s came from. B Co is made up of two National Guard units, one from Kansas and the other from Colorado. Both units lost their brothers on that fateful August 6th. Directly in front of me was standing (at parade rest) a Staff Sergeant that was holding in his hand, behind his back, a rosary. Through the entire ceremony I noted him taking long drawn breaths and continuously and methodically moving his fingers over each bead in that rosary. I wish I was able to capture that on film as it was truly moving for me to see. Amongst the micro formations surrounding the ceremony were formations of Czech Soldiers, Jordanian Soldiers and Afghan Soldiers. They too were all standing in properly arranged formations out of genuine respect. The Ceremony began… Read more »


ALWAYS remembered, with gratitude and respect. (Will be adding a link here to my own post of all the names of those we lost.)


Over the last year, I have exchanged a few letters with Special Warfare Operator Petty Officer 1st Class (SEAL/Parachutist) Christopher G. Campbell’s family. Chris asked that donations in his memory be made to the Wounded Warrior project to aid his brothers and sisters. So, if you have some spare change and the feeling moves you, please make a contribution in his memory.


@ 5 … Is that Susan from NH Blue Star?


@6 – Nope, I am in Atlanta.