Vietnam veteran lawyer catches the PTSD and steals from client

| July 30, 2012

Silicon Valley’s Mercury News tells the tale of a decorated Vietnam veteran, Eugene Hannon, who used his position as an officer of the court to steal funds from his client meant for child support of the client’s children so he could spend it on himself. Like he’d never get caught. And then he leans on the old PTSD crutch;

Hannon argued that he suffered from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, alcoholism, numerous ailments and other family issues that led to his behavior. But a state bar judge in San Francisco found him culpable on four of five counts stemming from a family court case he started litigating a decade ago.

Good on the court to see through that bullshit. PTS is losing it’s value when cum bubbles like Hannon try to use it an excuse for their bad behavior. So he’s been disbarred, but mother of the children from whom he stole hasn’t got back a penny of the tens of thousands of dollars Hannon spent.

Someone ought to check into his records to see if he is even a Vietnam veteran, as well as his claim to be “heavily decorated”.

Hannon suffered from numerous health conditions, including nearly dying from an intestinal blockage, and stress from family issues and a house fire, his attorney said. The “heavily decorated Vietnam War veteran,” who served from 1966 to 1969, had a clean record over 28 years of litigating and suffers from post-traumatic stress disorder and depression, along with alcoholism, according to the ruling.

I don’t usually doubt the claims of a veteran when it comes to PTS, but if they’re using it as a legal defense, I’ll question it every time.

Category: Shitbags

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PTSD. Again. And again, and again…

Green Thumb

@1. Yep.

There I was, cooking eggs, when the enemy overran mess hall…


Isn’t PTS a new excuse for being a self-centered, thieving jackass?


We need a vaccine.

Not for PTSD.

For lawyers. God save us from lawyers.


…TSO excepted from the above statement, of course. 😉

Come to think of it, if more lawyers were like TSO, I wouldn’t have had to MAKE that statement.