Made My Day!

| July 4, 2012

No power, no water here, but THIS cracked me up!

This the text, but ya gotta watch the video:

Be PREPARED – supply yourself for the Zombie Apocalypse with Zombie Max™ ammunition from Hornady®! Loaded with PROVEN Z-Max™ bullets… yes PROVEN Z-Max™ bullets (have you seen a Zombie?). Make sure your “bug out bag” is ready with nothing but the best!

And you think us preppers are nuts?

Category: Geezer Alert!

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Joe Williams

Great marketing ploy. For the gullible


I bought a box just to have one


This very serious … the Zombie thing that is. If you were here in NYC when Occupy Wall Street was stinking up lower Manhattan, you too would have seen that we truly need such ammunition for these Zombie creatures.

Southern Class

I too, think it is a great marketing ploy. Just like the
“Silver Bullet Gun Oil” containing 13% pig fat, for shooting Jihadists. Bought a bottle myself, and use it regularly. Having the barrel greased with pig fat assures the jihadist a denial of meeting allah, and his 72 virgins.
Whatever it takes to boost sales…..


Then again, saw somewhere today that lovers of liberty have been officially declared as terrorists? (No idea where that was. Am hoping I imagined it…)

Yat Yas 1833

I’ll keep buying my bullets at “Shooter’s World” and put the money saved in my grandkids college funds. It IS a good marketing ploy, though!


Now, that right there is flat out funny. Don’t care who ya are.


Their ammo is on the pricier side. Ted Nugent is releasing his brand this month.

Country Singer

Leupold has a zombie scope. Zombie crap is all the latest rage.


Basically Hornady TAP with a green not red ball. Good ammo, but you should be able to find it at slightly lower prices than the TAP.

Toothless Dawg

Try I’ve used them for years

CI Rollder Dude

When I do disaster training for citizens, I always slip in a thing about Zombies. In my training, they’re the scumbag looters that come around and take shit after a disaster. They are mindless, don’t care and will steal anything. So be prepared with good headshots. Why a head shot? Because this fucking ammo is about One Dollar a round and you don’t want to waste it.

Joe Williams

Ka-Bar even has a line (mupile hoices) of Zombie knifes.


The ammo has been out for quite a while now. I ended up with several boxes (00-buck, .223, 9mm, and 2 .45ACP) for Christmas.

There is also a series of shooting competitions that use the zombie theme and Cold Steel did an interesting piece on how their blades, ‘hawks, and SF shovels stack up in Zombie CQVC.


Preparing for the zombie Apocalypse isn’t nuts… complete sane.