…and he needs to get that stuff off his ears, too

| June 29, 2012

Fort Hood murderer Nidal Hasan’s trial will continue despite the fact that he has resisted shaving off his beard, I guess because those chicks in prison, and by “chicks” I mean Tiny and Bubba, dig hairy bears. Associated Press reports;

Gross said Friday that top Army officials had rejected Hasan’s request for a religious exemption – due to his Islamic faith – to the rule banning beards. An appeals court also denied a defense request to overturn the judge’s decision last week to bar Hasan from the courtroom unless he shaves.

Hasan watched Friday’s hearing from a closed-circuit television in a nearby room, as he did during last week’s hearing.

“I could have him held down and have someone shave him, but I’m not prepared to do that at this time,” Gross said.

I’ll volunteer to shave his monkey ass without even a court order – just give me the key. And by the looks of the photo, he needs a haircut, too.

Gross also denied a defense request to step down as the trial judge, disputing allegations that he was biased against Hasan.

Lead defense attorney Lt. Col. Kris Poppe said the judge had asked defense attorneys to clean up a court restroom after Gross found a medical waste bag, adult diaper and what appeared to be feces on the floor after a hearing earlier this month.

It’s only appropriate that the defense team clean up Hasan’s shit, since that’s what they’re doing during the trial anyway. It turns out that it was mud from a guard’s boots, but they might as well get used to it…you know, find where they keep the mops and buckets and the buffer.

Category: Shitbags, Terror War

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If you get the chance, you can use my weed eater.


Why not send Gross a No-No? It not only gets rid of that ugly hair on your arms and that unibrow, it also crystallizes it so that it grows in slowly. I think you can get a two-fer on that product.

Using religious preference as an excuse to be a slob does not hold much weight with me, especially if this person wants a neutral jury.


Sorry, that’s my post above.

Yat Yas 1833

@ 1 Mike. Don’t you think that’s a little harsh? I mean aren’t we, as veterans, supposed to represent America’s best? I have my grandfather’s SCYTHE!? Fifty years ago my father taught my brothers and I how to use a file to put a sharp edge on any kinda blade.


This guy makes me want to puke! Why the hell are they molly-coddling this friggin terrorist turd?


So the defense will take every chance to make this trial a joke? Is this a precurser to the ksm trial?


Now you see — there exists, a PROBLEM !!
Near the top of this page:
“Be the first of your friends to like this.”

Then, IMMEDIATELY NEARBY — photo of MAJ !@#$% !!

Please, no more requests for my (fleeting admiration ??) !!


No. 4 Yat Yas 1833:
“Fifty years ago my father taught my brothers and I how to use a file to put a sharp edge on any kinda blade.”

Fifty Years ago — SHARP MEN, were WANTED .
What sort is wanted today ?? —
“Professionals” like MAJ Hassan ??

Just Plain Jason

Can’t we just pretend this is NCO business? His ass would show up to court clean shaven every day.

Now I just wish they would do a lottery for the firing squad, I will settle for general population at the Detention Barracks…I think there are a few guys there who may be criminals, but they would have no problem sending this shitbag to whatever hell awaits him.


I take that hairy blob off his shoulders.A nice close shave.


While you’re at it, would you shave the mohair off his back, too? Thanks!


Maybe he went nuts because he wanted to be a rastafarian but didn’t have the hair for the dreadlocks…

Yat Yas 1833

@ 8 DR_BRETT, amen to that! I was raised by a man who was at Utah Beach and “wouldn’t stand for any BS”! I’m that same kinda man and my son is like both of us! I am confident my grandson will grow up to be like all three of us.


@4 He should use the Weed Eater for the trim work and the scythe to finish. Should make him presentable.


No. 4, No. 14:

Now don’t come unglued, but I LIKE the John Wayne 1968 Hollywood
(pre-Hollowwood) Movie “The Green Berets”
(NO, I was NOT a Green Beret, not near or close),
and the great song sung at the opening of the movie includes “AMERICA’S BEST” in its words
(if memory serves — and MY memory IS — MY SERVANT) .


I find it hilarious that he was in the military for how many years as a practicing Muslim and only NOW decided to seek exemption for religious reasons…

The fact that he waited until he committed a crime to “seek solidarity with his Muslim brothers” tells me that it was not work place violence. It was an act of terrorism, plain and simple.

Someone should show him the arrest picture of KSM. There was a “good Muslim” who had his beard shaved off. Well, except for that rat on his upper lip.


Looks like he’s been working on that far off, crazed muslim extremist glare in his eyes to complete the picture.


OR, he just shit his pants.


Funny thing about two trials:

KSM is a jihadist who wants to go to trial looking like a military officer; http://cbsn.ws/LAhc95

Nidal Hasan is a military officer who wants to go to trial looking like a jihadist.


This is a quote about KSM from that article:

“He is, in many ways, an attention junkie,” (John MIller CBS News senior correspondent.)

I think that says it all, and says it about all of them, including those who claim valor but have none.


C’mon guys. Using a blade gives him a chance to squirm and induce cuts for propaganda purposes. He can then claim he’s being abused in prison.

I own a Persian cat. Scissors work quite well to trim the hair short without inflicting cuts. And Magic Shave (or Nair) won’t allow him to engineer cuts for propaganda purposes.

And if he doesn’t cooperate, restraints can be used which leave no marks.


21. Hondo might be on to something. Maybe jihad Johnny here wanted to be forcefully shaved so he can show the nicks as mistreatmemt.

B Woodman

Good idea. Use the Nair. . . . all over. Make “him” more presentable for “Bubba” when he gets to the Big Jail.


What a shitbird…I like the weed eater suggestion. Re-string it with piano wire.