Eugene Robinson; spectacular ignorance

| June 22, 2012

I really avoid Eugene Robinson at the Washington Post because he’s so ignorant and partisan, that you can expect him to write things that you’d normally hear on a street corner from a homeless bum explaining his poverty. Robinson “won” a Pulitzer in 2009 for cutting and pasting Obama campaign talking points into the Washington Post. But today, I started reading his column before I realized that it was his. It’s Robinson’s illogical defense of the Attorney General, because, according to Robinson, it was the guns that killed Brian Terry not criminals, and the Justice Department that armed them.

What should Congress be investigating? The obvious first step is learning how officials in two administrations convinced themselves it was sensible to stand back and watch as powerful weapons passed into the hands of Mexican drug smugglers.

Then Congress should look into the overall flow of firearms from the United States into Mexico. The Fast and Furious weapons were just a small part of a much larger problem. Mexican officials have complained for years that lax U.S. gun laws have the effect of worsening drug-related violence along the border. The damage done by cocaine, marijuana and methamphetamine smuggled north across the border is mirrored by the damage done by guns smuggled south.

If Issa really wants to save U.S. and Mexican lives, he should convene hearings on banning the sale of high-powered weapons. I think Holder would be happy to testify.

I’m more than sure that Holder would love to testify about high powered weapons – that was the whole point of F&F. It was a way to demonstrate that guns in the US were being used in the war across the border. But the Obama Administration is more than a little upset that we discovered that it was the Obama Administration that was sending weapons into Mexico by allowing criminals to bypass the laws we had in place to prevent that activity. And it was so that the Obama Administration could subvert the Second Amendment and justify more regulations targeted at legal gun buyers.

Maybe Congress should also look into silverware exports to Mexico, too, because the way Mexicans are using spoons are making them fat.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden

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Here’s a little tidbit that ignorant sack of fuck is ignoring. Most military style weapons enter Mexico from Central and South America, not the US.

And the Obunghole administration didn’t just ALLOW illegally-purchased weapons to walk their way to Mexican drug cartels. They actively encouraged straw purchases, putting American gun shops in a bad situation and pressuring them to make sales they knew were suspicious or illegal.


The best way to save Mexican and American lives would be to:

a} – Begin an active liberal eradication program in the USA as those beliefs pose a serious threat to our nation.

b} – Bring all our troops home from the Sandbox. After some needed R&R invade Mexico and restore the country’s sovereignty.

Old Tanker

That’s kinda like Mexico allowing drugs to be smuggled into the US to ban drugs…..oh wait, they are banned and we still have a problem? That worked well, I’m sure banning gun sales will keep them out of the hands of criminals….


Screw invading Mexico, bring them home and setup military bases all across the southern border. Anyone comes across and have our guys deal with it.


Just DMZ the border like the 38th parallel. Make it insanely difficult to move between the countries and that stops a large portion of trafficking of people, drugs, or government-sponsored weapons smuggling.


Every time I read something like this, I find myself daydreaming at my local gunstore.


Lefties know how to stay on message and they never let the facts get in the way of that message, you have to admire that (in a perverse sort of way).


Another great explanation, simple and clear, from This Ain’t Hell (yes, that is objective) —
The “Main” Stream Media is not nearly as good .


“…it was the guns that killed Brian Terry not criminals…”

If you can blame the death on the gun, then I can blame misspelled words on my pencil. If a liberal says it doesn’t work that way, then I’ll use the pencil to show them a cool magic trick I learned watching a Batman movie!

Ban the sales of guns? Why? Would that stop the problem? NO! It would just make the law-abiding citizen prey for the criminal who breaks the law to buy a gun. We made drug use illegal, but criminals are still using drugs. We make driving while intoxicated illegal, but criminals are still doing that, too!

I really like your idea about turning the southern border into an area like the DMZ. Mine it and security control the entire length. IF anyone can actually make it through without getting caught, then give them citizenship after a stint in the military because they would have earned it. If not, replant the mine they stepped on and throw some dirt over what’s left of them.


We mostly seem to be of one mind here – securing the border. No matter what else is or is not done, that is the essential first step.

Very similar to controlling debt by first accumulating no additional debt.

Oh, wait. Their poor little delusional selves don’t see that obvious fact either. So, yeah, guess we just have to go along with their proclamation that guns are the problem, not criminal intent which would clearly continue even if we could wave a magic wand making every gun on Earth disappear.


Meth is smuggled north from Mexico? I thought that crap was home-brewed crap.

Oh, guys, you can’t turn the border into a DMZ. How would all those slacker college kids get into Mexico Lindo for a drinking and whoring weekend?

Anyone who thinks gun control works hasn’t read the news reports about the shootings at a school in Scotland a few years ago, or the more recent shooting at a school in Toulouse in France. Both of those countries have gun control laws. Shooters are shooters, and gun control just puts more guns in the hands of criminals.

I suppose that if, somehow, someone actually managed to get gun control passed in this country (and lived to tell the tale), there would be subsequent efforts to ban compound bows, crossbows, Renaissance Faire swords, and kitchen knives.


Well, it’s the usual:

1. Blame Bush. Always. Never stop blaming Bush.

We know there was a gun walking operation under Bush. We know the gunrunners were too smart for the BATFE. We know that Mexico and American police operating legally in Mexico knew what was going on. The operation failed, and was shut down in 2007. There was an almost 2 year gap between the operation under Bush, and the ones under Obama (yes, Virginia, more than one).

2. No one ever told the Mexicans, or the American police operating legally in Mexico. Therefore there was no attempt at tracing the weapons once they went south of the border – where, we are told, the targets of the operation (Mexican leaders of narco-cartels) live.

So why have an operation that is to trace the route of a gun from an American gun shop owner (selling under strict orders from American police) to a Mexican drug kingpin if the trace stops at the border (and did it really start at the gun shop?)?

Spoken in Obamese: it’s like playing golf without any clubs, and we know Holder doesn’t have the balls.

3. The guns were also used to murder American citizens, and may still be murdering innocent Chicagoans by the bushel every damn weekend.

4. Blame Bush. Always. Expect this to increase, and expect the usual suspects (looking at you Robinson) to lie their asses off.

Holder and company will get away with this. He has the Presidential Pardon for any crimes associated with F&F. The only way to hold him accountable will be for the Terry family (and the families of all the others) to sue him in civil court (a la OJ) and get a judgement against Holder and company.


If Issa really wants to save U.S. and Mexican lives, he should convene hearings on banning the sale of high-powered weapons.

Ban the sale of high-powered weapons to (by?) the Obama Administration!


– Fast & Fony
– Fony & Furious

Which is it, or is it both ??
(phony & phony)


Dear Mr. Eugene (uh,um,stammer,more stammer) Robinson,

Shouldn’t you be spending all of your time writing critical pieces on Kenyan born President Barry Dunham Soetoro Obama
(If that is even his real name)? Our distinguished POTUS who has traveled to 57 states, played 100 rds. of golf, proves he is just a regular joe w/ vacays on Marths’s Vineyard, and was surprised to learn Austria speaks German (not Austrian).
Need some ideas? Mmm…what abouts:

1. Oblamebushma sealing his records that includes medical, college transcripts, student aid (foreign student aid)?, and social security administration documents. Whats he hiding? If Dubya did such a thing there would be national outcry.
2. So Barry is given the Nobel Peace Prize-than procedes to use drones to bring forth mighty vengeance. How the hell is this any better than Dubya admin. capturing & interrogating suspects for intel? And Bush was the evil one? Not Nobel prize material right? Slaying the enemy along w/collateral damage (women & children) is just peaches & cream – you get fast tracked for Nobel actually. Dubya would be put on trial for war crimes however.
3. Bambi invoking executive privelege over Fast and Furious documents is totally acceptable-right Eugene? Has to protect his boy Holder right? Without Holder, who else can obstruct investigations into White House misdeeds? Who else is going to protect The New Black Panthers so they can intimidate republican voters, or ACORN from registering dead people & illegal aliens so they can vote for Kenyan Obama? Who indeed.
Kenyan Obama expressed outrage when Bush invoked EP over U.S. attorneys scandal-Barry asked what Bush was hiding. Dubya got raked over coals by media–yes, looking at you Eugene Robinson. Think media will just ignore & bury this story? Does Eugene Robinson stutter?