Big Red One earmarked for Africa
Those of you at Fort Riley, KS, who thought your deployment days were over once Iraq and Afghanistan ended have a another “think” coming. According to the Stars & Stripes, you guys are scheduled to support the special forces operations currently going on in Africa;
The soldiers in the brigades will be trained on the culture and languages of the region using a training model similar to those used for Iraq and Afghanistan, said Col. Andrew Dennis, the Army’s chief of security cooperation policy and concepts.
The Fort Riley brigade is the first to be aligned under the new strategy.
“This does NOT mean 2-1 BCT is going to deploy, en masse, to Africa,” Dennis said.
Rather, smaller units from the brigade may be called at different times to do security force assistance and partnership-building missions, then return to the home base in the United States, with about 60 to 70 percent of the brigade deploying over the course of the regional alignment period, Dennis said.
So, I guess there will be squad-sized ice cream trucks for you to spread good humor throughout the region. It will probably involve no-bid contracts with Baskin-Robbins and Little Caesar’s Pizza (-Pizza). You’ll be supported by contractors from Chuck E. Cheese and will be charged with changing the meaning of “the happiest place on Earth”.
I noticed that “nation-building” has been altered to “partnership-building”. The goal hasn’t changed, but the name makes me feel warm and fuzzy. And putting a half-of-a-brigade on the ground insures that the hippies will be pleased about it – it’s not enough to have an impact on the strategy in the region, and still enough of a force to be a target for local insurgents.
By the way, where are the ANSWER creeps protesting our planned “occupation” of Africa? They were protesting a war in Afghanistan before we had one pair of boots on the ground there.
Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Military issues
Justification to continue with ARFORGEN. Afer Afghanistan goes away, there wil be no requirement for the big Army to generate against. Now the 1ID has it.
I also remember the NYT and MSM outlets calling Afghanistan a “quagmire” barely 24 hours after the first sorties against the Taliban.
I wonder where the Code Pinkos and ANSWER folks are with this decision? No blood for…shit, I got nuthin. Unless it’s Nigeria, in which case no blood for oil still works.
Hey guys, guys, guys; WCW is busy gathering up all the drooling moonbat celebrities to film another PSA showing these chuckleheads standing there like deer in the headlights. Plus, ANSWER is buying a full page of the NYT for the same drooling moonbats to have their signatures printed under the same from the PSA message.
As for my opinion of this? I think Obama is a warmonger that wants to occupy all those countries that were ever at war with Kenya or treated his father/grandfather badly (just as they claimed that was the reason Bush went into Iraq, for the attempt on his dad).
Gee, I surely miss
– the Ice Cream (“Good Humor”) trucks’ music
– DISNEYLAND (The Happiest Place On Earth)
But, I’m glad to be rid of (at least up close)
– dirty, rotten, worthless — hippies
I just checked to make sure I wasn’t reading the duffel blog…
Looks like we’re going to spend the next century chasing the damn Islamists all over the freakin’ map…
I would guess they are going to be tapped to support the DoS ACOTA program. We already have mentors from Djibouti, Italy and Germany supporting this program all over the continent. Also, not to nitpick but the article didn’t say they are supporting special forces operations… it said they could be called on “similar to how special operations forces are used.”
ANSWER probably thinks that since the troops will be “partner-building”, only US troops will be killed which is okay with them. 1st “partner” killed & there will be hell to pay.
#6 – Pinto, we are not at war with the Islamists. Remember, the Golfer-in-Chief told us that, we are at war with terrorists.
Okay, I am surprised that I could type all of that without retching.
Somehow I missed the transition… silly me, I always thought the first objective of the military was to get really good at breaking shit. Then other places would think “man, I don’t want to piss them off, they’ll come here and do a really great job of breaking MY shit.” Must be too simple a view.
SF is running on fumes. Now we send in a conventional unit to support them? Another mission that is not clearly defined? I hope it works out.
Active duty army units are all running on fumes really seems like a reserve unit should be in line for this….or some air force or navy unit that has hung around in the Mediterranean for a while. Do we really need to send a bct from the States when there are other branches hanging out in Crete Netherlands Hungary Macedonia etc etc. Heck why not let the Arab league, African union or United nations play police and bank for that entire shithole continent.
So many things I would do before this but I don’t wear a suit with tabs and medals I awarded myself on my march up the Pentagon ladder. What interests are we protecting in Africa?
@7 – Based on what I’ve read, I think you are correct.
#13 was me……switched to tablet.