Obama “out-Cheneying Cheney”

| June 4, 2012

Firedog Lake’s Kevin Gosztola , “The Dissenter” wrings his hands over a segment on Chris Hayes’ show the other day in which Hina Shamsi from the ACLU’s National Security Project complains that President Obama “has been “out-Cheneying Cheney” by “running an assassination program where in a two week span in Yemen he killed three US citizens, none of whom had been charged or indicted or charged with any crime.” ”

Of course, the real crime here is that Liberals are talking badly about their candidate in an election year, not that three Americans are dead. For eight years we heard about President Bush shredding the Constitution, we listened to the Left’s sympathy for Jon Walker Lindh and Adam Gadahn, we listened to the complaints about the mistreatment of Guantanamo’s detainees and the violations of their basic human rights, but now when someone mentions Obama’s adherence to the same policies on hella-doses of steroids, the Left counters with the fact that it’s getting mentioned in an election year…like some liberal won’t vote for Obama because he’s like Bush.

Scahill stated “the most dangerous thing” the US is doing “besides murdering innocent people in many cases is giving people in Yemen or Somalia or Pakistan a non-ideological reason to hate the United States, to want to fight the United States.” Hayes told Scahill calling it murder is a “provocative” way of describing what is happening and he wanted Scahill to defend using the word murder.

Oh, but we’ve all heard this before…for eight fricken years, we heard nothing but. However, all it really does is make the Left look like partisan hypocrites who are only classical liberals when some other party is in charge. After all, the only reason that Obama is taking this hard line against terrorism is because he’s trying to attract conservative votes – because in the previous three years, he nearly coddled the enemy. He couldn’t even put a number of troops into the “surge” that would have had an impact on the war.

Don’t get me wrong, I fully support the eradication of terrorists in large numbers irrespective of world opinion and how many people we anger in that corner of the world. I’m just going to lean back in my chair, put my hands behind my head, and watch as the best of all worlds swirls around – lots of dead terrorists and Leftist heads exploding – what could be more funner?

Category: Liberals suck, Terror War

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It gets even better, Jonn. Saw this yesterday in an article written by a left-leaning author on Forbes ( http://www.forbes.com/sites/kenrapoza/2012/06/02/obama-gets-left-behind/ )

“One anti-Obama Saturday in my inbox:

(multiple excerpts omitted)

Re: Bush mighta been better.


‘Why should the public believe what the Obama administration says about the people being assassinated by drones? Especially since, as we learn in the New York Times, the administration came up with a semantic solution to keep the civilian death toll to a minimum: simply count all military-age males in a strike zone as combatants. The rationale, reminiscent of George Zimmerman’s justification for shooting Trayvon Martin, is that ‘people in an area of known terrorist activity, or found with a top Qaeda operative, are probably up to no good.’ Talk about profiling! At least when George Bush threw suspected militants into Guantanamo their lives were spared.’ — Medea Benjamin, CodePINK ”

Reading that brought one helluva grin to my face. (smile)


It’s an election year and the US has for a long time been at least marginally center-right. I don’t think Obama is nearly as intelligent as his fans like to believe, but he’s smart enough to know that he can’t get a majority of voters to sign off on his extreme left beliefs again. Killing our nation’s enemies recently, getting some media tool to doctor numbers to make it look like he doesn’t like to throw away our tax dollars last week and adopting Dick Cheney’s 2000 vice presidential debate gay marriage position two weeks ago won’t fool anybody who actually follows the issues, but he only needs to fool a small percentage of “independent” morons to bolster his base and get him another term.