IVAW intersects with Chris Hayes

| May 28, 2012

Earlier today, I wrote about Chris Hayes who couldn’t bring himself to call any service members “heroes” because he was afraid it would cause more wars. Always in the market for a good anti-America meme and a way to bash the troops, Geoff “Stolen Valor” Millard of the Iraq Veterans Against the War, steps up to offer his services to Chris Hayes for the next time he wants to bash selfless military service;

“Yup”, how did Chris not think of IVAW when he was preparing to slam the troops and he might need someone on the panel to back him up. Because Geoff Millard has no problem just making shit up and wearing his uniform like a mannequin for the MSNBC crowd, after all he wears shit he didn’t earn for “the cause”.

Millard still thinks he has some sort moral authority in the discussion of a war in which he’s never served, wearing a rank he lost when he went AWOL, wearing a CIB he didn’t earn for shuffling a general’s power point slides, and three, count ’em, three Meritorious Service Medals. Did I forget to mention the forged DD214?

“Yup”. Go ahead and put Millard on your show, Hayes, and you’ll be an even bigger target.

Thanks to JP for finding that Twitter exchange.

ADDED: By the way, Chris Hayes apologized for using the right to speak freely about the people who who protect that right for him. Of course those are my words, not his. i think it was Bush’s fault, though;

But in seeking to discuss the civilian-military divide and the social distance between those who fight and those who don’t, I ended up reinforcing it, conforming to a stereotype of a removed pundit whose views are not anchored in the very real and very wrenching experience of this long decade of war. And for that I am truly sorry.

Category: Iraq Veterans Against the War, Media, Shitbags

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Considering the nut-hugging closeness with which Hayes, IVAW, et al, have with this administration, color me surprised if someone alleges that the MSM is in bed with this administration.


Let me translate Chrissy-Poo’s “apology” above:

“Oh shit – I stepped in it, bigtime. This could hurt ratings. Time for damage control.”


Thanks for the information. Rat those rat bastards out.

Just Plain Jason

Douchetools will be douchetools…


Yeah, IVAW has a habit of turning everything they touch into shit. But what happens if what they’re reaching out for is shit to begin with, you know, the likes of Matthis and Olsen?


He’s just apologizing for forgetting he was on TV and not at a dinner party with friends.


No real surprise, of course, Jonn. Honorable behavior on your part even if they don’t recognize or acknowledge it.


No. 9 — I’m probably stating the obvious again, but:
They are INCAPABLE and UNABLE and UNWILLING to identify the concept HONOR, period .