New insurgent group emerges in AF

| May 20, 2012

The New York Times reports that a new insurgent group has arisen in Afghanistan because they figure that the Taliban is too soft. They oppose a partnership between the US and an Afghan government, and they have already taken steps to prevent peace talks between the Karzai folks and the Taliban. The Mullah Dadullah Front claims they were the ones who assassinated Mullah Arsala Rahmani the former Taliban minister who was negotiating with the Kabul government to share the administration of Afghanistan.

The Taliban disavowed any connection with the Rahmani assassination. After the Dadullah Front claimed responsibility, the Taliban responded that there was no such organization affiliated with the Taliban, and suggested that the group had actually been created by Afghan intelligence.

Mullah Dadullah was a commander in Helmand Province who was accused of ordering the beheading of a hostage when negotiations for the release of Taliban prisoners broke down. He is also blamed for carrying out particularly bloody massacres in Bamian Province.

Some Taliban officials have said they believe that top Taliban leaders were involved in betraying Mullah Dadullah because he had become too close to Al Qaeda. If there is a group named after him now, that too may be a front for Al Qaeda, the officials suggested.

Zabiullah Mujahid, a spokesman for the Taliban, said the attacks claimed by the Dadullah Group were really the work of one man.

So it’s either a fabricated group from the Afghan intelligence service or a front group for al Qaeda. Sounds to me like Gordon Duff is writing the Taliban’s press releases.

Members of the Afghan Parliament have been getting text message death threats, now to me, and I’m not a particularly smart men, but if I were an Afghan, I’d start lining up behind the Americans and start doing my best to make sure Americans kill enough of these yahoos to render them ineffective before the Americans leave. But, I’m probably not as smart as Karzai and his ministers.

Category: Terror War

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The Afghans have an intelligence service?



@DaveO It’s probably made up of double agent jingle truck drivers.

I wonder how the newsmedia will spin these newest additions to their Tragic Freedom Fighters mythos.


Terrorist groups have a habit of creating new names for less successful or less savory operations, or just because they’re having a bad turban day. Hell, Al-Qaeda grew out of the Egyptian Islamic Jihad, Muslim Brotherhood, and something Services Bureau. Their preferred name was a few paragraphs long and included something about killing Zionists and Crusaders. The Al-Qaeda brand was supposed to be their charity wing, not their killers of charity wing.

Sounds to me like the politicians in DC are trying to push a “the Taliban aren’t really the bad guys” routine, though Mullah Omar and his band of terrorist Taliban have NEVER renounced Al-Qaeda and continue to benefit from their relationship with them. This is even alluded to in the OBL letters recently declassified, where OBL calls for jihadists to fight Americans in support of the Taliban in Aghanistan, and against the Iraqi democracy.

CI Roller Dude

Some old Grunts pick on the USAF, but I think this is a job for them. Bring in the B52’s after we pull out. Use A-10s to cover our guys withdrawel….leavel the place and make it all flat and easy to farm.



Most likely correct. I was having a flashback to the old PLO days with the plethora of groups like The Islamic Martyrs Council on Islamic Jihad to Destroy All Monsters, er Infidels and Jews for Make Benefit of the Glorious Nation of Palestine. And Islam.

Thought both members of that died in the struggle over cookies with some Israeli Girl Scouts.


Instead of wasting valuable defense funds on JDAMs and cluster bomb, why don’t we carpet bomb the country with porkchops, Slim Jims, and Christmas hams? Global War On Terror won!