Another IVAW to toss his Army Service Ribbon at NATO

| May 17, 2012

Thanks to a link from Rurik, MSNBC introduces us to yet another member of the IVAW who wants to be public about reenacting the John Kerry Memorial Medal Toss this weekend. This one is Steven Acheson and here’s his profile at IVAW;

He says that Kris Goldsmith brought him into IVAW, but Kris left when he realized that IVAW was more about the personalities and not the movement.

By the end of my tour, I didn’t learn to hate the people of Iraq, I began to hate the powers in America that lied to us and put us there in the first place.

I didn’t realize that hatred was necessary to be a soldier. In fact, I saw thousands of pictures of our troops in Iraq handing out candy and hugs to the Iraqi children.

But Acheson explains why he’s going to toss his ribbon at NATO;

“I feel like this is a really good way for me to kind of, not clear my conscience, but just make a step in the direction of healing and kind of reconciling with the Afghan people and the Iraq people,” said Acheson, a 27-year-old college student from Wisconsin and a member of Iraq Veterans Against the War, which includes soldiers who served in any of the post- 9/11 conflict zones, “… and let them know that we’re standing by their side and we’re not standing with NATO anymore. We don’t agree with the policies that are driving these wars.”

Yeah, good step, wrong direction. Our buddy, Troy Steward of You Served comments in the MSNBC article;

“They’re as much of a disgrace as the veterans back in the Vietnam days that did the same thing,” said retired Army 1st Sgt. Troy Steward, of New York, who served 22 years and is now a military blogger. “If these veterans aren’t proud of the service that they did … then they should never have accepted them (medals) in the first place.”

Steward, 43, who served in Afghanistan, said the action was “disgraceful and disrespectful” to others who had served. While the veterans were welcome to express their opinions, he said, there were a lot of “better ways to do it than essentially shaming your military service and your brethren.”

Yeah, I don’t understand why these guys always say that they’re ashamed of their military service, yet they still wear their uniforms, or the remnants thereof. or why they still have their medals that they’re so eager to toss for a political statement. Seems to me that if they’re so ashamed they wouldn’t even have the stuff anymore. And I’m particularly disturbed that the media thinks they’re relevant at all to the discussion. Throwing their medals didn’t alter our course in Vietnam and it certainly won’t affect the policy in Afghanistan, which is geared towards withdrawal at this point anyway. It’s just so much mental masturbation.

Category: Iraq Veterans Against the War

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So whiner bitch boy saw Iraqi kids walking in sewage (because insurgents blow up the sewage system) and thats NATO’s fault? I patrolled areas with huge sewage pools(Fucking worst was getting flooded out in the M1114 and having to hook up to a 113 and then get Tetanous Shots) but I dont blame an Organization that wasnt even present in Iraq. Well at least you can say IVAW finally has a member who actually was there compared to the usual suspects


Another case of IVAW struggling to remain relevant….. and failing.


I was struck by the same section as Sean…. kids wading through sewage. OK, who destroyed the sewers? Who was trying to repair them? Who was patroling to try and keep shooters/bombers off the streets and who was wearing suicide bombs and attacking civilians? Never went there and won’t pretend to know – but I too read a lot and try to keep up with the news of the world and I have the impression that while we aren’t perfect, we’re a damn sight better than the alternatives there. Damn, at least they HAVE schools to go to.


I’m thinking of tossing some IVAW members

Obama Out Fund Raises Paul (Military)

Another case of the IVAW aping their VVAW mentors.

The Winter Soldier Investigation, the March to Valley Forge, now the Medal Toss event.

If they ever run a fund raising cruise, bet they’ll use a Swift Boat.


Just remember how the VVAW pukes that tossed their medals in the 60/70s came back during OEF/OIF boasting of themselves as decorated veterans.

Old Trooper

Why was his picture taken in front of a bunch of pics of military ops? If he is that ashamed of his service; why have a bunch of framed pictures of that service?


I would also wonder what atrociites he saw. As a US Soldier he is under legal obligation to report those, IIRC.

I wonder if he will:

use the GI Bill to go to school?

at any point along his life EVER use his Veteran Status for a job, benefits, or prestige (wait…he did that last one already)?

Any case these butt monkey’s wouldn’t know selfless service. They volunteeered. They forgot thier oath. I would have had more respect for thier decision if they just threw thier awards in the trash and walked away.

I am not a special interest group, though they are trying to make me one.

I am not needy, though they try to throw money at me.

I hate it when people say “Thank you for your service.” it cheapens it. It cheapens the ultimate sacrifice my friends made. It’s like saying “sorry you feel that way” when you upset someone. It’s a false apology.

If you really want to honor my service then suit up yourself and stand post otherwise, wave your flag at the parade and stand tall when the Stars and Stripes pass by. then you will honor the service and the sacrifice….because there is no way in hell you will understand it.

I served. I did so willingly and it was done.


There are three types of IVAW members. 1. Liars, 2. Disenchanted Whiners, 3. Dissillusioned Infants.

Jesse MacBeth and his buddies constitute the first group.

The other two groups are very similar. They joined the military. They wanted the respect of the uniform. They wanted the benefits. They thought they would be John Wayne when they got into a war. They found out that war is dirty. War is insidious in the way it eats at a man’s soul. They didn’t get the hero medals they wanted. They saw how badly human beings can treat each other.

Instead of taking action that might result in making the world a better place, they wanted to throw a tantrum. Like a screaming two year old they figured the world would take notice and give them what they wanted…attention. How many IVAW members voted in the last election? Did any of them join an NGO like Red Cross, Red Crescent or the Peace Corps? Why not fix the supposed damage done?

If you are a member of IVAW are you taking any veteran benefits? Isn’t that blood money now that you know what the military is really all about? You IVAW people thought it was the right thing to join the military. Now you think it is the right thing to oppose the military. Were you wrong then or are you wrong now? Were you stupid enough to be fooled by a recruiter or are you stupid enough to be fooled by a bunch of socialist puppets?

IVAW you are a disgraceful, honorless, bunch of idiots.

EO2(SCW) Ploense
NMCB 25 OIF 2006


WHY? Because they never understood the meaning of Duty, Honor, Country. They believe that somehow they were effed over and this is how they deal…like the children they are.


I am sad that he claims to be a FO. Doesn’t seem very rock hard…and doesn’t seem to have taken part in any call for fires or he would be bitching about collateral damage. If he is so ashamed why is he posing in front of pictures clearly meant to portray some level of badassness with his mug shot face and the photos. If he is so ashamed why doesn’t he throw his combat pay? I would put money that the college he is supposedly going is receiving his tuition from uncle Sam via the gi bill.

IVAW why don’t you throw medals at Pentagon or you former duty stations? Are you afraid and intimidated by the people that work there.

I know when I was a rugrat my parents would never have let me walk in sewage. I would have been carried high and dry. It is clearly our militaries fault that they don’t take care of their own garbage and sewage….because we weren’t bringing people their first taste of running water and electricity and paying insurgents money to pick up their own garbage and wastes…right? Right? Sarcasm is fun


Now compare this little shitstain to the two Marines in the above post who were awarded the Navy Cross.

Yeah, I think you see my point.


CommCB: you demean idiots in your last sentence in comment 9. Idiots are incapable of understanding the concept of honor. These . . . . individuals are fully capable of understanding the concept, but voluntarily choose to behave dishonorably.


I did recruiting duty in Dubuque, Iowa which is just across the river from UWP. Got tasked with focusing on the college for OCS and SF canidates, and let me say, it was less then productive. I actually had one kid ready to go for SF, was on the wrestling team, but not liking the scholastic part of life, until his MOMMY called me up. Gave me an ear full about how her kid was NOT joining the Army, and had better things to do with his life then play in the mud. Mind you, this kid was 22 years old.

Worst three years of my life.


I wonder, which MSLSD show will these asshats be “guests” on? Rich Madcow? Ed Too Fat Schultz? Larry the commie O’Donnell? Chrissy Tingles Matthews? Seems this is nothing but an audition to appear again on the worst that TV has to offer.

Poohbah, Lord High Everything Else

Most of these numbnuts are still in the IRR; maybe those of us on active or active reservist status can get these guys to claim participation in or witnessing of “war crimes,” and then report them to the JAG. (Evil grin)

Yat Yas 1833

Let’s see if I can phrase this properly…Who gives a flyin’ rats what ass hats do!? Obviously they’re children without honor. ‘Nough said.


Wait … wait … listen closely … do you hear that? It is the sound of another fuckin’ pussy! Yes … no doubt using the Post 9/11 GI Bill. Years from now … his children will be ashamed when they find on the AlGorenet articles about his pussy father. Oh .. sorry … he can’t have children … he has no balls!


No. 7 Old Trooper :
He wants it both ways — have cake after it’s eaten — La-La Land mentality HATES LOGIC .


Judging by the picture it looks like someone has been jerking off to Holden Caulfield.


A history lesson for those that don’t know, the actual reporting of “alleged” war crimes during Vietnam garnered roughly 43 of the US Army “vets” of the VVAW a lot of embarrassment. It’s on public display over at Scott Swetts wintersoldier site. All but one allegation which was already an active USACID investigation, were flat out lies on the individuals behalf. When USACID made contact after Detroit no physical proof (IE pictures or field command reports)were ever provided and when asked for dates, names and rank of soldiers or unit assignments, the complainants “disappeared” until after Carter’s granting draft dodgers and resisters amnesty.
Be that as it may, this current crop of jack wagons, dickheads and general misfit pussies will have been instructed by their supportive VVAW counter-parts not report anything to command nor talk to USACID or their military law enforcement counter-parts. Guess I’d better get my butt in gear and finish up the addendum to allegation #187 that I started working on after Winter Crybabies II and a certain big mouth made his presence there known in a Houston Chron interview….


Sorry, I should have paid better attention to spacing of paragraphs. If one you will edit my comment so it is readable, I’d appreciate it.


Hondo…did not mean to insult the entire idiot community.


[…] looking back at the IVAW people we profiled last week, we had a phony Ranger, Steven Acheson who didn’t have much medals to toss, Aaron Hughes who was stationed in Kuwait, and a bunch of […]