Coincidence? I Think Not!

| April 17, 2012

Karzai demands US commitment on funding
American troops prepare for what could be their last major offensive

And our own TSO arrives in theater…

For those of you not following along our hirsute representative arrived (in Kygryzstan) earlier today wearing flip-flops!

This confluence of events MUST mean something? His arrival, a major offensive, and money? I kinda stopped listening to stuff about TSO’s feet when he was complaining about blisters, but now I suspect something much larger is in play?

Category: Geezer Alert!

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Jonn Lilyea

So I’m growing a beard and wearing Multicam until TSO comes back, because if Steve Jordan taught us anything, it doesn’t matter if you go or anything, what counts is how you look.


As much as I’m disappointed by what I’ve seen from Karzai, I understand what and why he’s doing here. Karzai is smart enough to comprehend what happened to Thieu – and South Vietnam – and why when we left SE Asia. He fears seeing history repeat itself.

As well it could.


He can use his own goddam poppy money. Screw that sawed-off little troll.


What I want to know is: do we get to see a picture of Jonn in a beard and multicams? Inquiring minds want to know!


This is sort of old news, but speaking on the matter of funding, Karzai can pretty much demand anything he wants, considering THIS. My favourite part was “They were told that the money came from U.S. President Barack Obama.”


Lol Jonn in a beard and multicam….. 🙂


Like I said on FB–at least he wasn’t wearing Crocs.

Parachute Cutie

Jonn, you absolutely either post or email me a pic of you with the beard or, alas, our love affair is over.

TSO is planning to embed with a couple of knuckleheads I’ve been supporting. Crocs, flip flops – no matter. They have his arrival dinner at the ready – grilled spam and some kind of rice dish they’ve “invented” while over there. I don’t ask and they don’t tell – we just ship the ingredients.

Aside from keeping TSO safe while he’s with them my only request has been that they email me a photo of TSO with Miss Andar. Believe me if I get that photo Jonn will be the next in line to receive it and the ribbing, I think, will last for a while.

Oh, and as for Karzai, well, what I have to say really isn’t so lady like. Rat bastard

Parachute Cutie

Oh, and P. S. I’m becoming an expert on catheters. Seems that’s all your ads are about these days. But I’m clicking. SWEAR!