Lesson 1: Pay your hooker

| April 17, 2012

ADDED: I snagged this from Facebook;

It looks like those 12 Secret Services agents on the president’s security detail who were shipped back to the States because one of them didn’t want to pay his hooker in the morning, are paying for their partner’s mistake, according to Fox News;

The Secret Service has revoked the security clearances for the 11 agents accused of misconduct over a prostitution scandal in Colombia — as the Pentagon looks at broadening its own investigation into the incident, which the top U.S. military official calls an embarrassment.

The fallout from the alleged misconduct has spread across both the Secret Service and the U.S. military. On the Secret Service side, a senior law enforcement official confirmed to Fox News that all 11 who were recalled and placed on administrative leave have had their clearances revoke[d]. The official added that among the 11 are two supervisors and three members of the counter-assault team, indicating that senior officials are involved.

On the members of the military, who were also caught up in it, the Stars & Stripes reports that there may be more than the initial five who were involved, and it reaches across the different services;

With the dragnet widening in the wake of apparent misbehavior at a South American presidential summit, more servicemembers than previously thought could be caught on allegations of improper behavior.

Over the weekend, the Pentagon announced five servicembers were under investigation for violating curfew at a hotel where 11 Secret Service agents were sent home early from Cartagena, Colombia, after allegations of involvement with prostitutes at the hotel.

Now, information flowing from a preliminary investigation at the hotel, where a military support contingent to the Secret Service also stayed, is causing the number of troops being investigated to rise, though military officials could not give a total at midday on Monday.

It’s nice to know that when there are little brown hookers involved, there’s no inter-service rivalry.

But apparently everyone was having a good time this weekend in Colombia. Of course, when I vacation in Latin America, I always have to pay my own way. Maybe I should join the State Department or the Secret Service.

Category: Foreign Policy

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Q: How do you make a hormone?
A: Tell her you’re a Secret Service Agent.


beretverde: I always thought the punch line was “Stiff her in the morning.” (smile)

The Dead Man

So what’s the over and under that a hooker had to be consoled the next morning over that last picture?


uh oh, someone’s gonna have to retake their human trafficking CBT.


Bill Clinton continues to be unavailable for comment.


*sigh* Nice to see that my tax dollars are being spent wisely.


CI Roller Dude

I’m in the process of building a mouth supressor for when cops and soliders get drunk and talk to loud and give away their position. I’ve used duct tape or 90 mile an hour tape in the past.


The last time I did not pay for a hooker, I was in Thailand. You see the hooker had a man package … and that I was not willing topay for!


@ 4. You nailed it. Every service member and federal employee knows … strippers and prostitutes = Human Traficking in one way or another. If not directly … indirectly. It is a taboo that will shake the military and federal servicde to the core! I don’t even go near strip clubs anymore … well I do drive by and look!


Three off the CAT? That’s kind of a shocker…normally top tier agents in the USSS make it to the CAT. Others go to the POTUS and VPOTUS close protection details.

Initial reports indicated that most were from the Advance Team, where junior less experienced agents (with senior supervision) learn the ropes and earn their spurs for more demanding assignments.

Testosterone, cerveza, booze, and LBFMs…what a goat rope.


Ever heard of “Don’t piss in your canteen cup” or “shit in your mess kit”? That is what the whorehouse is for… not the hotel room. Hotel rooms are for what we called “true loving.” These clowns are pure amateurs.