Murdered cop in Austin

| April 8, 2012

Austin, Texas is abuzz today about the murder of Austin Policeman Jaime Padron, father of two daughters, by Walmart shoplifter and drug user Brandon Montgomery Daniel who has been charged with capital murder for shooting Padron in a tussle in WalMart when Padron responded to private security guards’ calls to police. Of course, his mother is telling the media that Daniel is a good boy;

[Mary O’Dell] said her son graduated with honors from Colorado State University and had been on the “fast track” at Hewlett-Packard. She described him as a bright young man who was published in three science journals while still in college.

But about three months ago, he began wrestling with a deep depression after a difficult breakup with his longtime girlfriend, she said. Daniel had not been behaving like himself recently and was charged with driving while intoxicated, his mother said.

Of course, you can always count on the Left in Austin to muddy the discussion with their illogical banter. For example, Debbie Russell, the sister of Cindy Sheehan, is disgusted by the coverage of the police officer’s death;

Padron’s weapon was holstered, Daniel drew his and shot Padron, but apparently, it’s somehow police policy that’s at fault. And no one is paying attention to another murder that occurred this weekend in which a black man was killed.

By the way, two Walmart private security were the ones who had to disarm and subdue Daniel after Officer Padron was murdered. I’m sure that sticks in the craw of people like Russell, too. Two guys not paid by taxes caught a criminal.

Category: Shitbags, Society

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I actually live 2 exits north on 35 andshop at that walmat because it is the closest to my apartment. I got finished with work around 12:45 and had to go there to pick up some things on then night above. I left about 1:30am about an hour before the shooting. I was shocked to learned what happened the next morning when I woke up. Any later and I could have been walking out that exit at the same time.


sorry Walmart


It’s NEVER the fault of the *bad guy*…

I know, she’s simply a grieving mother, but here’s the deal, she can KISS MY GRIEVING ASS…

The Thin Blue Line grew a bit thinner over the actions of this bastard, I hope he burns in HELL!

CI Roller Dude

In 32 years of police work, I’ve run into a lot of fucking hippiesfucks. They hate everything in Govt, except getting free money and stuff. In several cases, I had “nice” conversations with these fucknuts…and just held my toung whilst they spouted bullshit. Then, when they became the victim of crime, they demanded we find their stuff that got stolen…or find the bad guy that kicked their useless butt.
“If you don’t like the cops, the next time you need help, call a fucking hippie.”


Mom “doesn’t know how this happened”? Well, somewhere in junior’s upbringing, no one taught him that drugs and booze are NOT the way to handle a problem. And, of course, because he was popping Xanax and drinking, he doesn’t remember what happened. Bullshit, xanax and alcohol are not the pathway to amnesia. They’re both CNS depressants, junior should have just gone to sleep if he was abusing both.
If this fuckstain was depressed, he could have done the good thing, suck started his 9mm.

Doc Bailey

You notice how many people that go on rampages are “depressed”. Seriously a person doens’t go from star stud to drug using cop killer because they’re a little mopey. Either our men need to learn to man the fuck up or we need to stop accepting “depression” as an excuse.


junior should have just gone to sleep if he was abusing both

Now the state of Texas gets to do it for him. Too bad a good cop had to pay the price for the little shitstain’s tantrum. If breaking up with his girlfriend created this, imagine what some REAL stress would have made him do.


Yeah, Sparky, but it’ll take a l-o-o-o-ng time to get there. Maybe he should have gone to mom’s instead of Wal-Mart. I stand by the idea of asswipe suck starting his weapon.


Whenever you “law enforcement officers” use gutter-language filled with hate and rancour, you dishonour your office. Do you not know that public opinion is turning against you? Do you not know that you are distrusted by law-abiding honest citizens now? I am a 60 year old Vietnam-era veteran and a retired engineer. In times past I respected cops, but now you’ll have to earn that respect because the abuses of law enforcement have become so rampant that we can no longer give you the benefit of the doubt. Let the judicial process handle this matter and cool down. Stop the hate speech!


I will not call the police for anything any more because you have become the worse of two evils. You are not trusted!!!!

This Land Is Your Land

I fully support Debbie Russell. “Illogical banter?” Regarding any crime, I would expect immediacy in questioning and documentation, the more time passes the fuzzier details become and so-called “facts” change. Was it was too quick and insensitive for Debbie to dare explore victim’s rights? No. I commend her for her timely and appropriate advocacy.

This Land Is Your Land

Meant to say, Was it too quick and insensitive for Debbie to dare explore victim’s rights *regarding Ahmeed Bradley? He was killed the same night by APD. Here’s the extensive, thoughtful, well-researched advocacy work Ms. Russell keenly put together, : Ahmeed Bradley, a 37 year old African-American male, was pulled over by an APD officer for an unknown cause last night…tried to flee in his car…was stopped again by the officer and then Bradley fled on foot. . It was at this point that the officer must determine whether to pursue by foot. . TO CHASE OR NOT TO CHASE? . APD’s policy manual on foot pursuit policies says that the pursuit policy “recognizes that the use of force in response to resistance by law enforcement requires constant evaluation and that response to resistance is a serious responsibility.” The foot chase policy (Policy 216) was changed to be more restrictive by Chief Acevedo in conjunction with the DOJ recommendations. The very first sentence recognizes the high risk of things going wrong on a foot chase: “Foot pursuits are inherently dangerous and require common sense, sound tactics, and heightened officer safety awareness.” Later it says they can put the public and those involved at “significant risk.” . The officer(s) “must continuously balance the objective of apprehending the subject with the risk and potential for injury to department personnel, the public, or the subject….Officers must be mindful that immediate apprehension of a subject is rarely more important than the safety of the public and Department personnel.” (bold is my emphasis) . The policy says the chase can occur if the suspect is thought to have engaged in “criminal activity.” The question here is, is fleeing, or “resisting arrest” – almost always a misdemeanor offense – “criminal activity”? Is this person an imminent threat to the public safety because of fleeing (or just a threat to the officer’s ego)? “Mere flight by a subject who is not suspected of criminal activity shall not serve as the sole justification for engaging in a foot pursuit…”…WAS BRADLEY AN IMMINENT THREAT? . The policy goes on… Read more »


Well, it looks like ‘ol Darrell must have forgotten to take his evening meds again.

Oh, and “This Land is Your Land” – you did notice that the victim here is the cop who was killed in the line of duty, didn’t you?

Sheesh. Two different loon sightings of on the same thread. Guess it’s about time to give a call to looney central and tell them they have a couple more our wandering around without supervision . . . .


Anonymous, loony central is on thier way for you. Try commenting after reading next time, that FaceBook quote makes more sense, This Aint Hell took it out of context, why not investigate all these sad events. Just because its a cop doesnt mean theres no need to look further, if it wasnt too quick to investigate one murder, the black guy victim, then it shouldnt be too quick to investigate any murder indluding if the victim is police. Maybe there will be a security video from Wal Mart then we will know. The story posted by This Land is good, read it.


KissMyAnonymousAss: fella/gal/whatever, you really should take your own advice and read before posting. If you had, you’d have noticed that the irrelevant and off-topic article posted by “This Land Is Your Land” in comment 12 above was posted one minute before Anonymous posted comment 13.

I’ll spell it out for you: its a near-certainty that Anonymous never saw that irrelevant article until after comment 13 was posted – he/she was writing their comment at the time. That happens sometimes on a discussion board if comments are posted in quick succession.

And yes, the article that “This Land Is Your Land” posted in comment 12 is completely irrelevant here. Jonn’s article above was about a cops murder; that article is about a different case entirely. Russell’s commentary was an attempt to muddy the waters by bringing up an irrelevant, unrelated case. Jonn both called her on that and used her rant as example. Both were perfectly valid.

Rational and Sane

Is that the best you can do when people call you out for your deliberate distortion and lies, Jonn? You call them the sisters of Debbie Russell and Cindy Sheehan? You LIED about what a woman said. You LIED about why she said it. You’re pathetic.

Rational and Sane

Hondo, if you are so fixated on what is relevant, perhaps you’d like to know that Jonn took what Debbie Russell said completely out of context, hence, making it totally irrelevant to his point. He’s dishonest. Don’t fall for his lame and pathetic attempts to slander a woman who is fighting for policies to make BOTH the citizens AND the cops safer.


Looks like batshit fucking crazy runs in the family.


“Rational and Sane” (intentional quotes) – or should I say, Ms. Russell: here, you are irrelevant; so are your off-topic and nonsensical rantings. Please go elsewhere and bother others.


And for your benefit, Ms. Russell: the “here” I’m referencing above is “here at TAH”. Thought I’d best spell that out for you.

Debbie loves Mike

debbie used to bang city councilman mike martinez. nothing says trust me to fight for your right like screwing your enemy.


you’d like to know that Jonn took what Debbie Russell said completely out of context,

Funny, how is posting a screencap of one’s ENTIRE post taking something out of context?

Please, explain it. I’d love to hear your explanation on this one!


Wonder how R&S and/or Ms. Russell would react to this:

The rise referenced is “up approx 75% since 2008”.

Casey J Porter

Jonn saw my post on FB about Debbie, that’s how this started. A friend directed me to her page where I read another post that went something like: “Curiosity may have killed the cat, but ego killed the cop” Questioning the Police is fine, but that statement is a clear sign of disrespect and hatred.


But, but, but…

coming into somone else’s “house” to accuse them of exactly what you yourself are doing somehow makes sense to the loons on the left.

Right. Uh-huh. Self-satisfied, delusional, pitiful creatures that they are, each and every one.

This Land Is Your Land

Nope, no relation. The blogger made my comment 12 relevant as soon as he pasted Ms. Russell’s FB quote. The black man she’s referring to is Ahmeed Bradley. I admire her integrity to put the same investigatory query into both incidents.


Integrity? Pfft.


TLIYL: I’m pretty sure Russell’s original comment was used by Jonn as an illustration of childish naivety and/or political “spin”, not because it had any innate merit. And you’ve done nothing to change that by your later comments above. Those later comments – like you – are about as relevant to the matter at hand as a gynecologist in a monastery.

You’re acting like a petulant child looking for attention. Please be a good child, go elsewhere, and annoy others rather than staying here and bothering adults who wish to have an intelligent conversation.


“is fleeing, or “resisting arrest” – almost always a misdemeanor offense – “criminal activity”? Seriously, are you really that dense? You may think you’ll win the Nobel for “investigative” moonbattery, but you won’t. That sentence, alone, puts you right in the middle of the category of non compos mentos.
Oh, and Debbie, what Sparky asked in #24. Darrell, why don’t you go find your two brothers, Darrell and Darrell, and take Debbie out for a soy latte?

Rational and Sane

You people are ridiculous. You are attacking a woman over your own distortions of her position. It’s really sad. You people have no integrity.


Who are you calling “you people”, racist.


@32: Jonn called it. You’re neither rational nor sane.

Go play elsewhere and quit annoying adults, child.


Beat me to it, Claymore.
Oh, and R&S, by your silence, I take it that you have no answer to #24

Rational and Sane

The answer to #24 is that it was taken out of context, genius. She spent hours dealing with another needless, irresponsible killing of another young man in East Austin hearing nothing but slanderous comments about the man killed. Then when a cop was killed, all of a sudden people cared. No where did she say or suggest that she was disgusted by the coverage. You people are really mentally challenged.


@36: Obviously, you have a problem with reading comprehension – so I’ll try again. Child, be silent. You’re annoying the grown-ups. Keep it up and you’re heading for “time out”.


Then when a cop was killed, all of a sudden people cared.

Placing this within context, and barring illicit behavior, most people view an attack on cops as an assault on the community. For most of us, we can hear about an unfortunate incident involving everyday citizens and respond with “What a shame.” shake our head and move along, but like it or not, the police represent the collective community, and anyone angry or deranged enough to go to war with the police is someone most of us want taken off the street (I say most, since it seems that leftists like to venerate cop killers, but that’s a topic for another day). If you cannot see the difference, then there’s little hope for dialog with you.


But again, you fail to explain HOW her comments, posted in their entirety, were taken “out of context.”

You keep using that word, I do not think it means what you think it means…

Casey J Porter

Russell just got blasted this morning on local AM talk radio. She’ll be getting a lot of hate mail I’m sure.


[…] Russell becomes a pariah in Austin April 12th, 2012 On Sunday, we discussed Debbie Russell, sister of Cindy Sheehan when she insulted the entire city of Austin in the wake of the murder of […]

Debbie Russell

For the record, I am not posting under any IP addresses here other than under my own name. I NEVER post ANYTHING anonymously. So no comments before I put my link to my blog above came from me (but thank you “Rational and Sane” and “ThisLandisYourLand”). I also am not related to Ms. Sheehan, and have no clue as to her connection to local police issues.