Lawyer: French murderer claimed innocence

| April 2, 2012

Associated Press reports that Algerian Zahia Mokhtari, a lawyer for the father of Mohamed Merah, the poor little guy who murdered seven people near Toulouse, France and met his fate in the form of a police bullet to his head, says that his client’s son claimed that he was innocent of the seven murders, but, for some reason the police wouldn’t believe him;

Authorities have said that during negotiations Merah claimed to have links to al-Qaida and confessed to the killings.

But…Mokhtari…told BFM television on Monday that she had two identical videos of Merah that contradict the police narrative. “In these videos, he says, ‘I am innocent. Why are you killing me? I didn’t do anything,'” she said.

Well, that settles it then, if he said he was innocent, he must’ve been innocent, it’s just that simple. Even though Merah told the police where they could find videos of his crimes, this latest evidence proves his innocence. it looks like his father thinks he can extort some cash out of the French government. Lucky for him, he has found the one ditz with a law degree who will take the case.

Category: Terror War

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Yeah……a shootout to the death with Police really screams “I didn’t do it!”


Jihadists and their supporters believe that it is justified and their duty in the name of both self-defense and religious requirement to kill little Jewish children and infidel soldiers (even those who are Muslim because they aren’t the right kind). So on that logic, he is innocent and did nothing wrong. Code Pink and Ron Paul should be giving this guy a medal.


“I didn’t do anything” – actual quote “I didn’t do anything WRONG”. (Insert subtext here).

Yat Yas 1833

Why is there even any debate on this? Everyone with two working brain cells, ooops that leaves out the libtards, know what the muslims are. I wouldn’t trust a muslim behind a mosquito’s pecker!


How sick can this father be? He should be deported back to the hellhole he came from.


Well, the State Prison for Southern Michigan is full of innocent men, too.
Maybe Mokhtari can get NBC to authenticate his videos?