Washington Post finds a nut

| March 31, 2012

In the The Washington Post, David brown joins the ranks of folks who are finally telling the truth about PTSD and TBI. In his article “Link between PTSD and violent behavior is weak“, Brown writes;

Veterans with PTSD are two to three times more likely to be physically abusive of their wives and girlfriends than those without the diagnosis. They’re three times more likely to get into fistfights when they go to college. One study showed they are especially prone to “impulsive aggression,” but that “premeditated aggression” — the kind of act Bales is accused of — was far more common in veterans without PTSD than in those with it.

“The closer we get to trying to understand how PTSD relates to extreme violence, the more we get anecdotal,” said Paula Schnurr, deputy director of the Department of Veterans Affairs’s National Center for PTSD, in Vermont.

Kudos to Brown for actually talking to experts for his article and then having the courage to publish it, despite the popular culture’s demand that we denigrate veterans and create monster out of soldiers who suffer from the disorder and their injuries. It’s encouraging that the facts are finally getting in the way of fairy tales.

Category: Veteran Health Care

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Zero Ponsdorf

Thanks yet again Jonn, ANY Nam vet has Been There/Done That.

It is of no small note that PTSD was an official diagnosis after 1980 or so. It had many other names before the DSM labeled it.

FWIW, Met Dr. Wilson and have a signed book.


That was in the freaking WaPo???

Ho. Lee. Schitt.

Maybe the Mayans were right. If something like that shows up in the NYT, I may well head for the Pyrenees . . . .

Nah. (smile)


Perhaps those Vet.’s who get into fights in college is due to being in an environment full of Leftards.

There I stood

I recently met a vet who was diagnosed w/PTSD (which he disagrees with). He has been unable to get a job in his chosen field, something he has trained for all of his life; he can no longer carry a concealed weapon, can no longer have ANY weapons because of this diagnosis. He feels that his life has been taken away from him. Everything he EVER wanted to do is now denied to him. The military is all to willing to put PTSD as the cause of something (kinda like when they discharged people for mental health issues, whether or not there were any) and throw them under the bus. Something needs to be done.


David Brown will either be accused of being a Fox News plant, or working for McDonald’s by the end of the week.

Yat Yas 1833

@3 Athena, that nonsense has been going on for 40+ years, if not more. After my service I was in college in the early ’80s and ran into libtards who thought there had to be something wrong with me because I had served on the Marine Corps. They say payback is a b1¥ch and they’re right. I now make five very comfortable figures,as an analyst for city government, while the leftards and their ‘fine arts’ and ‘liberal arts’ degrees are asking, “Is this for here or to go?”