BOLO Linda K. May

| March 28, 2012

There’s a list of scams at POW Network that involve members of the military and veterans. One such scam is being perpetrated by a woman known as Linda K May (Cardiff). Apparently, she’ll approach veterans with stories about how she can help them with claims of Agent Orange exposure and depleted uranium exposure. From Rhino Times;

Until now, the focus on May has been the medical tests she is offering to sell to Oak Ridge parents and to ailing veterans – tests for which the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) can find no approval, despite May’s claim at a public meeting in Kernersville on June 10 that the test was FDA approved, and for which the US Patent and Trademark Office lists no patent in May’s name, despite May’s claims that she holds one.

Each woman said she paid May $1,500 to act in a relative’s workers’ compensation case, then, as far as each could tell, May did nothing to earn that money. Each provided a copy of a cancelled check written to LKM Health and Safety, and endorsed with May’s name when they were cashed.

In both cases, the women said they had written about their problems on internet sites and that May contacted them. The women said May stopped taking their calls after she got the money.

From an Agent Orange discussion in Google Groups;

Recently it came to me that a Ms. Linda May of Pontiac Illinois was attempting to peddle a test kit and lab testing to elderly and veterans that could detect dioxin’s from Agent Orange and would help in VA Claims and how she was an expert in her field and had testified for many veterans and helped them win their claims.

In addition she was claiming many other outrageous things as contracts with the DoD, the VA, EPA, OSHA, etc. and would never provide any written documentation, evidence or medical research.

These are fairly old, but an email Mary forwarded to us reports that she’s in Canada running this scam still, as recently as this month, apparently.

I am a Canadian vet of the Bosnia conflict and recently my local Association was the target of a scam involving a one Ms Linda K Cardiff May, BS,RN,BSN. She claimed to be the CEO of Warbler of Illinois Company.
This person drove to Ontario Canada and presented local members with false claims and documentation of her medical qualifications and asked for urine samples from members to conduct Depleted Uranium tests on the samples. This person provided a business card, of which I still have, and left the country with said samples.

Sorry, that’s my urine and you’re not leaving the country with my urine. I know we have some regular lurkers from Canada, so be warned. I’m sure she can get some business from the folks at the IVAW House in DC. They’ve been storing their urine in their fridge for years.

Category: Shitbags

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AW1 Tim

No measures are too extreme when it comes to protecting our precious bodily fluids.


Uh, AW1 Tim . . . as I recall, Gen Ripper’s elevator stopped a touch short of the penthouse. (smile)

AW1 Tim

Yes indeed. You have to be a certain age, I suspect, to get that reference. 😉


Well, I personally prefer this reference:

Major Kong: “Survival kit contents check. In them you’ll find: one forty-five caliber automatic; two boxes of ammunition; four days’ concentrated emergency rations; one drug issue containing antibiotics, morphine, vitamin pills, pep pills, sleeping pills, tranquilizer pills; one miniature combination Russian phrase book and Bible; one hundred dollars in rubles; one hundred dollars in gold; nine packs of chewing gum; one issue of prophylactics; three lipsticks; three pair of nylon stockings. Shoot, a fella’ could have a pretty good weekend in Vegas with all that stuff.”

AW1 Tim

Yeah, that and the scene with him riding the nuke are my favorites.


Ask, and ye shall receive. (smile)


Joe Hueglin

Another action to prove there is a relationship between isotopes from uranium munitions and Gulf Waar Syndrome attacked – successfully it seems!


She has also been illegally using The American Legion’s name to ply her goods, so if anyone sees her doing so, kindly let me know.


Ping her ass. If she’s doing illegal or unethical things, her nursing license can be revoked, and most states will yank em in a hot minute if there’s fraud or any sort of criminal activity going on. What state does she claim nursing licensure in? If so, a line to the state board might not be out of the question. Additionally, if she’s NOT a registered nurse, using the title to represent yourself as a registered nurse is a criminal act in and of itself. If she IS an RN, then she’s using her license for fraudulent purposes. We have to nip this crap in the butt. Nurses are one of the most trusted professions in the US, and if one is out there defrauding our veterans with BS claims…..We have to stomp on this one fast. TSO, email me if you need to figure out how to track down state of licensure and BON contact information.


she’s been here in Pontiac, Il and tried to scam our town. she’s also been up to the war museum where i volunteer and she’s no longer welcome there. one of her stories is that her brother was able to call their parents from Vietnam, FROM A FOXHOLE! she’s fooling no one.


also, she’s NOT from Pontiac. she only visited here and attempted to start her “buisness” here. we think she’s a resident of Champaign, Il. at least that’s where her lawyer is at.


Looks like Agent Orange and DU aren’t the only scams the “nice lady” has been accused of running:

Apparently her “wonder test” detects mold toxins as well. Wonder if it removes wrinkles, firms breasts, restores youth, increases virility, and improves sex drive, too? (smile)

S. Wayland
Joe Hueglin

Those viewing the DU/Gulf Syndrome other than as do the governments are subject to disparagement. What follows is my expereience over the last six months. …..Joe. ___________________________ TO: WHOMEVER IT MAY CONCERN RE: OPERATION CAN/VET WINSTON FROM: Joe Hueglin, Member 39th Parliament, Niagara Falls Constituency Linda K Cardiff May President and Ceo of The Warbler of Illinois Company, of Champaign, Illinois was directed to me by readers of the “Daily Digest“, a publication of headings and links to news articles of Canadian interest and of happenings around the world. Through conversation with Linda I became informed that based on existing technology the governments of the United States, the United Kingdom and Canada hold the position there is no relationship between uranium including munitions used since 1991 and physical and mental disabilities which, without any other discernable cause, have become widespread among troops exposed to use of these munitions and civilians in exposure areas. Access to information through articles on the internet convinced me the governments’ stance was inaccurate and of the necessity to conduct the assay developed by Linda K Cardiff May: A diagnostic test which scientifically shows the existence in veteran’s bodies of substances having no other possible source than the uranium in munitions. The issuance of a promise by the Canadian Veterans Affairs Minister that a Science Committee would be established whose first task would be to look at the uranium question led to “OPERATION CAN/VET WINSTON”, action to gather urine samples from Canadian veterans to be assayed with the results being presented to the Committee. Presented with the invitation, indeed the expressed, wish that the specimens of other veterans be submitted to remove any doubts as to the validity of the results. Acting with a group, the Canadian Veterans Advocacy, contact was made with veterans prepared to provide specimens. Linda K Cardiff May came to Canada in order to ensure chain of custody of specimens was observed according to law. She is currently returning with them for their assay and the presentation of the subsequent report the Veterans Affairs Science Committee in Canada. My role has been… Read more »


asked for urine samples from members to conduct Depleted Uranium tests on the samples.

Simple test you can do at home and possibly save the $1500…

If your pee glows in the dark, there’s something wrong.

Joe Hueglin

In accurate info:
“asked for urine samples from members to conduct Depleted Uranium tests on the samples.”

The uranium munitions when they explode create nanoparticles of uranium isotopes which when inhaled continue radiating within the body. The assay determines the type and strength of isotopes within a persons body should they be present.

“Simple test you can do at home and possibly save the $1500…”

Those providing specimens did so freely. They needed no test to prove they were affected, there was no other reason for the disabilities they suffer from but combat where DU munitions were used.

They donated to press the governments to recognize what is clear to all save those in power and their henchmen, “there’s something wrong”.


I tried, Jonn. Teh Stoopid is strong with those freaks.


I’d say it’s a little beyond teh stoopid and right up there in full blown nutbaggery. I wonder how much vinegar they go through a week trying to disperse chemtrails.

Oh, and Hondo–if you look at his lips during that speech, the original shoot said Dallas. Problem was, the first screening was scheduled for November 22nd, 1963. Because of the Kennedy assassination, the premiere was pushed back to early 1964 and Dallas was dubbed over with Vegas.


NHSparky: I knew that. Didn’t think it pertinent.

Joe Hueglin: The “test” May is selling is indeed worthless. The activity of DU is so low that detecting decay products in urine is going to be problematic (it emits around 60% of the alpha of natural uranium, which is itself only slightly radioactive, thus producing less decay products) from anything other than a relatively large dose. That’s because most of the radioactivity from natural uranium is due to U235. DU is called “depleted” because a large fraction of the U235 has been removed. Further, the bio half-life of DU in the human body is approx 15 days for anything not permanently embedded in the body. So unless it was a truly massive dose, any exposure years ago – like in the 1991 Gulf War, or the 2003 Iraq War – is going to be extremely difficult if not virtually impossible to detect today. And a dose that large would probably kill you from chemical toxicity.

The vast majority of the health effects of DU are essentially due to chemical toxicity, not radioactivity (uranium is a toxic heavy metal). And at the levels of exposure claimed from munitions, health effects have not yet been scientifically demonstrated.

In short: I wouldn’t sweat occasional exposure overmuch. Chronic exposure might be a different story – but even here, no proof of health issues has been definitively scientifically demonstrated. But I wouldn’t recommend eating the stuff.

And yeah: I do have some education in the field.


And a dose that large would probably kill you from chemical toxicity.

And rather quickly, at that. Most times, the largest whole body dose is going to be from ingested radionuclides, not inhaled.


NHSparky: agreed. The internal dose from inhaled radioactive particles is generally localized in the lungs (the particles get trapped but rarely get absorbed) and causes a spike in the rate of lung conditions. Because of this, bone/blood diseases, neurological effects, and genetic aberrations are virtually never due to inhaled radioactivity. And as I recall, those conditions (blood/bone cancers, neurological effects, and genetic abnormalities in offspring) are precisely what those claiming DU exposure generally claim was caused by said DU exposure.

If such conditions are linked to DU, it’s almost certainly due to the fact that uranium is a toxic heavy metal – not the fact that it’s very slightly radioactive. Except for particles trapped in the lungs, it’s purged from the body with a bio half-life of approx 15 days – and it’s so slightly radioactive that you’d not get much absorbed dose before it’s gone. A rise in the rate lung issues for those having massive inhalation exposure, or chronic exposure to low levels of very small particles containing DU, might be plausible.

Joe Hueglin

“Further, the bio half-life of DU in the human body is approx 15 days for anything not permanently embedded in the body”

MY UNDERSTANDING FROM OTHERS VIEWS AND ARTICLES not my knowledge is that radioactive uranium isotopes enter the body, continue to radiate, have long half lives and cause disabilities including blighting babies of those affected. Here’s about isotopes.


Joe Hueglin: DU does indeed have a long radioactive half-life. That’s why its only very slightly radioactive. An old radium or tritium “glow in the dark” watch dial is many times more radioactive than DU – because these radioactive isotopes have much shorter half-lives. A shorter radioactive half-life means that radioactive compound produces much more radiation per gram – and is therefore much more dangerous – than one with a longer radioactive half-life.

But what matters for health effects is how much radioactivity the body absorbs. This is directly linked to the type of radiation produced (there are several) by the material in question. Because of the type of radioactivity DU emits (virtually all of DU’s radioactivity is in the form of alpha particles), it has to be inside the body or in close proximity (think literally on the skin) to cause any damage whatsoever. That’s where the biological half-life comes into play.

The time it takes the human body to purge half of a particular compound from the body is called that compound’s biological half-life. For any form of uranium, that biological half-life is 15 days. That means after 150 days (10 half-lives) less than 1 part in 1000 remains in the body; after 300 days, less than 1 part in 1,000,000 remains.

Because DU is only very slightly radioactive (because it has such a long radioactive half-life), you would have to ingest a rather large amount of DU to get enough into your body to get a substantial dose of radiation before it was purged. Since uranium of all forms is a toxic heavy metal, eating enough to do that would kill you long before you’d absorb any dangerous dose of radioactivity.

So yes, DU can kill you – if you eat enough of it. Just like lead or arsenic can kill you if you eat enough of it. Both are toxic heavy metals. But DU won’t kill you from radiation poisoning. It’s simply not radioactive enough to do that.

You’ve been sold load of snake-oil here, my friend. Quit drinking it.


Oh, and Joe Hueglin: I appreciate the reference, but you don’t have to tell me about uranium’s properties. One of the things I studied in college years ago was nuclear engineering.


Linda May was in Kingston, Ontario, Canada in March 2012 collecting Urine samples from Vets who may have been exposed to DU.
She was collecting them in small mason jars and using duct tape to seal the jars.
Her claim that her test can detect both DU and Dioxin was amazing if not a falace.
She was tell us her Husband flew Airforce 1 for 5 US Presidents, yet she tells other it was her son.
I loved the way she was unable to keep the rest of her story straight..
I am a Vet who served 3 tours overseas and I would love to see a reason as to why I have had Cancer twice and suffer PTSD
It would be nice to say it was DU, but there were also alot of other chemicals in the air over there.
Rest assured we Canadians have passed the word around about here and are keeping our eyes open.
The good thing in her favour is she has not asked for money or tried to sell us anything yet. So the authorieties cant touch her


Linda Cardiff May, in researching her and inquiring about her through Indiana – Nursing Board doesn’t have a license and isn’t a registered Nurse since 2005. Joe Hueglin and his flunky’s didn’t do their research. Hueglin is an ex Minister of Parliament and its so disappointing that he, being a teacher and ex minister didn’t do his research. Put you’re trust in people and this is what you get. Do you’re research Joe before you assume…you know the saying assuming makes an…well you know the rest. So ironic you scream take the fraud out of parliament, yet you bring fraud to Kingston Veterans. Good Job!?!?

Don May

Beware of this lady. She is more slippery than an eel and extremely nasty to those who cross her.

Linda is normally a resident of Champaign or Urbana IL. Look up histrionic borderline personality behavior disorder..this pretty well matches her behavior.

Husband for seventeen years.

Don M

Rose Aubert

This registered nurse still has an active R.N. license in the state of Illinois. She will be reported to the State Board of Licensing, and also the Attorney General of Illinois. She took $1500.00 of my money when my husband was dying, stating that she was an expert in hospital malpractice cases. I never heard from her again. I will not stop until she is behind bars and pays restitution for this outrageous scam.


This gal grew up in truly deplorable circumstances. It’s very sad to see what has become of her as an adult. What I don’t understand is how she has been able to continue her scams over the years, how she has not been convicted of fraud, how she is not currently under criminal and mental health supervision. Or have I missed something? She clearly needs supervision and the rest of us need protection.

P. J. Foster

Yes beware of Linda K. May. I was one who was scamed out of $1500.00. I posted on the internet about my husbands death at Fords. She kept contacting me about her creditals. I had a attorney , so because of her my attorney did not want yo work with her. once she got my money, and many contacts with her I never heard from her again. I was one who was contacted by newspaper and provided my cancelled check as proof. So anyone being contacted by linda K. May.,beware..She is after your $$$$$$.


She was at a public hearing in Rantoul, IL, on Oct. 16, 2013, regarding former Chanute Air Force Base cleanup.