Questions That Don’t Get Asked – Enough?

| March 18, 2012

May make a series of these… I suspect that many of you folks have these sort of  questions as well?

I’ve been having some WTF moments (surprise?) . Maybe it because I’m just simple minded, and nuance is lost on me?

You get to decide!

I’m gonna try to phrase MY questions as simply as possible.

In a time when the imposition of Sharia Law seems imminent in many places why isn’t the LGBT community doing everything in their power to combat that fact?  Even basic women’s rights are under threat.

Imagine Ms. Fluke in Iran?

I consider such as willful ignorance, what say YOU?

Aside: This series, if continued, will be based on your response. It doesn’t exactly fit at TAH, but it seems suitable for a Sunday.

Category: Geezer Alert!

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Could you clarify where you mean when you say “Sharia Law seems imminent in many places”?

Just Plain Jason

Ms. Fluke would have been stoned in the soccer stadium for suggesting that she would want to have sex outside of marriage…oh wait she would never really risk her life. She is more calculated that that. Unless you buy the fact that she was a random student found in a coffee shop…

I’m sorry liberals are not really interested in risking their lives they only want to send the warriors in to do their dirty work. Sorry I am in a really bad mood right now.


Thanks for clarifying……it’s an interesting question, but I would wonder what power and/or influence would the LGBT community have in those countries, where they don’t enjoy equal footing to begin with?

If you mean an external public/media narrative against Shari’a, then they certainly could, but I’m not sure the impact it would have.

Marine 83

I got an answer. The left hates this country every bit as much as Islam does. An enemy of my enemy etc. However, the American left does not have the ruthlesness of their Soviet forfathers, so if they ever get their way they will end up little bitches to their Islamic masters.

Just Plain Jason

I don’t talk a lot about my connections with the LGBT because I don’t necessarily find that it reflects the image of the whole. I have family members who are openly gay, but they aren’t represented by what most of the LGBT community wants. So to make a blanket statement is kinda hard.

As far as Ms. Fluke she went to Georgetown with an agenda. She attended a Jesuit university and founded an organization for reproductive rights…hmm sounds kinda calculating to me. She isn’t some innocent young woman, going to a top law school like that you come out with some claws.


The LGBT community isn’t war-like. They simply adapt to their situation and surroundings: if they live in a time and area where they are accepted, they are open; if they live in a place that they are persecuted, they go underground. Their main goal is basic survival.


This is fairly simple to understand. “The enemy of my enemy is my friend,” is the simplistic thought process going through the minds of liberals these days. They figure that once conservatives are defeated, they’ll have plenty of time to turn treacherously against their latest allies. Of course, once they realize that it’s a poisonous viper they’ve nestled so trustingly against their bosoms, they will react. But I believe much, much too late.


I know I am not welcome to comment on military matters, but maybe I can add two cents worth to this topic. I really do like this blog.

The pendulum swings left and right. Eventually if it swings all the way around, both sides meet. Extremes to the left and right have similar qualities. Not my material, it is outlined in the book The True Believer. Sharia law is extreme right, libs/ LGBT the extreme left. In my humble opinion, boiled down, they are unified by their intolerance.


That was great response, Marine 83…very good! Come back more often, we could stand to have more commentators such as yourself here. Damn it boy….”Simplistic” works, jack…Very well done! Hey, looks like we are getting a new crop of commentators here, dang!


If you keep coming back, Nobunnie? We just might accept you for being you…Ya never know until you try…Right?


and nuance is lost on me? Zero? Surely you meant to say “the nuance” and not “nuance” is lost on you?


I think an interesting corollary to Zero’s question, is that the LGBT community is by default considered the Left. I realize that the Democrats have utterly co-opted the organizations, but sexual orientation is not a predictor of political ideology, at least not in my experience.

Almost to a person, every homosexual I have known or am related to has been Libertarian, if not Conservative, in regards to economics and foreign policy. YMMV.


What do you mean by the LGBT community? Like all LGBT people in the world or certain countries? Should they form a big gay army and fight those countries? The uniforms would probably look pretty fabulous, but how should they go to countries notoriously backwards in social progress and try to fight sharia law? Why is fighting sharia law the LGBT communities problem and not every free thinking/free willed persons problem?

Yeah why aren’t gay people standing up against a century old religious system to try to gain equal rights. Oh wait, they are, right here in America. Too many people are too busy worrying about what some invisible guy in the sky thinks instead of taking care of problems here.

What is the point of your question? It just seems like you’re trying to stir up anti LGBT or Muslim sentiment in a round the bush kind of way.

Just Plain Jason

Nobunny don’t let some asshattery get you down sometimes a nonservice opinion is good to have. We tend to get tunnel vision if we don’t have someone to keep us honest.


If the DNC is the party of Women’s Rights, why does Joe Biden and Obama say the Taliban aren’t the enemy? Given that the Taliban oppose women leaving their homes, much less learning to read, showing their faces, or working, why is Obama pushing Karzai to negotiate the Taliban back into power?

Is the Iranian dictators believe so much in Islam, why are they allied with North Korea, where the dictator claims to be a deity and Venezuela, where the dictator pushes Communism?

Why is it that the Progressives defend the right of communist and islamist revolutionaries to kill their way into power, but not the right of average Iraqis to vote in a new government?

Why is it that the DNC finds 2 decades of occupation and Nation-building in Bosnia and Kosovo to be a necessary thing, but called for retreat from Iraq, and is calling for retreat from Afghanistan?

How is it that “we’re making progress” in Afghanistan when each of the last 3 years has seen far more violence than the first 5 years there?

How is it that the rush to throw uniforms on Afghans is “working” when the Taliban has infiltrated it, and began killing Our Troops in record numbers?

Why is okay for this POTUS to fight a war in Libya without consulting Congress, while the last one was blasted for fighting a war Congress authorized?

Just a few more questions for your future episodes of the new column Xero!

Just Plain Jason

Hey now WOTN don’t you be askin’ those complicated questions… they require independent thought and if it doesn’t come from groupthink then they won’t know how to answer them. I will sum up the answer for you…”Booshes fault!”

Oh here is a doozey that screws their mind up all the time, equal rights means equal rights for everyone not just those “disadvantaged” few.


Thanks for your encouragement. I’m going to take a huge risk here… Some of you may rescind your comments after I say this. The risk is you may tell me to F off, I don’t know shit about the real military etc, and laugh me off the board. So, here goes. Wince.

I am not devoid of military knowledge, guys. I was in an exemplary JROTC and college ROTC unit. I was also an officers’ wife. So, no, I do not have your experiences, but I have some (small, minuscule, probably pathetic to you) idea of what this all means.

Zero, have you read The True Believer? It is an analysis of the nature and psychology of mass movements.


Just Plain Jason: Completely agree with your posts 16 & 19 above. Outside opinion is indeed good. A fresh set of eyes and all that.

Yeah, the “Awwk . . . It’s America’s Fault!” gets old after a while. But look on the bright side. Even parrots can learn new lines. Does that mean that most on the left are even dumber than a parrot? (smile)


Zero, here’s the question we really should ponder: why do women always put the TP on the holder backwards?

(smiles as he ducks into the nearby sandbag bunker)


Simple, unemotional answer: to fuck with you.


Thanks. But won’t the Sisterhood have to shoot you now that you’ve divulged one of the Sacred Mysteries? (smile)


Nobunny: in all seriousness – I haven’t read the work you cited, but the thesis seems similar to one I’ve pondered for at least 15 years. Specifically, the political spectrum seems to me not to be bounded by Left and Right, but by those who want no government (anarchists) and those who want autocratic rule. Examples of the latter have existed in every political shade (and run by many, if not most, religions as well). I’m pretty sure I could come up with plausible examples of near-anarchistic governments from Left and Right as well, and probably from many religions also.

And no – from what I’ve seen, there doesn’t seem to be much difference between leftist and rightist dictatorships. Both maintain conformity via odious means involving brute force.


Already kicked out of the sisterhood. Didn’t care for the catty, irrational, vacuous scene.


Hondo, that is the essence of the book I mentioned. You are exempt from the reading assignment, sir.

Just Plain Jason

Here is part of my problem with the whole”LGBT community” there is an assumption by them, and frankly sometimes by us that they are all the same, which isn’t true. Not all gays in the military are like Dan Choi, when my uncle served in the early 80s nobody knew, they guy I served with in Iraq everyone knew but no one really cared…except one guy who tried to pick a fight with him, a gay guy from a small town in Missouri knows how to fight. Otherwise nobody really cared. One of the biggest shames of my life was when a young man I worked with at the casino asked me about the military and I had to tell him to not join, not because I didn’t think he wouldn’t have made a good soldier but because he would have to hide who he was. He wasn’t out to change the army or anything he just wanted to do the same thing as everyone else after September 11th. Now the “members the LGBT community” want all cities to be like san Francisco but I have it on good authority that some gay people are just fine not living there.


Nobunny: Thanks. And if it wasn’t obvious before – the TP question and the sisterhood reference were in jest.

Well, at least the latter was. I do actually wonder why most men and women seem to prefer the TP be put on the holder differently. The orientation doesn’t really matter – but it would be interesting to know why the difference in preferences exists.


Zero: in all seriousness, here’s a question that might qualify.

Why did the Left consider it wrong to depose a barbaric dictator who ruled by whim, mistreated his own people, and repeatedly threatened his neighbors in 2003 – but consider it the correct course of action in 2011?

Just Plain Jason

Hondo I want to apologize for earlier. Didn’t mean to target you just my depression and anxiety about the whole situation is getting to me. I am talking to some friends about it now.

Former 3364

@ 30: I’ll take a shot at this one. It was okay in 2011 because they did the deposing…


Just Plain Jason: No issue, amigo. We all have those kinds of days. Hopefully I toned down my replies enough that they weren’t offensive. If not, you have my apologies as well.

— break —

Zero: OK, here’s the shorter and more direct version: “Why was it OK to depose Muammar Qadaffi in 2011 but wrong to depose Saddam Hussein in 2003? Both were murderous dictators who persecuted their own people.”

I suspect Former 3364 above has answered that question exactly correctly if truth be told. But I’d love to hear someone from the Left actually try to explain it.

Former SSG

In the 70s and 80s, I was a mainstream feminist – equal pay, etc. Today’s feminists are so involved in the minutia of their victimhood, I want nothing to do with them. There is no where in the world where women are treated as well as in this country, my country, by American laws and American men. Because their focus is on themselves, they do not care what happens to other women and minorities in the world. They are not finished perfecting their own status, and do not look around and see how very good we have it here, and extend a hand (beyond women’s group lip-service at the UN and other ineffective orgs) to others who need it. I”I got mine, tough for the rest of you,” is not an attitude I respect.


Glad to hear it. I came to the same conclusion years ago. It’s good to know I haven’t misread the situation.


You guys really need to go to gayconservative dot org if you think all gats want Big Gay Al as their leader in some San Fran-esque version of paradise. I’m fairly certain Sharia law wouldn’t stand a chance against the likes of its bloggers.


*gays. Fuggit.

AW1 Tim

Here’s my question:

Why are our alleged allies so loath to actually pitch in and carry the load in Afghanistan and Iraq? It seems to me they were pretty greatful for us coming in and cleaning up their own Goddamned mess in the Balkans. Now when we ask for to have the favour returned it,s “Oh dear, I’m so sorry… look at the time!”

If there is any place we need to get the fuck out of it’s the Balkans, followed by all of Europe. Fuck those lazy, molly-coddled socialist wannabes. Let them work overtime and pay for their own mother-fucking troops and national defense.

Yes. there are some damned fine soldiers and people in Europe. This isn’t about them. It’s about their self-appointed aristocrats, the EU assmaggot diplomats and bureaucrats, and their enablers. We’ve been propping up their damned economies by shouldering the bulk of their defense needs for more than 60 years now. Enough is enough.

Bring our troops home from Europe. Bring them home from Korea and the rest of Asia as well.


Why don’t you tell us how you really feel about Western European governments, AW1 Tim? (smile)

AW1 Tim

Thanks, Hondo.

I really needed to vent about that. 🙂

And yeah……. I did mean every word there.