Drink the Kool Aid deeply, my pretty

| March 12, 2012

So while I was researching for my media appearance today, I happened by the Washington Post and looked through the comments and came across these delightful comments that I just had to share;

First of all, he didn’t end the war in his first four years, what makes them think he’ll end it in his second term, especially since his only foreign policy successes are in large part due to the performance of the troops in the war. Secondly, how did he “rightly” win the Nobel Prize since he was nominated for it before he even entered office?

Not that I totally disagree with his policy, but he’s the first US president since Lincoln to intentionally target US citizens for death using our armed forces to execute their sentence. He’s expanded the drone war in direct contradiction with Leftist aims. So I don’t know how that woudl qualify him for a “Peace Prize”. And, yes, he’s restored the image of the United States around the world, that’s why every time we fart, we’re drawing criticism from every corner of the world. Iran is so scared of us they’ve stopped their nuclear program and refrain from helping our adversaries in Syria, Afghanistan and Pakistan…oh, wait, no they haven’t. My bad.

But, yes, I agree that we should never forget who started this war – al Qaeda with the full knowledge and protection from the Taliban. Despite what Joe “Bite Me” Biden would have us believe.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Terror War

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Actually Jonn, the only thing I gathered from that screencap was the profound stupidity of the average Obama supporter.



These brainiacs have either a short attention span or are terminally stupid. O’Bama had a democrat-controlled Senate and House for the first two years of his presidency. And he still has the Senate.

Old Tanker

My question is does Obama even need approval to pull out? Can’t he just end this whenever he wants?

Just Plain Jason

Oh the great one needs people to blame when something goes wrong but when something goes his way he did it in spite of all the nasty people in his way. Now if you all would turn to chapter 3 verse 7 audacity of hope we will see how he fought his way out of the racist slums of Hawaii…obama, obama, bush is evil…


So … is this a recent post? Senator Obama!!?? What planet are these people living on?


JPJ, don’t forget the hymn, Baracka, Baracka, MMM MMM MMM.
Some of those posts are proof that those folks are living in a time warp.


I assumed the first post was a brilliant troll, actually.