Limbaugh’s apology
So Rush Limbaugh apologized to Sandra Fluke yesterday for calling her a slut and a prostitute. I don’t know why he needed to apologize, I haven’t heard any apologies over the years for calling Sarah Palin names, including “slut”. The Left differentiates their behavior from Rush by explaining that Fluke isn’t a public figure. Well, she did become a public figure the minute she decided to tell Congress how the rest of us taxpayers should have our money spent to subsidize her sexual proclivities.
But Rush’s apology, as reported by the Washington Post;
“My choice of words was not the best, and in the attempt to be humorous, I created a national stir,” Limbaugh said on his website. “I sincerely apologize to Ms. Fluke for the insulting word choices.”
So that’s the end of it, right? 75 members of Congress demanded an apology from Rush, so that should satisfy the Left, right? Nope. Michael Moore tweets last night;

So you remedy one situation of a guy calling a woman a “slut” by calling that guy a “bitch” when he apologizes. Classy, Jabba the Moore.
The Propagandist calls it a non-apology. The Talking Points Memo says it falls on deaf ears. So why did he even bother?
The whole situation reminds of the issue we discussed over two years ago when Major General Anthony Cucolo, the commander of Multi-National Division-North, Iraq, decided to make pregnancy in a war zone a violation of command policy and threatened his command with court martials for violating that policy. The Left made it about the right to have sex, while the issue was really about making sound choices. Saying “no” is cheap in my experience.
So show me in the Constitution where it says Americans have a right to expect the government to fund their sexual activities.
And where are the apologies for members of Congressman Issa’s staff whom he reports have been abused by his ideological opponents, according to the Washington Times;
“My staff, particularly female staff, have also been the subject of intense and disgusting accusations and insults — ‘hag,’ ‘traitor,’ and numerous references to anatomy have been among the milder expressions hurled over the phone,” Mr. Issa wrote.
Also, according to the Washington Times, Fluke’s whole point was moot, because according to Georgetown spokeswoman, Stacy Kerr, although the University requires students to have healthcare insurance, they’re free to make a choice and purchase other health insurance outside of the University’s policy which could include birth control. But there’s that pesky word “choice” again.
Category: Dumbass Bullshit, Liberals suck
He absolutely should have apologized. Calling her a slut was totally inaccurate and uncalled-for. Sluts don’t get paid; she’s a whore.
She owes all of us an apology. She described herself as a slut (or worse). She also described other students at Georgetown as sluts (or worse). In the halls of Congress. On the record.
While all this contrived nonsense is floating around, what exactly are the libs concocting under the table as they have attention drawn to this non-issue?
They have an agenda here. They also have a track record of tactically diverting attention onto something idiotic like this while doing some dastardly deed out of camera range.
Okay, I take back what I said earlier this week, I might feel slightly happy when Moore is dead (but I won’t be an asshole and post stupid crap online).
Amazing how the left is so insistent we stay out of the bedroom, except when trying to get someone else to pay for the shit that goes on in there.
What’s next, putting a guy in an adult diaper on SS disability?
Oh wait–already been done.
A number of Rush’s sponsors caved to pressure and dropped him. Carbonite’s CEO even issued a statement wishing his daughters were subversive whores too.
There’s a lot of misconceptions going on here:
1. We’re not talking about government funding of her birth control. We’re talking about PRIVATE insurance and the definition of what constitutes a comprehensive plan. This has nothing to do with the taxpayers. SHE’S paying for the insurance. And the insurance company has agreed to pay for the birth control if an employer has a moral objection to funding it. Her argument is that it should include birth control as part of what constitutes preventive care, the University is arguing for its right to impose their morality on the students and faculty based on their religion and ethics.
2. The core of her argument rested on medical treatment, NOT the desire to have sex indiscriminately. The story she told of the woman who needed prescribed birth control to control for ovarian cysts involved a lesbian. She obviously did not need the medine for birth control. She brought in a doctor’s note explaining the reason for her use and she was STILL denied coverage. The end of the story involved her getting an ovarian cyst that forced her to remove one of her ovaries and now she’s going through menopause in her early thirties.
3. This is not the government imposing anything on anyone but employers and organizations trying to impose their morality on us. This is something even Scalia agrees is unconstitutional. The health exhcange is just like the stock exchange. For a company to take part in it they must reach certain guidelines imposed by the government. If an insurance company wants to take part in the exchange, they have to provide comprehensive health care. That includes free preventive care and preventive care includes birth control. It is the empolyer who is in this case trying to dictate its morality on the rest of us by changing what does and does not constitute comprehensive care. The law and the Constitution states that they cannot do that.
A number of Rush’s sponsors caved to pressure and dropped him. Carbonite’s CEO even issued a statement wishing his daughters were subversive whores too.
You do not necessarily need to be a “whore” to need birth control. There are other reasons to want it besides avoiding pregnancy and a desire to have lots of sex. Furthermore birth control is just as effective if you have sex once a month or 5 times a day. Wanting it does not necessarily make you promiscuous.
Nice try, insipid #6, but it’s the government forcing insurance companies to cover birth control which raises our premiums, essentially a tax on those of us who have health insurance must pay whether we ourselves choose birth control or not. Ever hear of “shared risk”?
Fluke wanted Congress to force Georgetown University to buy a plan for her that included her birth control, even though she could have bought her own plan from someone else that would have paid for her irresponsible lifestyle choices which means that those who students still in the Georgetown pool would have had to pay higher premiums so Fluke could get what she wanted, and screw everyone else.
Thanks for making the point. But you cannot argue common sense and reason here. I try on a regular basis, it doesn’t work. It’s just an echo chamber.
Now explain why it must be taxpayer funded…
Actually that’s not true, John @ 8. Including birth control as part of the comprehensive health plan tends to lower the cost of health insurance because birth control is a lot cheaper than paying for pregnancies. It’s the whole reason the insurance companies are willing to pay for it. They didn’t volunteer our of largess.
Then she should buy a policy outside of the university’s plan if it’s so much cheaper, instead of forcing something down the throat of the university. The problem here is that the Left is trying to make everyone accept their conditions with total disregard for others’ principles.
And how is paying for $3000 (using Fluke’s number) of birth control cheaper than having a baby?
(By the way I asked that last question fully knowing what your response will be)
#10- Booradley. This is NOT taxpayer funded insurance. This is insurance SHE’S paying for as part of the college’s health insurance plan.
I do not think that the college or your employer ought to be able to dictate what you do in your private life with your money or what you do with the benefits you pay for.
“I do not think that the college or your employer ought to be able to dictate what you do in your private life with your money or what you do with the benefits you pay for.”
But you have no problem with the government telling us what we should do in our private lives…which is exactly Fluke’s goal in this case.
Let the market sort this out. That’s why it’s there.
Perhaps this issue can spur other cost savings, like taking Viagra off of Medicare Part D.
There are few options to chose from when Universities seek contracts for student health insurance. We’re currently negotiating a contract for next year, and guess what? The new requirements of Obamacare are making the premium higher.
So, government dictating what coverage must be included is a good thing? Not when it prices students out of coverage, and perhaps out of college.
Didn’t Barack Hussein Obama call everyone on the right *TEA BAGGERS*? I have yet to hear an apology from Obama for intimating that ALL on the right are engaged in vile homosexual practices…
It’s only EVIL when the RIGHT does it I guess…
It doesn’t really matter what the subject happens to be – the point is that the government is dictating the terms of yet another contractual arrangement between individuals and a company/university/church/other entity which is none of the government’s business.
No one is depriving this slut of anything. No one here (or on the airwaves that I have heard, including LImbaugh) is suggesting that this slut have her access to whatever contraceptive she wishes to use be limited. She can have as many gold-plated IUD’s as she can afford.
Again, the answer is simple. If you do not like the insurance policy that your univesity offers, shop around for one more to your liking.
Really. This is not complicated. Some just want to make it appear to be. Why?
Let’s not forget about Obama’s top donor, Bill Maher, and him calling Sarah Palin a c*nt… and explaining that he has the full right to do that, since he’s on HBO.
Interesting how there is no outcry from the Left to get Obama to call Sarah Palin and stand in solidarity with her, and then call Bill Maher and tell him he is rejecting his $1mil donation. But apparently Obama is not the President of all Americans, just politically active Democrat hacks, so his ‘outrage’ is selective.
Just typical hypocritical liberal bullshit. The Left doesn’t care that Rush said ‘slut’, they just care about using this issue in an effort to keep their power. It’s all a distraction from their total destruction of our economy, energy industry and foreign policy.
OWB Says: If you do not like the insurance policy that your univesity offers, shop around for one more to your liking.
Well, the slutwhore did the opposite. She shopped around for universities whose insurance did not cover contraception and purposely enrolled at Georgetown in order to agitate and harrass the university into changing their policy, against its religious beliefs.
#6, let’s go through your points one by one.
1. Nobody is forcing her or anyone else to attend that university, and there are undoubtedly other equally prestigious schools who would be willing to provide exactly what she’s demanding from Georgetown. Answer: Go to one of those other schools.
2. If the individual in need of BC for a medical issue was denied by the insurance company, why did none of her friends/peers step up to help her, and why did she not go to the multitude of walk-in places that offer perfectly affordable BC for much less than Ms. Fluke’s fraudulent cost estimate? As pointed out on Ace of Spades, there’s a Target pharmacy located 2.8 miles from the Georgetown campus that sells BC medication for about $9/month.
If the circumstances described by Ms. Fluke are actually true (which I doubt, given her propensity to lie about everything else in the matter), the individual in question has about as much sense as the British Firefighters who wouldn’t save a seizure victim lying facedown in 2.5 feet of water because they “weren’t trained for water rescue”.
3. Nobody is being forced at gunpoint to work for those employers or go to those schools, nor is anyone being denied what they won’t pay for when you can drive a couple of miles to the nearest Target or Walgreens and spend a fairly small amount of your own fucking money to get it. Of course, that doesn’t matter if all you’re looking for is something to scream about and push the government to impose your will on everyone else. You want to talk about the Constitution, yet ignore the blatant unconstitutionality of the government forcing an individual to enter into a private contract for the private purchase of a good or service.
The irony of all of this is that if you and your fellow travelers weren’t so hellbent on having the government micromanage healthcare and blowing up the costs, the marketplace and actual competition would provide the solution you claim to seek.
1. Insipid, she chose of her own free will to attend a Catholic University. One of the reasons she gave for attending is that she knew about their policy on birth control and wanted to change it.
2. Regarding her lesbian friend with the cyst: That is a logical fallacy called “appeal to emotion.” If she really did try to appeal the decision and was denied, did she try taking it higher? I’ve seen first hand how stubborn insurance companies can be in covering things that are written down in black and white.
3. Now I have had the argument presented to me that the generic prescriptions might not be sufficient. However, there is a Planned Parenthood office less than a mile away from the main campus. Since Planned Parenthood constantly announces how they have low cost birth control, why not go there instead of forcing a Catholic organization to conform to her beliefs?
She’s back and still stuck on stupid. This is about nothing more than the left trying to spin emotion and Rush to their advantage. Insipid should be caring about why it is the POTUS finds it necessary to interject? Because he is a shameless bastard and will do whatever it takes for votes and eff what is best for the country…to include circumventing Congress, the Constitution, etc…and you have fallen for it all, HLS.
Beyond who pays for whomever’s screwing around, what is at stake is Freedom of Religion.
Fluke wants Georgetown University to provide women with contraceptives and abortions. Georgetown is a wholly-owned institution of the Jesuits, and by extension the Roman Catholic Church, which believes contraception and abortion violates their pro-life religious beliefs.
As we learn from the Hosana Tabor case, in which the SCOTUS decided (9-0) religions and religious institutions can not be compelled by the state/Federal government to provide any thing that violates religious beliefs.
In response, HHS created a rule and implemented it (as in – entered into the Federal Registry as is – there was no “compromise,” according to the WH) which requires institutions belonging to religions to violate their beliefs and provide contraceptive/abortion services.
BTW, the rule also applies to Protestants, Jewish, Muslim, and all other religions in the US of A.
As we learn from history, whether (invoking Godwin’s Law) it was Germany, Venezuela, Russia, or the former Yugoslavia, once Freedom of Religion is usurped, the Church (Synagogue, Mosque, grove of trees) becomes an agency of the state.
As an agency of the state, religious tenets are then subject to government oversight, rewrite, promotion or abolition. This affects every American because what they believe or refuse to believe becomes subject to the state.
The Rush-Fluke sideshow is only that – a sideshow. Up until George Stephanopolous introduced the idea that the GOP was going destroy all contraceptives at the January 2012 New Hampshire GOP Primary debate (specifically targeting the Establishment-approved candidate Mitt Romney), the only place you could find the GOP against contraceptives was the handing them out to kindergartners and elementary students.
In the military, we call this contraceptive meme and the Rush-Fluke sideshow “Deception.” You’ve lost your freedom of religion, and folks are talking about condoms.
Welcome to America, the one sided nonsensical soap opera
Yeah i’d say she’s a tramp ! Who cares what she thinks, or that fat sack of shit michael moore. I’d love to see him and Rush have a full contact fight. I wonder if anybodys willing to promote it ?
“But you cannot argue common sense and reason here. I try on a regular basis, it doesn’t work.”
Come on, you guys, we have to appreciate HM2’s common sense and reason, he’s the only one who brings it here. He just said so.
Rush had a bunch of sponsors pull out on him specifically because of his remarks. If they didn’t, he wouldn’t have apologized.
Personally, and this is just my feeling, the whole name calling thing has jumped the shark, so to speak. Bill Maher was wrong with what he said, just as Rush was wrong for what he said. Calling someone names just reduces things to the lowest common denominator. It shows your intelligence level while also showing that you’re not clever enough to form a coherent argument without resorting to name calling. Its akin to screaming, “F**K YOU”, at someone when they get the bettter of you in an argument. Its juvenile. I am guilty, as are most persons, for doing one or the other. In my case, I believe it has been both. Rush, as well as Maher, should be better than that. They shouldn’t have to feel the need to resort to name calling. In the case of Maher, no matter how venomous the words that are used are, its to illicit a response, be it laughter or anger. These guys get ratings. Fans listen because they agree with the agenda being brought forth, and opponents listen because they want to hear something they deem “idiotic” so they can rant and rave. I am a father to two beautiful little girls. Both are under the age of 10. I am concerned about their health and well-being, as any responsible parent should. As a medical professional I am aware of other uses for birth control, ie. hormone therapy. Sometimes young women who are athletic and have a very low amount of body fat have a difficult time with the regulation of their menstrual cycles. There are also instances where the cramping is so severe, these young women have a hard time even getting up and doing the most mundane of activities. By placing these women on birth control, these problems can be alleviated. This isn’t done so they can arbitrarily go out and have tons of sex. Its done so they have some semblance of a normal menstrual cycle without having to go through the aforementioned problems every month. If my daughtersl had these problems, I would have no problems paying… Read more »
Then the person engaging in the activity can pay for it themself. Having someone else pay for it is exactly what Limbaugh said.
He’s just lucky he didn’t get sued for definition of character…
By placing these women on birth control, these problems can be alleviated.
But then it’s not really “birth control”, any more than a male getting his HCG level tested (related to a testicular cancer diagnosis) is getting a “pregnancy test”.
Rush was definitely wrong to capitulate on this. His marketing power has always been such that I believe he’d have eventually gotten his lost advertisers back, with their own apologies to HIM, once their customers quit using them in support of Rush.
Badly misplayed, he’s slipping.
How is it defamation when she claims her sexual activity is such that any normal person would call her a slut, or worse?
Seems from here that she was bragging about it. In public. In the halls of Congress.
Now, it sounds reasonable that almost any female student at Georgetown might have a real defamation claim since she made it sound like slutty behavior is the norm there.
@30 – “It shows your intelligence level while also showing that you’re not clever enough to form a coherent argument without resorting to name calling.”
Excellent. That is much of what is wrong in political theater today. If someone cannot stand by their position with resorting to playground taunting, why bother with the effort?
I agree with not funding contraception (or other extracurricular medications) with taxpayer dollars, but from a position of economic liberty. The case is is sound and easy to defend. But if we have to use the label ‘slut’ just because someone has/had sex out of wedlock, then we’d best be comfortable using the label with our wives/girlfriends/daughters/sisters/mothers, etc.
^^ That should have ended with where applicable; not implying that everyone’s female relation is promiscuous.
@35: I’m guessing you haven’t read the testimony. She merely said she is on contraception and then gave several axamples of Contraceptives used for hormone therapy. Most of this focused on the amount and inserted ridiculous claims into her sex life which was never part of her testimony.
If that is all you think she said, then it is obvious that YOU did not read her “testimony!” Her assertions of financial need for all the rest of us to pay for her choices were simply absurd.
Now you want to claim that she was not speaking for herself when she said that she was?
I don’t agree with Fluke’s position, but her testimony doesn’t read anything like what’s being touted by Limbaugh and others.