Limbaugh’s sex problem

| March 2, 2012

I don’t listen to Rush…I have a job, well a couple of jobs if you count this thing I do here. But, Politico writes that 75 Congressional voices have been raised to defend college student, Sandra Fluke who claimed to Congress that her sexual activities may sink her budget while she’s in law school at Georgetown. Congressmen apparently have no other function these days than to defend excessively sexually active law students, what with the economy in such great shape and gas prices falling precipitously.

Fluke claimed that her birth control bill for three years of law school may be $3000. Really? That’s about what I pay for three years of property taxes, more or less. I don’t think my pr0n [sic] bill is anywhere near $1000/year.

Limbaugh might be right in this case, as he’s called her a slut and demanded that if she thinks that the government should pay for her birth control, she should post her sexual activities on line so we can observe how our tax dollars are spent.

The whole thing is, if she’s worried about paying so much for her birth control, maybe she should cut back on her sexual activities and focus on her law school studies. I’m pretty sure her parents sent her to law school to study and not screw her brains out. But I’m just guessing…who knows what is in parents’ heads these days.

Category: Dumbass Bullshit

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Wow Sparky you got punked out

Harry Sall

Holiday Problems….. ive got this rare condition… i love my fiancee more than life itself and in england i have never cheated… the only problem is, when i go on holiday im a fucking animal…. i cant help it…. when the seatbelt sign goes off my cock hangs out! what shalli do???