Jim Moran- Still a fahkin idiot

| February 29, 2012

To me he’ll always be the asshat that tried to play Alex Trabek with me by refusing to respond because I didn’t phrase my statement of his asshatitude in the form of a question. Apparently drink has further addled his already diminished mental faculties.

Short story is this. An advertisement in the DC Metro told President Obama to “Go to Hell.” Tasteless, perhaps, but Moran decided to up the ante by complaining to Metro to take it down. The Metro noted that it is required by the First Amendment to accept all advertising, since METRO is essentially run by the Gov’t. So Moran declares:

I am disappointed by WMATA’s defense of this inappropriate advertisement. If their current advertising guidelines do not prohibit profane advertisements on taxpayer-funded property, then WMATA should take the initiative and update them. Profanity has no place in the public forum.

“The specific language in the WMATA-approved ad that should be removed is not political, it’s profane. It defames the President of the United States in a way that coarsens the public discourse. All Americans have the right to make their voice heard under the First Amendment. But when we are talking about an advertisement on tax-payer funded facilities, as is the case with Metro, it should meet the minimum standards of propriety. I repeat my call on WMATA to exercise appropriate judgment and remove this offensive ad.

Let’s address first the “profane” charge. It’s idiotic. “Go to hell” is not profane by any definition I can find in the law. Public discourse that argues with the President is exactly why the First Amendment was incorporated. Moran as a legislator ought to know that. By noting the President explicitly in his statement he de facto acknowledges that. Offensive speech, whether Moran likes it or not is covered here.

Also, what he seems to be advocating here is a content based restriction on ads that appear in the metro. Does anyone for a second think that language like that would raise his hackles if directed at Mitch McConnell or Boehner? Of course not. I was offended by a ton of ads I saw on the metro in my days riding it every day. Hell, MoveOn had ads in there and I didn’t get all pissed about that, even when they referred to Petreus as “Betray Us.” Was that offensive? Damn right it was. Was it “profane” not really. But my question for Moran, if I could actually get him to respond to me, is why MoveOn is not guilty of “coarsen[ing] the public discourse” and yet “go to hell” is?

BTW- For Moran’s greatest hits, go here, and learn how those dirty Jooooos led us into the Iraq War, an 8 year old tried to carjack him, and how he said “When I become chairman [of a House appropriations subcommittee], I’m going to earmark the sh*t out of it.”

Well, that seems rather profane. Are we paying his salary? That language like that really bugs the fahkin shit out of me.

Category: Politics

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it’s only profane when they insult his boyfriend. Ok, people’s standards of profane (not legally but personally) differ. but clearly, bad language doesn’t bother him… so he can GTH2.

Marooned in Marin

Has the old drunkard also stopped beating his (now ex) wife?

By the way, that clip of you taking Moron and Jackoff Murtha apart is priceless!


I heard this on WTOP driving home from work, immediately switched to DC101 in time for the Doo Doo Time Spectacuuuuulaaaar!

Thought to self, how appropriate.


I really wish Moron would spell his last name correctly.


I am *still* being held hostage as one of his constituents in his congressional district. I doubt the Virginia Legislature has done anything to change that…


[…] TSO at This Ain’t Hell: Let’s address first the “profane” charge. It’s idiotic. “Go to […]

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