Charges dropped against dirt killer

| February 23, 2012

As Sparky said in the comments, charges against Dennis Fleming, the man who fired into the ground to foil a burglar who was leaving his neighbor’s house, have been dropped according to MyFoxBoston;

Felony charges against a New Hampshire man who fired a warning shot at an alleged robber have been dropped.

Dennis Fleming’s attorney confirmed the news to

Apparently, Fleming has been getting support from around the country and even overseas;

Dennis Fleming may not want to be the poster child, but, gun advocates from all over the county have rallied to his defense.

He’s surprised by the support he’s gotten ever since he tracked down a burglar and fired a warning shot.

“I know it’s touched a nerve with a lot of people. I have people come up at Walmart, and say ‘you did great I saw you on TV’, ‘I saw you in the paper’.”

It’s nice to see the good guys win one for a change.

Category: Guns

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Old Trooper

Good for him!

AW1 Tim

Excellent news!


Great news, but this shit pisses me off. A felony charge…really?


#3 You should have watched Shep Smith’s show yesterday. He had on a former prosecuter who was trying to defend the charges. It would have been funny if it wasn’t so damn infuriating (she actually compared what he did to firing a gun into the air).



This is what results from folks who know nothing about whatever it is that they are trying to control wading in to control it anyway. No common sense.

And for what it’s worth – many of us who live out in the country use the same tactic (shooting into the ground) to discourage things like foxes and such from running in on our more domesticated critters. Ya know, because it’s like, pretty effective at getting the attention of things we don’t necessarily want to kill but want to stop whatever mischief they are headed for doing which might not be a captiol offense.


CI–yeah. A guy fires into an occupied car in my town, runs off, finally got arrested yesterday, and faces no more charges than a guy defending his property who fired a shot into the ground away from the shitbag who just robbed him and his neighbor.

I was having a discussion with a lawyer friend of mine who was basically defending Velardi’s (county attorney) actions based on the fact that’s what the law “defines” it as being.

To which I say, horseshit. I’m familiar with the area where Mr. Fleming resides. Houses aren’t exactly packed (his neighbor was nearly 1/4 mile away) in and the woods are pretty dense around the houses anyway.

I’m guessing that Velardi saw a chance to make an example of Fleming, but didn’t expect the shitstorm he got.

I’m still going to see that he faces a challenger and is voted out of office. Shit like this is ridiculous. All the county atty. and the local cops have done is ensure that if someone catches a burglar or other scumbag in their home, there won’t be warning shots, just dead perps.


There does seem to be a rather insidious action being seen more and more with situations like this, and that is that while people can OWN guns, they better not USE them.

Basically, gun control run at us from the other end of the chute.


Glad to hear one went right.

Frankly Opinionated

New Hampshire warning shot- 2 to center of mass. Do not, I repeat, do NOT fire into the ground. That is not the way to warn a criminal up in New Hampster. Shoot their asses dead, and if the body is still there the next day, call Waste Management to pick up the trash.