Two US soldiers killed in Koran protests

| February 23, 2012

CBS News reports that two US soldiers were killed in the on going and overblown protests in Afghanistan regarding the destruction of some defaced Korans from the detention center library in Bagram Airbase;

A statement from the International Security Assistance Force – Afghanistan, the international coalition in the country, confirmed that two troops were killed in Eastern Afghanistan on Thursday by “an individual wearing an Afghan National Army uniform.”

ISAF does not typically give the nationality of casualties until family members have been notified, but the CBS News source in the Afghan government said those killed and injured in the attack in the Khogyani district of the eastern Ningarhar province along the border with Pakistan were Americans.

All of these protests are going on while the president is apologizing for US troops using an accepted method of destroying defaced Korans. Apparently, that’s how the Muslims themselves rid themselves of old Korans. The Korans in question were used to pass extremist messages between prisoners at the detention center. According to Islamic Law, writing in the Koran is considered to be defacing the holy book. So what is really going on here?

Afghan troops have killed seven protesters, and US troops shot another one while defending themselves, according to Fox News.

And of course, the Taliban is on the sidelines urging Afganis to kill the “invaders”;

“Our brave people must target the military bases of invader forces, their military convoys and their invader bases,” read an e-mailed Taliban statement released by spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid.

“They have to kill them (Westerners), beat them and capture them to give them a lesson to never dare desecrate the holy Koran again.”

Never mind that it was the detainees who “desecrated” the texts in the first place. Time to leave Afghanistan and leave them to their own devices. Either that or just start gunning down everyone who scowls.

Category: Terror War

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I’m just waiting for some douchenozzle to claim WE’RE the ones who aren’t acting with restraint.

Memo to (mostly) leftist asswipes and Islamist apologists: The fact we didn’t turn a large part of the world into a several million square mile glass parking lot shows a LOT of restraint over the past decade. Take your moral outrage and shove it square up your 7th Century goat loving asses.


Whoever gave this to the news media to play with, knowing it would lead to this kind of violence (it always does, doesn’t it?) is responsible for the death of two American soldiers, and four that were wounded.

And we couldn’t do much worse for a president if one of bin Laden’s sons was in the WH.

Apolgize for WHAT?!?

CI Roller Dude

Correction: the proper way to “retire” a Koran is to:
1.) Remove each page while praying
2.) take a shit
3.) Use the page you’ve removed to wipe ass
4.) Then pray again, burn the page and
5.) Pray again…
6.) Repeat as needed until all pages are gone, and/or ass is fully wiped.
(I’m going to hell for that one)


Take off, nuke the site from orbit, yadda yadda yadda.

Stop me if you’ve heard it before. And don’t think for a second Amadinnerjacket won’t use that cute little nuke as soon as he pulls the Uranium out of the centrifuge.


Time to leave this turd hole.

The way I look at it, no further American lives are worth sacrificing for these hypocritical, ungrateful lot.

Old Trooper

That’s funny, I don’t recall the President apologizing when the same command burned a bunch of bibles this past year. Oh, wait, that’s because no one lost their fricken stone-aged mind over it.


I am just so excited to go to Talibanistan this year…the only good I can see coming from it is a little chunk of tax free change because I am pretty sure that nothing I do there is going to make these people realize that all the money they make from being the worlds largest distributor of poppies could be used for something other than HME….like a reliable source of electricity….or a way to use the trillion dollars worth of natural resources they have. But instead they want to stay in the dark ages and kill any woman who happens to well….pretty much do anything.


Revenge is ours. We replaced reliable the ANA’s reliable AK-74 with M-16s. Hah!


And we also gave the ANP’s a bunch of S&W sigmas…lol….they weren’t even worthy of the extra 100 bucks for new glocks i guess


I agree, we should probably GTFO of that shithole and leave that clown Karzai in all his sartorial splendor along with his fellow goat fuckers to their own demise which will probably be his head on a stick with a WTF expression on his knarly face. But they would probably all end up in Paris partying it up at the Moulon Rouge Titty Bar and Grill with all their stolen US tax dollars.
Sparkys right the next time some conspiracy gets hatched there we just turn it into a glass parking lot, end of problem.


Might as well tell the ANA that all the halal meals we’ve fed them were really kosher.


Where’s the fucking apology from the “noble” Afghan people?


Hey I used to own a Sigma, first pistol I ever bought. Put a few hundred rounds through it and never had any problem with it, pretty accurate too.


Haha, I owned a sigma too. They are fine guns. But I’d rather have a glock anyday of the week


I had a Sigma as well. Good pistol…..traded up for an XD Subcompact and never looked back.

Doc Bailey

Religion of peace my ass. this is why I never cared if I gave a ham beefsteak MRE to the detainees.


Only 15% of the population there can read. How would any of them know what was in the damn thing.


I think it’s time to tell Karzai adios ! This hellhole is a bottomless pit of our peoples lives and the countries treasure. They support Terrorism again….a few well placed cruise’s with kiloton capacity will take care of em. You’ll never civilize these bastards , nation building only works with “civilized” human beings. Not these filthy turds.