Hippie threatens gun play

| February 23, 2012

The other day, USAToday dared to run an opinion piece that declared the Occupy movement had disappeared with a wimper;

the Occupiers chose a course best described as doing nothing. They did nothing day after day, week after week, under the mistaken belief that camping in public plazas would prompt some kind of action from others.

Eventually it did, as patient-but-fed-up city governments moved to dismantle the encampments amid concerns about public safety and sanitation.

Well, some hippie named Rich Latta, not surprisingly from Austin took exception to the characterization.

Your piece accuses the protesters of sitting around and doing nothing. So maybe they should take up their Second Amendment-sanctioned guns and storm Wall Street and our nation’s capitals. If our country doesn’t change, it could very well come to that one day.

According to other sources on the internet, Rich Latta is a massage therapist by trade, so pardon me if I’m not particularly worried about a massage therapist who threatens gun violence. Especially when you realize that he’s talking about other people perpetrating that gun violence and not his stick-boy body.

The Daily Caller‘s Jim Treacher writes;

Wow. Just imagine how Janet Napolitano would react if a “right-wing extremist” talked about “storming Wall Street and our nation’s capitals” with guns. Everybody freaked out when Tea Partiers brought registered weapons to rallies. MSNBC even tried to (literally) frame a black guy as a gun-toting white racist.

But an Occupier publishes a letter in a national newspaper about “storming Wall Street” with guns, and I don’t find out about it until a week later. It’s not seen as a credible threat, despite the fact that Occupy’s rap sheet dwarfs that of the Tea Party. Rich Latta of Austin, TX isn’t being investigated for his threat, because it isn’t politically convenient.

Well, and no one is particularly worried about a message therapist who threatens that someday him and his fellow hippies might actually do anything besides bitch and whine.

Thanks to Old Trooper for one of those links.

Category: I hate hippies, Occupy

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Bubblehead Ray

My only advice to him is “Don’t forget your Kevlar”. I could be wrong, but I’m pretty sure the Tea Party has the Only Whine Shitbirds outgunned. LOL


Yawn…what if they gave a revolution and everyone was so stoned they forgot about it?

Oh, and memo to Mister Latta–the Second Amendment doesn’t allow you to commit crimes, fuckstick.

Bubblehead Ray

Hell Sparky, I figure if they keep their weapons as clean as they keep themselves they’ll be lucky to get off one round without the rusty piece of shit exploding.


And meanwhile, one town over the county attorney is STILL deciding whether or not to pursue a felony charge of reckless endangerment against Mister Fleming for firing a shot into the ground (well away from the perp) while catching some shitbag who just burglarized him and his neighbor.

Oh, I’m sorry, it wasn’t burglary–it was Obama’s 2012 Wealth Redistribution Initiative.


As absurd and easy to mock as this assclown is, let’s not forget that the Weather Underground were a bunch of smelly hippies too. You know that the people who believe that you and I don’t have any real right to keep and bear arms won’t have any trouble reading a right to build IEDs into the constitution if it fits their agenda.


Yeah, Andy–but the only people they managed to kill were themselves.

Playing with shit that goes “BOOM” doesn’t always end well.

The Dead Man

Over and under on a Tie-Dye on Tie-Dye incident due to a complete and utter lack of familiarity with guns other than what they see in games and movies? I’d bet day one when one sweeps their mob with his finger on the trigger.


“….his stick-boy body.”

As opposed to someone we all know’s fire plug-like body?

Ne Desit Virtus

Joe, what the fuck is a fire plug?

Old Trooper

Hey Joey; how ya doing? Have you seen Jonn, lately? If you took the time to pull your head out of your ass; you would know that your description is not even close. But, then again, I’m sure you’re the epitome of the Atlas like physique, too.

Rich Latta

Hi guys! Rich Latta here! I must say, I find your comments to be highly amusing!

Rich Latta

And by the way, massage therapists can pull a trigger too 😉

Bubblehead Ray

Sure Rich… but it has to be a tense trigger. 🙂


For Ne, from Dictionary.com:

fire·plug/?f?(?)r?pl?g/Noun: A hydrant for a fire hose.


Um guys, having taught firearms safety and self defense classes in the Austin area for the last 15+ years, there are more armed “liberals” than you might give them credit for. Maybe not the screaming lefty loony liberals like populate the city council in Austin and get lots of press in and around Austin but they are out there.


My brother-in-law is as far left as you can possibly be and not fall off the planet. He has owned guns all his life, and keeps them for sport and self-defense. I don’t agree with his politics, but I trust his good sense when it comes to handling firearms.

No responsible person, liberal or conservative, would condone what Latta is proposing.


Here’s his FB, looks like a douchenozzle



Hey Rich–gonna storm the gates, you mouth-breathing sister-fucker?

Make sure you let me know when you’re gonna do that. I’d like to sell tickets and popcorn while we all laugh our asses off at the Gang Who Couldn’t Shoot Shit.

Oh, and good luck when ya’ll get beaten down like the fucktards ya’ll are and thrown in jail. Seems Bloomy has a real hardon for guns in his city, liberal bastion it is. Go figure.


As someone else pointed out Mr Latta, the second ammendment does not allow you to break the law. At any time you and whatever friends you can gather up decide to rise up in revolt, feel free to do so. Remember though, most of us here swore an oath to Protect and Defend the Constitution against all enemies, both foreign and domestic. (Guess where threats of revolutionary actions places you?)
Some may take you seriously… I think you are nothing more than another spoiled little b*** looking for attention.

Old Trooper

Hey Rich: I’m sure you can pull a trigger, however, it takes more than physical/mechanical ability to do so; it also takes intestinal fortitude and I doubt you have the stones to do it.


Sparky @18, could I have two tickets, front? And the seats that’ll accomodate me and my .45? Thanks.

Old Trooper

@21: I wonder why Rich hasn’t come back on? Could it be because he has been visited by law enforcement?


Or, he got kicked out of the public library for not bathing?


And, strange, FB says that his page is “unavailable” now.


@#12, and Richie, that ain’t a trigger you’re pullin’ on…

Just Plain Jason

I wonder how long the OWS revolution would last? 5-10 minutes? It would be funny watching some retired military guy who is now a security guard taking down the person they had to push out front, because come on do you think any one of them is going to be the first to cross a line?



An OWS revolution could last a bit longer. The hippies and such believe in their hatred of our America as much as we believe the Constitution. The dumbasses, the tokers, jokers, and flakes make for excellent obscurants, and when necessary martyrs/fodder.

The police forces, which are almost as heavily armed as a LID, are more concentrated and could easily be used to provide the primary muscle for a revolution. Some police may have second thoughts – but it’s a tough economy and cops don’t cross cops.

There are also the drug cartels and gangs, well armed by our DOJ and its alphabet police agencies. They’re organized, can shoot, move, and communicate, and nationwide.

Then there’s the reports of Iran’s Quds Force in Mexico, ostensibly to train the cartels’ muscle. They’ve been doing an excellent job on Mexico’s [authoritarian] goverment, army, police – every aspect of government, even populist defiance is crushed. The Quds Force never operates alone.

With no need for huge forces in Afghanistan, and Pakistan’s nukes being the prize, AQ and the Taliban can afford to send excess footsoldiers to the US.

The means of communication: wireless, wired, traditional and social media aren’t owned and controlled by conservative TEA Partiers. Wouldn’t take much to shut down comms for a while.

OWS, through its financiers, leaders/organizers, and cadre of professional protesters/activists are linked to all of those others. A true OWS revolution, with trained and heavily armed forces can last a bit longer than 15 minutes.


LOL ! These occupy turds all have one thing in common…spoiled little punks who if they don’t get their way then start making threats. When i was in Canada last fall, i went to see one of their camps in the City of Calgary Alberta. I filmed it and made some commentary. I’ll re post it on the top of my blog, and if anyone wants to see it and have a chuckle drop by.


Jason–look how their collective panties got in a bunch over little “Scoot” Olsen, and he was clocked by his own fucking guys. I’m still waiting to see where any proof exists he was hit by anything the police used.


Sparky, you’ll wait a long time. I’ve watched that video way too many times, there is nothing to show he was hit by a “tear gas canister” or round, or ASP baton or nightstick.


#5, the Weather Underground? Wait, isn’t that the group whose top man is now working directly for Obama? Yup, it surely is…