Multi-chinned douche-nozzle on USSC discussion of SVA

| February 23, 2012

Pat sent us this video last night and I’ve been a little reticent to post it because I’m sure this little dick munch just wants attention. Then again, it might get him a throat punch if he ever steps outside his grandmother’s basement, and if an attacker could find a throat under the rolls of stored Twinkies.

So do what you want. He doesn’t care, I don’t care.

Category: Shitbags

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Videos and such are blocked on NLAN here…can you post who the dick munch?


That should have ended with ‘is?’

Doc Bailey

CI this cockbite is the one that wears medals as a form of protest. He likes to dress up on Veterans day to get free meals.

He doesn’t seem to care. I would really love to punch this tub of lard in his overies.


That fat fuck is at it again?

Andy H

“What would posess someone to risk their life for such worthless trinkets?”

He really dosen’t undestand, does he? Sad.


Please tell me he didn’t say that.

Please, no.


This fat-body does not know what the hell he is talking about.

Can someone please find where Twinkie the Kid is located and email all the vet group in the area about his antics (including sending links of these videos). I’d say at least three counties around, including the VFW posts and American Legion posts. That way, if they see Twinkie the Kid, they can point him out to the real veterans and witness the real heroes self-defend themselves on his tubby ass.

I would like to point out two things in Twinkie the Kids’ tantrum, though. “Why would anyone risk their lives for these trinkets.”

Last time I checked, we didn’t do it for the trinkets. They are simply to tell others that we’ve been there and done that. Hell, you’re not even really required to wear most of what you are awarded if you do not wish to.

And, it’s not illegal to have medals, only to claim that you have earned them. I have my grandfather’s shadow box with all of his medals and his flag. I honor what he did by displaying it proudly in the middle of my I love me wall. When my father passes, I will display his shadow box, as well.


@#5 Probably one of the douche-y-est things I’ve ever heard. Has this guy ever served? Maybe it would put things into perspective if he ever had to earn a medal. How would he feel if I walked around in a pie eating competition medal I didn’t earn?

Old Tanker


Has he ever served?

I don’t know about that but he sure has been served….served with about 40 twinkies and double that in Double Whoppers with cheese on a daily basis. Freakin’ butterball…

Old Trooper

@8: No, he hasn’t served. He’s one of those “intellectual” types that thinks he’s above such mundane and meaningless tasks. This is the same fatass that stuck his melon up in November, on Veterans Day. He bragged about how he was going to put on a uniform and go to Apllebees for a free dinner. First off, any Vet would take one look at his fatass and probably start questioning him to find out his bona fides.

Just A Grunt

Yeah I’ve seen of the other videos this douchebag has made. If confronted in person I am pretty sure you would find out he left his courage and bravery in his mommies basement along with his Cheetos.


Amazing … simply amazing that this idiot has been able to live this long. He must have a large (pun intended) support group that keeps him fed.

I’m also guessing that English isn’t his first, second or third love. His butchering of every other word, double negatives and senseless drivel is almost enough to make me shove a plastic spoon into both ears and dig out the nightmare implanted upon my grey matter. But, then I wouldn’t be able to listen to and enjoy the things that make life and living enjoyable.

Too bad his mother decided to “keep him”.

Good news though, Warner Brothers may pick him up as Mr. Egghead for the next Batman movie … LOL.

Biggest clue that HE is actually the world’s biggest (pun intended again) loser … his “most favoriteist possession of all is his world title wrestling belt, signed AND autographed” (really? both?) … ha ha ha ha ha ha.

OMG, thanks for the laugh … one can only hope this lump of shit chokes on his next “belly up to the trough”. Net difference to the world with his loss = zero (although he might make a good fertilizer).

I raise a glass and salute to those who UNSELFISHLY give of themselves so that others may actually have the chance to live a better life. Thank you for serving and all that you do for the United States of America.

Bubblehead Ray

Ho Hum… I stopped watching half way through. I’m real impressed with a chuckle-head making intellectual arguments while saying “dis” and “dat”.


This mobile ballast says “I don’t care if I go to jail”. Yeaaaahhh right. He’ll be crying like a baby and screaming for his mommy if he ever gets arrested. Personally, should I ever happen to see him spontaneously combust I wouldn’t waste urine on him.


CraigF: of course English isn’t his first language. That would be latin.

Don’t tell me you missed his name – Dickheadus Maximus?


Damn it to hell. Obviously, Latin should be capitalized above.

Need. More. Coffee.


@Bubblehead Ray: LOL, I’m glad I wasn’t sipping my coffee at the time I read your post. I’m still wiping the tears from my eyes … “mobile ballast” … I’m going to chuckle all day now.


Sounds like Fatty McFatass got hated on by a Recruiter at some point in his miserable little waste of an existence…. God, I want to mess with this fatass!


I found out this douche lives west of Charlotte, which is out near me. If I see him dressed up in any type of military attire at or around Vet’s Day, I will go up and knock one of fat boy’s chins off, and that’s from a pissed off citizen. If I can find more info I will, but he’s blown up over Don Shipleys Facebook page.


I. Wish. He. Would. Speak. Correctly.

His arguments completely invalidate my existence. I know await the universe to remove me.

Sweet Enola Gay….some one birthed this?


This POS was outed on one of the FB Pages during his last go-round after Veterans Day. He is in it for the attention, even the negative type. I refuse to give him what he wants i.e. I will not watch his videos or threaten to rip his head off and shove it…oh, nevermind.


Sounds like this jack-a-lope is inadvertantly making a case for the SVA. But it doesn’t surprise me that losers like this assume military personnel perform their duties for “trinkets” when you have guys like Mr. IAVA demanding parades and recognition, when the reality (at least in my opinion) is most vets would rather have the earned benefits and low-hassle in quietly getting on with life and career. I never even wore my combat patch until I started defending people and realized that the patch provided a bit more credibility in representing the soldiers.


Near Charlotte huh? Popo down there don’t take to kindly to fat fucks dishonoring the Military… My old Reserve unit is in Greensboro, mayhaps I let them know about said twinkie muncher (emphasis on the word twink with this turd)


This mobile ballast

No shit, Ray. Guy’s a one-man trim party. Put him on a 688 and the diving officer and COW would be having shit fits trying to compensate…”Pump 50K from After Trim to Forward Trim. Fat Bastard is heading back for field day…now pump Sanitaries to sea. He just took a shit and filled up San 3 all by his fat fuck self.”

Bubblehead Ray

He wouldn’t be that much work Sparky. He comes with his own Hovering System. 🙂


God, isn’t the internet a wonderful thing. It gives jack-offs a platform. I wonder how much KY Jelly this guy goes through in a month? It might be worth a misdemeanor charge to bitch slap him!


Isn’t this the same douche who brags about dressing up in a uniform on Memorial Day to get free drinks and food?


@23 Sparky: Wouldn’t it just be easier to use him for an anchor?

Country Singer

@27 He’d be more useful as a channel marking bouy…fat floats.


I didn’t realize it was possible for someone to hate themselves that much and not have committed suicide. IMO, he either has a serious DNA/Chemical imbalance, or his parents should have been in jail for child abuse….


When he said “the losers who gave their lives for nothing” i was just shaking with rage. This fat fuck needs to run into a few of us young veterans and see what we have to say about stolen valor.


Also I am going to steal his Rick Flair signed title belt because that is pretty badass….lol

triple B

This Shitard does this for attention, albeit negative attention, lets not give it to him


I don’t really understand why we call this guy a “douche-nozzle”. A real douche nozzle has a purpose and performs a useful function.

This fat-tub-of-goo dipshit does neither.

Someone like this asshole is simply a phony prick that cannot do anything useful. I propose we call such individuals “broken dildos” instead.


Theres no such thing as a broken dildo…just one thats a little smaller….like this guys penis…lol


Yeah Sparky, the talking thumb said it. If you can stomach this fuckin parade float long enough:


Someone needs to take Baron Harkonnen there and introduce him to FM 22-102.