Morroccan targets US Capitol for suicide attack (UPDATED)

| February 17, 2012

Fox News reports that the FBI foiled yet another “lone wolf” attack, this time on the Capitol. When he was arrested today, he was wearing what he thought was a suicide vest, but the FBI insist that it was inert material and that no one was ever in real danger;

The man, in his 30s and of Moroccan descent, was nabbed following a lengthy investigation by the FBI, initiated after he expressed interest in conducting an attack. It’s unclear how the FBI learned of his aspirations.

The man thought undercover FBI agents assisting him in his plot were associates of Al Qaeda.


A short time earlier, he had been praying at a mosque in the Washington area. His destination was Capitol Hill.

I’m sure the Department of Homeland Security is now ginning up a statement that explains why this is NOT terrorism. The guy was probably in DC for the Ron Paul rally on Monday.

UPDATE: According to court documents, this dude, El Khalifi came to the US on a tourist visa which expired back in 1999. So I see we’ve been doing a real bang-up job with immigration policy. We let them stay long enough illegally to think we’ve become complacent and they become ingrates.

Apparently his targets of choice was a restaurant where generals would be with a follow-up target of a military installation. But then he changed his mind on a drive to West Virginia to practice with explosives and weapons and switched his preferred target to the Capitol.

Category: Terror War

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And the TSA continues to harass the the old ladies at the airport.


Right? And DHS says WE are the bad guys now….


Didn’t know they had Amish from Morocco.


SOMEBODY appears to be paying attention to the real threat. Hopefully they will continue to do so.

Yat Yas 1833

Now, give him his fair trial, find him guilty and give him a life sentence. Then feed him pork every day. Oh, don’t forget to put him in a round cell with no windows so he can’t find east and the coup de grace? Pipe in Christian radio, in morroccan, 24/7!? Justice is served.


I wonder why he did this? It couldn’t be that he is a Muslim. The president told us Islam was a religion of peace.


@6 – Yep; two Presidents in fact.


Term “Lone Wolf” to be used in 3…2…1…


@6 illegal aliens doing jobs that regular americans won’t?

tabula rasa

FOX news just reported that this person came to the attention of the FBI because he was “brandishig an AK-47 at a gathering.” Brilliant. Just brilliant. Why is an illegal immigrant in the country on an expired visa who is known by the FBI to be brandishing a weapon not deported immediately. Why wait until the inevitable happens? The FBI’s comment that “no one was ever in real danger” is crap.

Cedo Alteram

“…, El Khalifi came to the US on a tourist visa which expired back in 1999.” This guy once actually had a Visa, thats what is truly amazing. Most don’t even have that, they cross the border/fly in, at their leisure.

Immigration law, if you can call it that, is a complete joke. We all wink and nod at it because citizens, governmenet officials, and illegals know no one will uphold the legislation if it has anything to do with enforcement. Why bother? California and the Southwest have already been overrun tipping the demographic balance forever, frankly we are screwed!

Bubblehead Ray

Note to potential suicide bombers. If the vest your new helpful friends provided to you for your glorious attack smells like Play-Doh you’re probably fucked.

B Woodman

I still think it was a FiBbIe frame-up.


Too bad they didn’t put a tiny shaped-charge on the inside of the vest so when the s#ithead pushed the button, the only person he took out would be himself. Would have saved millions in prosecution and imprisonment costs.


Note to potential suicide bombers. If the vest your new helpful friends provided to you for your glorious attack smells like Play-Doh you’re probably fucked.

Winner! lmao!


An “FiBble frame-up”, eh? So, pray tell: which one of the “9/11 Truther” conspiracy theories do you support?


Hondo, he was kidding!


I would certainly hope that’s the case. And if so, he has my apologies.

But I’ve seen people spout this kind of BS way too many times before to take it any way but at face value absent some indication of satirical intent.