Starbucks targeted by anti-gun fascists
ROS sends us a link to an article to an article in the Sacramento Bee which announces a protest against Starbucks for it’s “pro-gun” policy. According to the article, Starbucks doesn’t have a pro-gun policy, they just don’t have an anti-gun policy;
Starbucks’ compliance with the National Rifle Association’s Pro-Gun Agenda was exposed in 2010 when members of the “open carry” movement began meeting in popular chains, such as California Pizza Kitchen, Peets, IKEA, Disney and Starbucks openly carrying their handguns and assault rifles. (Types of Guns)
To protect their customers and employees, all of the retail chains—except for Starbucks— banned guns from being carried in their stores
So apparently, if you just allow the law to run it’s course and don’t adhere to the anti-gun fascists world view, you’re in “compliance with the NRA’s pro-gun agenda”. Or maybe, you just support the Constitution.
[S]ays Elliot Fineman, CEO of the NGAC. “Open and conceal and carry are among the reasons there are 12,000 gun homicides each year in the U.S.
I’d like to see the proof that law abiding citizens carrying weapons in compliance with their local laws are responsible for those “gun homicides”. My guess is that there have been no homicides committed by lawful citizens in Starbucks, and Starbucks probably wants to maintain that record by keeping criminals guessing about whether their customers are carrying firearms.
Starbucks has the legal right to ban guns but despite having been petitioned by thousands, asked at a shareholder meeting, and a direct appeal made to their Board, Starbucks clings to this policy that puts millions of Americans at risk every day and encourages the spread of guns being carried in public.
Starbucks also has a legal right to allow guns in their establishment and the right to ignore noisy Leftist crybabies. Personally, i don’t like Starbucks’ coffee much, but given the ire they raise among the hippies, I’ll choke more of the stuff down just to piss off the smelly, fungus-ridden Leftists.
Category: Gun Grabbing Fascists
(Types of guns) Thanks for clearing that up, ha. Clearly, thes
e people are clueless.
From Fineman’s bio:
“On the morning of December 31, 2006, the Chicago police came to Elliot’s door to tell him his son, Michael Fineman, had been murdered by a stranger, while dining in a San Diego restaurant with his wife. The murderer was a paranoid schizophrenic who had legally obtained the gun. Since that day, Elliot has been committed to preventing other parents and families from having to go through this unimaginable, indescribable and life altering experience.”
As a father myself, I couldn’t imagine the pain of losing my son. I’m not sure how someone takes the colossal plunge of such a loss and then blaming an inanimate object for that loss. Over 30k people a year die in car accidents in this country. The causes range from reckless driving, drunk drivers, poor driving skills, distracted driving and a number of other factors, yet we hear no cries for removing cars from the road. I’m sorry for Mr. Fineman’s loss, and that some lunatic feel through the cracks of the system, but what he describing as the cure will do virtually nothing but make us all collectively less safe, all in the name of some people feeling better that they don’t have to share space with a legal gun owner.
Right . . . because people that legally own guns, are always running around shooting shit up, and have no idea to safely discharge their firearms.
“Open and conceal and carry are among the reasons there are 12,000 gun homicides each year in the U.S.”
How many CCW holders have committed murder in the last year, Elliot?
And let’s get real here–recently, a citizen in my fair town received a death threat phoned to his home at 2 am. He called Verizon and the police. The police showed up–OVER TWO HOURS LATER.
More likely than not, the call was a crank, but would YOU want to take that chance, knowing the response (or lack thereof) of the police? And how about the young lady in OK who was on the line with 911 for over 20 minutes while two men were trying to break into her house?
No surprise here, Elliot, but you’re a douchebag for trying to make up bullshit.
Does the guy at Waffle House count as one of the 12,000 gun homicides a year? Or is that just conveniently over looked?
Will have to join the rest of you in a line at a Starbuck’s at the earliest opportunity. And be sure to let them know that it is their support of the Constitution that brings me.
As a CCW-permit holder, I actually am very much more careful how I carry myself in the community. I have tempered my short-temper while driving. Maybe not honking when I could have honked, driving more defensively, etc. I don’t really go out looking for trouble and try to avoid confrontations as much as possible. Does that make me a wimp? No, its like Kung Fu. Anyways, I’d like to see how they correlated CCW with homicides because that is some flawed logic. What about the recent Waffle House incident?
‘I’d like to see the proof that law abiding citizens carrying weapons in compliance with their local laws are responsible for those “gun homicides”.’
Oh, don’t worry. You CAN see the proof. The Violence Policy Center is so desperate to prove that CCW is causing unavoidable bloodshed, they’ve made it a mission over the last few years to tally all those killed by CCW holders.
The result is a terrific unintentional demonstration of just how rare it is that a lawful CCW holder commits an unlawful killing. By the VPC’s count, at the hands of the six million plus people with CCW permits, a whopping 385 killings have occurred in the last three years. Of course, they count over 100 suicides among these, both of perpetrators and law-abiding individuals. Then they threw in a few where the shooting was found to be justified, was accidental, where the killing was committed in the home (i.e. CCW doesn’t matter), or where a gun wasn’t even used in the crime.
Elliot is blaming the tool, not the user of the tool. There are more deaths every year by drunk drivers than by legal gun carrying citizens. Should we ban booze? Elliot, like the Bradys, is blaming the gun, not the individual committing crimes with the gun. Where Elliot’s hyperbole loses traction with the common sense person is when he blathers on about safety of citizens and employees of a business, as though the gun is what makes people commit crimes. My guns have killed less people than Ted Kennedy’s car.
I hate starbucks and do not drink coffee. But I will be going on valentines day and get a hot tea while CCing
Also, I would like to add that the bottom of the story claims they have 14 million members in their group. Riiiiiiiiight.
OT: They probably count all gang members and prisoners as members. Throw in a few international terrorists and that is a believable number. After all, those are the folks who gain the most from disarmed US citizens.
I wonder if they realize that criminals do not follow the law. You make it illegal to carry a gun into those places, but it is also illegal to carry a gun (at all) in New York, but criminals still rob places at gunpoint there every day.
Dammit, I’ll have to buy at least one cup of that overpriced, burned to a crisp coffee just to show my appreciation.
I’ve never been a big fan of Starbucks, I’ll take Jack Mormon coffee over them any day of the week. But I’m feeling the need for a nice caramel mocha right now from Starbucks. The logic used by these groups is just nuts. I have my concealed firearms permit and carry every day. In order to get my permit I had to go through a short class and a long background check. I carry a Springfield xd-9 subcompact. In order to get that, there was another background check and a registration process. And I’m ok with that.
Criminals on the other hand, do not obey the law. That’s what makes them criminals. I’m not worried about the guy with the CCW. An armed society is a polite society. I’m worried about the guy who didn’t get the ccw, didn’t buy the gun legally, and has no concern about the law. And there are no laws you can make that will restrict that person. Because he doesn’t obey the law. That’s the point.
@15: Oh no, I disagree. I’m sure every illegal gun toting criminal obeys the sign on the door that says “guns are banned on these premises”. That sign all by itself tells the other customers that it is safe to go in there, because they don’t allow those evil guns and everyone obeys the law. Funny, though, Chicago has some of the most strict gun laws in the country and they have shootings on practically a daily basis. I know that the city has explained it away by saying that it is people from outside the city that are bringing in the guns and that’s why they still have shootings. I understand why they would say it that way, because they are attempting to set it up so that they can get the whole state to follow their gun laws.
Ah… Chicago. A city where there was actually a headline last week because they had gone a whole 24 hours WITHOUT a shooting.
It’s obvious these rocket scientists have never figured out that the number of shooting might go down if the good guys could have guns too. Criminals must look at Chicago and think ” Fish in a barrel”.
Homicide is not a crime. Murder is. People use one to mean the other (all copiers are not Xeroxes either). Too many people, especially journalists, want to sound like they’re using the ‘formal’ form of it and blur the line.
Homicide merely differentiates cause of death–as opposed to suicide, natural causes, etc.
I think 12000 is a high number for gun-related homicides, but when you lump in justifiable homicides (officer involved, homeowner defending themselves, etc) that number will skew upwards dramatically. Too many people with a willful ignorance of statistics.
“Open and conceal and carry are among the reasons there are 12,000 gun homicides each year in the U.S.”
I used to carry open prior to getting my concealed carry permit, so I can’t help but respond to that statement.
Strap on a legal pistol and legally carry it openly in a state that allows you to. Keep track of how many police, store managers, security guards, and others approach you and ask you to leave an establishment, run the serial numbers, or just call you a dumbass.
I carried all over central VA back in the day and cannot count how many times I was harassed or discriminated against for carrying. An armed citizen (open or concealed) is one of the last that would resort to a violent crime.
Sorry Fineman(NGAC)lost his son, but otherwise, he (and the rest of his organization’s “board”) can go fuck themselves.
All of their website’s “FAQs” are bullshit…lies…manipulations, period.
Yesterday, 85 million American gun owners, with their 350 million firearms, killed no one.
I sport my Guns and Coffee patch on my assault pack every day.
Love me some Starbucks.
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