Some late night Stolen Valor entertainment

| January 19, 2012

BooRadley dropped off this link to ABC’s “Last Man Standing” episode this week which was about Stolen Valor. The Stolen Valor part starts at about 15 minutes into the show with a guy claiming to be a SEAL with an M1 tank.

I know we neglected you guys today and I’m sorry. I was at Bethesda’s Walter Reed National Military Medical center today for my last eye appointment related to cataract surgery. I’m seeing much better, as my writing probably reflects.

The Doctor said my eyes are 20/30 without glasses. I’m without glasses for the first time since I was 7 years old. If there’s anyone out there contemplating the surgery, I’d urge you to get it. I went in at 7:30 am and I was at IHOP eating breakfast by 10 am. It’s absolutely painless. The hardest part about it is reaching for my glasses first thing in the morning that aren’t there after 49 years.

And the doctors at the new hospital are the absolute best. The new hospital at Fort Belvoir is world class. I’m glad to see that most of the dregs who populated the old Walter Reed are gone. The staffs in the clinics seem to actually help patients rather than make your life difficult. The new one at Bethesda is squared away, too. They have folks at every intersection of the hallways to guide you to your destination. In fact, I got my surgery so quickly because one of the receptionists called in a favor with the doctor to get me squeezed into his schedule.

Category: Phony soldiers, Pointless blather

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They did a pretty good job on the issue. The surprising thing was that ABC would let it run, without trying to explain the “nuance” of lying about stealing the valor of better men, and women.


If you don’t mind my asking, what was the type of eye surgery you had? I’ve considered it for a long time, but have been thinking about it a lot more recently.
Also, I spent some time on active duty at WRAMC (before the move). The outpatient services could be a bit of a struggle, and the DA employees could drive you to drink, but I served with some of the finest soldiers I’ve ever met there. I was sad when they cased their colors for the last time; there’s a lot of fine Army Medical tradition in that old hospital.

Just A Grunt

The show is “Last Man Standing” and I highly recommend it. Tim Allen is at his comedy best while handling serious issues in funny way. If you haven’t been watching I suggest setting aside some time to catch up and oh, I ain’t responsible for any beverages that come back through your nose. (Yes some of it is that funny).

10th MTN NCO

That scene is almost verbatim how almost all bar room lies start! No shit, there I was in Baghdad when all of a sudden. Its like these assholes who say they were in Iraq when they were really in Kuwait or Qutar. Or hey I was in Afghanistan when really it was in Manas AFB. I met an AF guy who bragged about his 4 tours in 3 yrs in KAF. I was saying to myself “Holy Shit” thats hard core. Come to find out he did some weekend warrior NG BS and did 3 month stints in Kyrgyzstan. Yeah I embarrassed his ass right in front of his girlfriend. Damn frauds.

Curt Castens

I am outraged by this. Stolen Valor taken to new extremes.
This is a perfect example of why there is no trust in our society. In the old days, short of execution, people were banned to the wilderness. I do not support the death penalty but banning some charachters from our society, say in Anartica is more than apporpriate. People are stealing not only the valor but even the copyrights and the intellectual property of military units that properly belong to the men and women who served in them.
I never thought that I would be doing this. I am after all such a tolerant easy going person. Yet at some point a line has to be drawn, an example set. Do I have to spell it out for you?