Insanity strikes Presidential hopefuls

| April 4, 2007

Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results

Albert Einstein (also attributed to Ben Franklin sometimes)

If he vetoes it and sends it back, then we ought to send it back to him again…

–John Edwards

Yes, that’s right, Democrats answer to the President’s veto is sending the same bill back, expecting different results. Some strategy, huh? Ya know why? Cuz that’s all they got. they spent a whole two years worth of political capital on getting this useless bill through their respective houses, knowing the President would veto it. They got nuthin’.

So instead of “compromising” or engaging the President in discussion, they’re just going to send the same bill back. (Actually, I don’t know who Edwards is referring to as “we” – last I checked he had nothing to do with bill)

As I said yesterday, I doubt they could wrangle up the votes to get a new bill sent to him as long as they have all of those stipulations. And since they loaded it up with pork to buy each other’s vote to get it through, the President has a perfect reason to veto it everytime it arrives on his desk.

And Hillary invokes the “will of the American people” according to Stephan Dinan of the Washington Times;

   Mrs. Clinton said her campaign is conducting an online petition drive to urge Mr. Bush not to veto the bill. Presidential inaction would be the Democrats’ only hope of winning the face-off because they are nowhere near having the two-thirds majority in both houses needed to override a veto. In addition, more than 150 House Republicans have publicly pledged to back a Bush veto.
    “Mr. President, please work with us. Don’t veto the will of the American people,” Mrs. Clinton said.

I think that’s real odd, actually – Harpie Clinton asking the President to “work with us” – everytime he works with the Democrats, he takes it right in the hip pocket. And where was this plea for cooperation while Democrats were writing the damn thing? It’s not like they didn’t know he was going to veto it.

Since Clinton and Edwards love to govern by polls they should take a look at them;

   More voters are likely to blame Democrats in Congress if funds fail to reach the troops in time, Republican pollsters say. A poll conducted last week for the Republican National Committee showed that 50 percent of voters would blame Democrats compared with 40 percent who would blame the president. The survey also showed that 56 percent of voters support fully funding the Iraq war while 38 percent oppose full funding.

Yikes! Geez, Hillary, where are your American people now?

AP’s Jennifer Loven reports that Dingy Harry still thinks he has the support of the American people, too;

Democrats, buoyed by recent Republican defections from Bush on Iraq, shot back that they are the ones pursuing effective solutions overseas in response to a national desire for change from his approach.

“We are not going to allow the president to continue a failed policy in Iraq. We represent the American people’s vision on this failed war,” Senate Majority leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., said at a ceremony for a new Nevada National Guard armory near Las Vegas. “We have said time and time again the troops will have everything they need.”

Yeah, well, we don’t believe you, Harry, especially whe your rock star candidates say things like this;

“We have to come back, and we have to say: All right, we will constrain you in a different way,” Mr. Obama said.
    He proposed that Congress pass short-term spending bills and let the administration know: “If you have not initiated the withdrawal at that point, we will put you on an even shorter leash.”

How do you shorten the leash without strangling the troops? Everything you dipshits have touched turns to crap, how can the American people trust you on this?

Category: Politics, Terror War

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