DU is to class as Rosie O’Donnell is to _____

| September 4, 2008

a) Anorexia

b) Structural Engineering

c) Lucidity

d) Grammar

e) all of the above.

Everyone probably saw this last night.


So, it was a little girl playing with a baby.  Hell, even I thought it was kinda cute.  Well, not the DUmmys.

tekisui (1000+ posts) Thu Sep-04-08 07:42 AM
1. Get used to holding that baby.
As soon as you are old enough, you’ll be forced to have some of your own.

stlsaxman (1000+ posts) Thu Sep-04-08 07:55 AM
4. She says “Part your hair on THIS side and you look just like Mien Fuhrer!”

Native (602 posts) Thu Sep-04-08 08:20 AM
6. Piper is absolutely adorable. The whole family is photogenic.
And Sarah has no business dragging them through all of this crap. I feel very sorry for these kids. Hopefully, the family will have the common sense to keep the little ones from going through the check-out lines @ the grocery stores over the next few months. Geez. A journalism major with skeletons galore – knowing full well what she’d be subjecting her children to – nice call – putting ambition ahead of her family’s best interests. The integrity just oozes from her pores.

JI7 (1000+ posts) Thu Sep-04-08 08:43 AM
9. it is cute, but it also seems like she expected to take care of him
just as the other daughters were probably expected to take care of her.

the way all the sisters hold him looks more like the way a parent would than sisters. and the opposite is true of the parents. the sisters seem much more affectionate.

i think it’s because they might be brought up that way. taking care of each other.

Thank you DU. Seriously. Keep doing what you are doing.

More DU: Now with extra nutty goodness.

baldguy (1000+ posts) Thu Sep-04-08 09:19 AM
6. Alaska is the only socialist state in the country.

Um. Huh?

OK, just one more:

Iwillnevergiveup (627 posts) Thu Sep-04-08 10:40 AM
22. In every YouTube and teevee shot
there’s Trig – a 4-month old being passed around and handed off from one person to another. This video is appealing on one level because Piper is such an adorable child looking after her little brother. But geesh – it was kinda late at night for little peeps to be out in the first place, wasn’t it? I found myself wishing Trig and Piper were both in their jammies in their respective beds sound asleep dreaming sweet dreams…instead of on public display.

That’s an excellent point You Who Will Never Give Up.  But, here on planet Earth, the earth revolves around on its axis, roughly once a day.  Being that Minnesota is EAST of Alaska, that means the sun comes up earlier there.  Logically, you can also probably discover that the sun goes down in Alaska later in the Evening.  Now, you may have noticed pictures of the Palin family flying in.  So, let me riddle you this Moonbatman:  If the Palin’s had forced the kids to adjust to the Time Change after less than 24 hours, would you have been the first or the second person to suggest that Child Protective Services be called because they were torturing the kids?  Or, is it your position that children need to be in their Jammies and asleep by 7 pm generally?  Also, an astute observer might have noted that little Trig appeared to be asleep the whole time.

I was, however, in my jammies when I watched it in case you were concerned.  Little Boston Red Sox ones.  alas, without the plastic feeties.

Category: Bloggers, Politics

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I gotta give you credit, TSO, for being able to handle yourself calmly while visiting DU. All it takes for me is reading a couple of posts to a thread in that vile place to get my blood pressure rising.

The comment that really got to me was the following:

tekisui (1000+ posts) Thu Sep-04-08 07:42 AM
1. Get used to holding that baby.
As soon as you are old enough, you’ll be forced to have some of your own.

Is this the way the typical DU’er feels about motherhood? What a bitter a$$hat!

It was a result of dealing with deluded lefties like “tekisui” on my local newspaper internet forum that inspired me and a couple other conservatives to establish RochesterConservative.com, as a counter blog and forum to the liberal Democrat and Chronicle’s forum. We need to point out this sort of nastiness and moonbattery and spread the word so people truly understand who were dealing with.


I am so mad I could scream. What right do any of these lefty crackpots have, to judge how ANYone raises their family?
I had 4 kids, and each of mine was helpful with the next baby in line. And they all grew up happy, and they all got educations, and they all got married and they all have children, or plan to. And they all were well adjusted.
And I licked my hand, just like my Mom did when mine, or any of my sister’s or my brother’s hair was out of place.
It only shows that little Piper, is a quick learner, a loving family member and that these morons can’t recognize cute through their crack pipe smoking haze.

TSO: I use snark because I couldn’t say it as well as you have here. I also find it reprehensible, then I realize that DU would no doubt revel in that. They genuinely have no class. You show me a kid with a persistent cowlick who hasn’t had spit applied to keep that puppy down, and I’ll point out that he lives in a plastic bubble. Kids tire me out in about 3.2 seconds, but I thought it was ridiculously cute. ENough so that I called my Sis In Law and ask her if she was teaching my niece that manouever.