Finally, An Arab Spring Thing I Can Support

| November 28, 2011

Add your own commentary, I’m laughing too hard.
Saudi religious police HQ targeted by sex maniacs

Three Saudi men parked their car close to the headquarters of the Gulf Kingdom’s feared religious police late night, got out and started having sex with a woman accompanying them just in front of the massive police signboard.

They were filming themselves with the aim publicising the shot to defame the Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice, the most influential law enforcement authority in the Muslim nation.

The three were half way through their operation when one of them noticed the security camera next to the signboard in the capital Riyadh. They stopped filming, headed for the camera and smashed it before fleeing the scene.

The article doesn’t say if they were all wearing traditional garb or not.

Category: Geezer Alert!

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Toothless Dawg

I’m glad they specified having sex ‘with a woman’


Yeah! Coulda been a goat.