Another aspiring terrorist arrested

| November 21, 2011

Fox News reports that yet another terrorist plot has been thwarted by New York City police.

“We had to act quickly yesterday because [Jose Pimentel, 27, of Manhattan] was in fact putting this bomb together. He was drilling holes and it would have been not appropriate for us to let him walk out the door with that bomb,” Kelly said.

The police commissioner said Pimentel was energized and motivated to carry out his plan by the Sept. 30 killing of Al-Qaeda’s U.S.-born cleric Anwar al-Awlaki.

So, yet another al-Awlaki – inspired terrorist. More proof that sweeping the little dweeb off of the face of the planet was the correct action to take.

Pimentel, a U.S. citizen originally from the Dominican Republic, Pimentel was “plotting to bomb police patrol cars and also postal facilities as well as targeted members of our armed services

Another ingrate immigrant.

So what if Sporkmaster wrote about the same subject. Do you expect me to read my own blog?

Category: Terror War

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If I wanted to sound like a liberal from the Bush era, I might say something whiney and stupid like…

“We’re only creating more terrorists!”

Funny how they don’t say that anymore. apparently, we’re aren’t creating more terrorists now that Obama is the CINC.

The best way not to make more terrorists is never to upset the terrorists. Killing terrorists makes other terrorists mad. Arresting them makes them mad too. So just leave the terrorists alone.

The bet way to fight terrorism is not to fight terrorism. That’s how we’ll defeat the bad guys, by pretending they don’t exist.


So, we should hug all of the terrorists? Yeah, that doesn’t work. We left them alone and they blew up a Marine Corps barracks. We left them alone and they tried to blow up the twin towers. We left them alone and they blew a hole in the Cole. We left them alone some more and they knocked down the twin towers.

Do you want to know the best way to deal with terrorists. Look up General John “Black Jack” Pershing. Sure, there is some urban myth as to what happened, but if we were to do that today it would work. Publically execute terrorists and burn their bodies with pig carcases, then throw the ashes into a pig sty. If we capture a person in Iraq or Ashcanistan that tried to kill American service members, but they are wearing civilian clothing, hang them as spies according to the Geneva Convention.

Yes, that’s right. People claim that we are violating the Geneva Convention with Gitmo, but not a single of those shitheads behind those bars was captured in uniform. Techically, we could have executed them right there on the battlefield rather than pulling them to a tropical paradise and giving them a lifestyle that was lightyears above what they were “enjoying” in Ashcanistan under the Taliban.


Yeah, but the NYPD needs to stop infiltrating mosques and stuff. That’s what CAIR and their handwringing “civil libertarian” enablers tell us.

Old Trooper

I say shove his homemade bomb up his ass and see if it works.