National Concealed Carry passes House
In a bi=partisan vote yesterday, the House passed the National Right-to-Carry Reciprocity Act with a vote of 272 to 154. 43 Democrats crossed the aisle to while 7 Republicans defected. The bill allows folks with a concealed carry permit to carry their weapon concealed in any other state that allows their own citizens to carry weapons concealed. Currently, only the District of Columbia and Illinois have no such laws.
As it stands now, I can only carry my gun concealed in 32 states which have reciprocity with West Virginia. If this bill passes the Senate (and, honestly, I don’t think it will), I can carry my weapon in Maryland…twelve miles from my house.
ROS sends us a link from New Jersey congressman, Steve Rothman who says that passage f the law threaens New Jersey;
“If the National Right-to-Carry Reciprocity Act becomes law it will be an imminent and dangerous threat to New Jersey and our nation. Under New Jersey law, concealed carry permits are strictly limited to those who demonstrate a “justifiable need,” such as police officers. Under the proposed federal legislation, anyone permitted to carry a concealed or hidden firearm in his or her home state could do so in any other state, regardless of state regulations…”
So what about drivers’ licenses? Doe New Jersey forbid drivers from other states? For my CCW permit, I had to take 8 hours of classes with some range time to prove I kew how to shoot. I underwent a more stringent background check than the feds did for my security clearance – I know that because the Mineral County Sheriff Department turned up a 14-year-old dis-con warrant the feds hadn’t found.
But like I said before, I have no illusions that this bill will get past the Senate or the White House. I agree that the bill infringes on States’ Rights, but if the States were more reasonable in their reciprocity agreements, the bll wouldn’t be necessary.
How ridiculous is that I can carry a handgun concealed through WV, then unconceal it and lock it up for the twelve miles that I drive through Maryland and then conceal it again when I get to Pennsylvania.
Category: Guns
“justifiable need,”
Last time I checked, the Second Amendment is all the justification I need to demonstrate, you douchenozzle.
An armed man is a citizen. An unarmed man is a subject.
His best quote is the one where he says that law enforcement is against reciprocity. Really?
And why did Jonn have a dis-con warrant? Bad Jonn! 🙂
I’m still waiting to see this flood of gun violence in areas which have allowed CCW to go from no-issue to shall-issue.
And cops aren’t necessarily against it, but their unions sure as hell are. I’m also still waiting to hear how many cops have been shot by law-abiding citizens with CCW permits versus thugs, gangstas, and other assorted shitbags.
You’d think that by now these dipshits would drop the whole “yo dawg, there will be blood in the skreets!” rhetoric when by every reputable measurement, places that have more relaxed carry laws tend to also have lower crime. They said this crap in Florida…didn’t happen. They said it would happen in Alabama when they passed the “Castle Doctrine” law…didn’t happen. They said it would happen in Louisiana when they affirmed the right to use deadly force in car jackings, etc. A cynical person might think that these dumbasses were really more interested in protecting the lawless… constituency perhaps?
I just re-read this asshole’s press release…so what he’s really saying is that people from New Jersey cannot be trusted with the same freedoms that Alaskans and Arizonians have. Nice.
Well, ya know, if the states feel so strongly about this, they can always repeal their own CCW laws which would prevent out-of-state residents from carrying legally. Retired and active police already have federal authority to carry concealed weapons despite state restrictions, so they can always take away citizens’ concealed weapons permits…if they have the political will.
I share your pessimism, Jonn. The vote was for the purpose of record making for the jokers in congress. Does anyone believe that 43 dems actually would vote for this legislation if there was any liklihood that might be passed by the Senate and signed by that guy in the White House? I am not going to take the time to check the votes but I bet dollars to donuts the 43 are from mixed (red/blue) districts and some number of them have voted for HG restrictions previously.
Republicans who voted “No”
Amash (MI)–nice going, Paulbot
Dold (IL)
Grimm (NY)
King (NY)
Lungren, Daniel E. (CA)
Turner (NY)
Woodall (GA)
And 5 of the 7 not voting were Republicans, including Bachman and Paul.
Nice going, assholes.
Here’s Rob Woodall’s “policy” on the 2A…apparently he needs to read his own shit.
This is a tough one. It disturbs me any time congresscritters stick their noses into the bill of rights. “Clarifying” any of them seems to always complicate rather than simplify our lives.
Yes, I think it’s stupid for reciprocity to be so blasted complicated and seemingly nonsensical. On the other hand, if a group of folks (a state) decides that it wants law X-Y-Z, which applies only to them/their territory of influence, is it really the business of the rest of us?
Absolutely, a very complicated issue.
If you look at the amendments to the bill, a lot of it was gutted by Democrats trying to render it basically useless.
Solution: Live in Pennsylvania. Castle Doctrine & stand your ground just got passed (not that PA wasn’t gun friendly before). Our state taxes are pretty low too.
Just got my CHL in TX allows me to carry in 32 other states plus applied for a Florida and Utah permit which allows me to carry in another 4 states that dont recognize TX CHL. However I dont think I am ever going to leave the republic so it does not bother me that I cannont carry in NJ or Cali.
Oh yeah forgit Wisconsin they just added reciprocity w/ TX thats 33 states not 32.
This sounds a lot like the CDL license’s & TWIC cards….Everybody on the same page, NOT!
My Michigan CPL allows me to carry a concealed handgun legally in 39 states!
I can carry everywhere I care to go–except to work. I’m pretty fuzzy on why military posts must be game farms for lunatics, other than the vaguely-stated “safety concerns.”
Sig–same with where I work. And not only will they fire me, I’d get to spend several years in federal pound-me-in-the-ass prison for bringing a weapon or even ammo anywhere on the property of a nuke plant, not just the vital areas.
Criminal prefer unarmed victims. A turd would think twice if a would be victim might be armed and fought crime and shot back.
“On the other hand, if a group of folks (a state) decides that it wants law X-Y-Z, which applies only to them/their territory of influence, is it really the business of the rest of us?”
When it restricts a federally enumerated natural right, then yes. Even though I’m not a resident, Maryland has 0 business restricting my natural right to bear arms as enumerated in the 2nd Amendment. And I have to drive through that godforsaken state as well.
Sparky, I could see not wanting firearms near anything that might suddenly ramp up to 4000 degrees, and spew a cloud of toxic gas. But everywhere else?
I’d also like to point out if just ONE person had a CCW at Virginia Tech, the outcome might’ve been VERY different.
Am agreeing that it is extremely dicey, to say the least. Driving through? Indeed – one state cannot infringe upon my rights at either end of the interstate traversing that state. However, they CAN suggest that I not openly carry (or whatever their restrictions) within their state.
I remain free to decide, based on whatever criteria I want to use, whether to spend any money in that state, or drive around it completely, if I feel that strongly about the issue.
I just have this basic problem with folks in one state to dictating to those in another how they should behave, what laws they should enact, yada, yada. Yes, even if they are laws with which I happen to agree.
“I just have this basic problem with folks in one state to dictating to those in another how they should behave, what laws they should enact, yada, yada. Yes, even if they are laws with which I happen to agree.”
So do I.
Except when the state violate the 10th Amendment. It’s a two way street. Feds aren’t supposed to get into state business, but the states also aren’t supposed to get into federal business.
2nd Amendment makes guns a federal issue. The “bear” part doesn’t have a clause that says places like MD can infringe upon it if a state decides they want to.
Not sure how to unring a bell, though.
I’m licensed in Michigan, when I travel west, I make it a point to avoid Illinois, just because they think they know what’s best for me and mine. I won’t spend a penny in that state, even if it costs me more to go around it.
‘Bout time.
Georgia has a pretty easy application process, but alot of states don’t recognize the permit.