Portly waste of skin defrauds well-intentioned patrons

| November 15, 2011

Country Singer sends us this video of an obese shitbag who admits that he dons a military uniform to get free food and drinks on Veterans’ Day “to protest the hypocrisy in this country”.

He finishes his little statement with “There is some glory in pretending to be a soldier”. First of all, who would be fooled by this wide load of shit in uniform? Secondly, if I were him, I’d consider missing a few of those free meals. It’s great that the Ninth Circuit has decided that this fat fuck deserves the right to defraud Americans by denigrating the uniform.

The stupid peckerwood says he paid $200 for his uniform…he probably spent as much on the uniform as all of the meals and drinks he’s received as a result of wearing it. Now that he’s put his bloated face out in public, I hope someone recognizes him the next time he tries his little scam and wipes that stupid grin off his face with a firm right cross.

The comments on YouTube are priceless, by the way.

Category: Shitbags

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2-17 AirCav

I’m not going to watch Fat Bastard’s video. He probably hasn’t seen his pecker since he was 5, hasn’t been able to wipe his butt since he was 12, sleeps in a hangar and when he dies from lardass disease, they’ll have to expand the landfill to accomodate him. As for his claiming to be a vet to get free meals, that IS fraud.

Casey J Porter

Comment I left under his video…

“How could you be mistaken for a Vet being such a fat sack of shit? You’ve got the voice of a creepy child molester type from a Law & Order episode, or a Penn State alumni. But we all know you are to stupid for college. Your teeth are nasty and yellow, stop smoking three packs a day and go to the dentist. Also, you know what I can do that you can’t? Look down and see my dick.”


He’s a Paulian too if you look at the rest of his videos.

Casey J Porter

He’s also a Ron Paul supporter it seems, what a shock…

Casey J Porter

Also, you can use Real Media Player, a free download, to capture this video. I can not on the computer I’m on, but it would be a good back up in case he decides to yank it.


Come on up to my neighborhood and try that shit, Fat Bastard. Enjoy your meal cause it might well be your last.

Lemme guess–probably one of those “Oathkeeper” douchebags too.

Casey J Porter

Yeah, keeping his oat to shovel as many twinkies as he can down his fat fucking throat.

Casey J Porter

This video just got sent to the WWE e-mail and Facebook page.


You know, I’m not in the best of shape right now, but thank God (and any other deity that might be listening) that I’m not as bad as this guy. I would say that someone needs to kick this guys ass, but it’s not easy to beat down a super villain… The Blob!


Only $200 for the uniform? That’s what: a hat, boots, and trousers? For an $50 he could get a uniform blouse as well.


And for $20, he could have bought enough Ex-Lax to shit out about 100 pounds of fatass.


The guys at Extreme Seal have been doing a good number of finding the background for this guy.


Somebody posted name, ssn# and phone number on youtube, but apparently it is ACTUALLY a real navy guys daughter’s number and her father’s info who isn’t affiliated with this guy. The poor woman is getting tons of calls and has been begging people on youtube-not to call her.


^ Sorry last one was me!

2-17 AirCav

@12. Yep, they’re on him. Looks like he’s going to be taken a trip out of town real quick. But, of course, he’ll have to return one day. These guys do not know how easy it is for one–let alone 1000–motivated individals to find someone. We are everywhere, including the post office, the grocery store, the gas station, the police department, the fire department, the ambo service, the property tax office, the cab company and, of course all of the restaurants that Fat Bastard ate at on Veteran Day.

2-17 AirCav

Sorry for the typos. I got all excited with the prospect of Fat Bastard’s location (probably has his own zip code) being learned and published.


@ Sporkmaster– they found his myspace account..

Hilarious! The guys says he is looking for a woman who is “not to fat.” LOL–Really so a skinny chick is supposed to settle for his fat ass though!

2-17 AirCav

Melle: OG?


>Melle: OG?

Don’t understand unless you are asking if I am “Obama girl,” and if that is the case–HEll NO!

2-17 AirCav

No, Fat Bastard’s solicitation for a love interest.


Does anyone actually believe that he’s really motivated enough to get off his fat ass and do what he’s claimed to have done? That asshole is just sitting in front of a camera hiding his cheese-covered fingers and talking a lot of shit to garner attention.

Casey J Porter

Name is John Shepperd and has a record of assaulting a Woman. Give him a call if you’d like 919967199.


“Does anyone actually believe that he’s really motivated enough to get off his fat ass and do what he’s claimed to have done?” — Judging by his size, free food is about the ONLY thing that will motivate him to get off his fat ass.

I can’t wait to get home and blog this! Expect a lot of curses.


I can’t access any social networking sites from work, including Facebook. Can someone enlighten me to what the FB page says about this fat fuckbat?


This guy is odd for me to place. On one had the posts that he has done on you tube are made for knee jerk reactions. For example calling those who have been killed overseas as wasted lives since they died for nothing. It seems that he is starved for attention is the motivation for making these videos.

For example his WordPress page profile that has had only 54 his since 2005.

On the other hand I have seen videos where he talks about the Al quidea flag flying in Libya as a example why we should have never helped and/or help the area.

So I cannot tell if he is trolling or stupid.


He’s a stupid troll from what I watched, which wasn’t much cause I started to feel ill and would still like to go to the gym after work.


the only thing I can say is to quote mills.

“War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things. The decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feeling which thinks that nothing is worth war is much worse. The person who has nothing for which he is willing to fight, nothing which is more important than his own personal safety, is a miserable creature and has no chance of being free unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself.”

John Stuart-Mill


By the looks of your appearance, I would say you have done an excellent job taking advantage of other people’s generosity.

Casey J Porter

[…] the Punk is back November 16th, 2011 You probably remember Fat Bastard from yesterday, right? Well, apparently you guys upset him bad enough to venture outside after he had his recliner […]


Ron White said it: “ya can’t fix stupid”


Spork, if the following, “So I cannot tell if he is trolling or stupid.”, is a question, the answer is yes. He’s both.

Doc Bailey


Milton Flowers

Man, I remember a day long ago when sumbags and crazy’s like this just dressed up like Batman and then went running around town for all to see… now they want to be Vets…
I got out in 1984 abd still have so much rrespect for my Brothers and Sister on active duty that I would never put on my old Uniforms (Which I still have sealed away along with all of my “Me wall stuff”) unless called on to do so…
I just stand in the crowd and watch as the warriors march by and in my heart I know.. Thats it… I know!!!!!