Veterans Day

| November 11, 2011

Sorry I’m late this morning but I was at Denny’s getting my free Grand Slam breakfast, and I’ll probably eat my free dinner at Applebees tonight. Things sure have changed for veterans in recent years.

I remember when Veterans’ Day was just another day off from work…well for everyone except veterans. My first Veterans’ Day after I left the military, in 1993, (I was actually on terminal leave at the time) was spent working as a security guard on a construction site…I was working full time while I attended college full time. I happened to pick up a newspaper on the way to work and it contained a column by the late Mike Royko on veterans and I always remembered his sage words.

Royko was a Chicago reporter and another famous Chicagoan, Matt Burden (Blackfive) remembers Royko’s column.

I just phoned six friends and asked them what they will be doing on Monday.

They all said the same thing: working.

Me, too.

There is something else we share. We are all military veterans.

And there is a third thing we have in common. We are not employees of the federal government, state government, county government, municipal government, the Postal Service, the courts, banks, or S & Ls, and we don’t teach school.

If we did, we would be among the many millions of people who will spend Monday goofing off.

Which is why it is about time Congress revised the ridiculous terms of Veterans Day as a national holiday.

The purpose of Veterans Day is to honor all veterans.

So how does this country honor them?

By letting the veterans, the majority of whom work in the private sector, spend the day at their jobs so they can pay taxes that permit millions of non-veterans to get paid for doing nothing.

As my friend Harry put it:

“First I went through basic training. Then infantry school. Then I got on a crowded, stinking troop ship that took 23 days to get from San Francisco to Japan. We went through a storm that had 90 percent of the guys on the ship throwing up for a week.

“Then I rode a beat-up transport plane from Japan to Korea, and it almost went down in the drink. I think the pilot was drunk.

“When I got to Korea, I was lucky. The war ended seven months after I got there, and I didn’t kill anybody and nobody killed me.

“But it was still a miserable experience. Then when my tour was over, I got on another troop ship and it took 21 stinking days to cross the Pacific.

“When I got home on leave, one of the older guys at the neighborhood bar — he was a World War II vet — told me I was a —-head because we didn’t win, we only got a tie.

“So now on Veterans Day I get up in the morning and go down to the office and work.

“You know what my nephew does? He sleeps in. That’s because he works for the state.

“And do you know what he did during the Vietnam War? He ducked the draft by getting a job teaching at an inner-city school.

“Now, is that a raw deal or what?”

Of course that’s a raw deal. So I propose that the members of Congress revise Veterans Day to provide the following:

– All veterans — and only veterans — should have the day off from work. It doesn’t matter if they were combat heroes or stateside clerk-typists.

Anybody who went through basic training and was awakened before dawn by a red-neck drill sergeant who bellowed: “Drop your whatsis and grab your socks and fall out on the road,” is entitled.

– Those veterans who wish to march in parades, make speeches or listen to speeches can do so. But for those who don’t, all local gambling laws should be suspended for the day to permit vets to gather in taverns, pull a couple of tables together and spend the day playing poker, blackjack, craps, drinking and telling lewd lies about lewd experiences with lewd women. All bar prices should be rolled back to enlisted men’s club prices, Officers can pay the going rate, the stiffs.

– All anti-smoking laws will be suspended for Veterans Day. The same hold for all misdemeanor laws pertaining to disorderly conduct, non-felonious brawling, leering, gawking and any other gross and disgusting public behavior that does not harm another individual.

– It will be a treasonable offense for any spouse or live-in girlfriend (or boyfriend, if it applies) to utter the dreaded words: “What time will you be home tonight?”

– Anyone caught posing as a veteran will be required to eat a triple portion of chipped beef on toast, with Spam on the side, and spend the day watching a chaplain present a color-slide presentation on the horrors of VD.

– Regardless of how high his office, no politician who had the opportunity to serve in the military, but didn’t, will be allowed to make a patriotic speech, appear on TV, or poke his nose out of his office for the entire day.

Any politician who defies this ban will be required to spend 12 hours wearing headphones and listening to tapes of President Clinton explaining his deferments.

Now, deal the cards and pass the tequila.

– Mike Royko

I’d add that no one should be able to say “Happy Veterans’ Day” like it’s Christmas or Easter. I hope you have a Thoughtful Veterans’ Day…and by the way, that free Grand Slam at Denny’s makes up for all of those C-Rat Spaghetti and Meatball breakfasts I choked down. I hope you go get yours…you deserve it.

Category: Veterans Issues

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I believe Subway is giving vets free 6″ subs and Chilli’s is doing their part as well.


Don’t forget the C-rat chopped ham and eggs. I think I’ll probably hit the local Subway. And, think about friends gone too soon.

Zero Ponsdorf

I aim to sit by the fire and drink a beer or three.


The wife is talking me into going to Chili’s today for lunch. I usually avoid being around people on “sale days”…which is what all holidays have now become.


Oh, man! Wish we had a Denny’s because that Grand Slam sure does sound good…

And I will drink to the proposed new rules for Veterans Day. Sounds good here. It never made sense to me either that the idiots got a holiday. But then, as a bureaucrat myself, I DID get the day off. Sometimes. Often not on THE day, but some time during the month.


I wish that any of the places around my town offered anything free to vets. The closest thing we have is a Sheris that is offering vets a slice of free pie with their meal order. Hell, none of the coffee shops is even willing to offer free coffee because it will piss off their hippie-dippie college student crowd.

Tonight, I’ll catch a ride with a friend who is getting ready to hit the rock pile up to the local watering hole. At least there they offer a free beer for vets.


Not that I’ll be able to take much advantage of the generosity of the folks at Subway, Chili’s, et al, (working–go figure) but how does a guy like me who served but didn’t retire take advantage? Just show up with a 214 and say, “Hey, I’m hungry!”

Never been my style to do that, I guess. Poker and beer tonight sounds good, though.


Happy Veteran’s Day to all who serve. I am humbled by your existence.

To those that have heard the call, past, present and future, I am forever in your debt for what you do to keep this country free and bless those of us that are fortunate enough to live here.

Thank you.

Old Trooper

@6: Last year, my local Starbucks gave Vets a free cup of Joe (no matter which one you ordered, it was free). I didn’t know that until I went to pay for mine, and was told mine was “on the house”. I don’t know if it was just a local thing or if it was franchise wide, because it was never advertised.

I don’t know if they are doing the same thing this year, either, because I haven’t seen any advertizing about it.


@UpNorth, don’t forget those wonderful C rat Ham and Motherfuckers…makes me want to puke just writing those words. No Dennys here either. I’ll spend the day in my shop, calling friends swapping Sea/War stories and trying to remember only the good times.


I move that the pretenders get to eat the dehydrated pork patty. I’m sure there’s some still around, since they’re indestructible.


I work for the State of Texas and chose to work today instead of having it off. I get to use the hours that I receive on a different day which I am choosing to use during Thanksgiving. I also worked Labor Day, Memorial Day and Fourth of July. I will have almost a 2 week Thanksgiving and about a week and half Christmas. I with you to those veterans that had to work and not gotten this day off.


I just finished watching “The Fighting 69th” for the 218th time, give or take. That makes my Veterans Day nearly complete. Now, if only “The Dawn Patrol” is on later, I will be in seventh heaven.


Working today too.

The Dead Man

#13 2-17AirCav

I read the Fighting 69th and almost immediately thought of Air Force Blues.

I spent most of last night writing a psych paper on PTSD and the pretenders while at work. There seemed to be a lot of easy access to those stories for some reason. Ended up spending most of that time reading up on the EOD Memorial. I was both cheered and saddened that the last recorded EOD deaths were a few months back, they were local guys though. Reminded me that I need to call my father, grandfather, uncle and godfather today though.


Thank you all for your service of this country! I know a lot of you served in difficult times even when the country and civilians didn’t acknowledge you guys..Thank you!


GruntSgt, we used to toss the ham and motherfuckers in the fire, just before a new 2d LT was due to do a walkaround. More often than not, he got a shower of that evil crap all over him.
In the 27 years I spent in law enforcement, I worked all but 6 Veteran’s Days. And didn’t mind at all. I was alive and whole and had a job I really wanted to do.

Bubblehead Ray

Worked a 12 hour shift last night, and stayed until 1145 to attend (another) HazMat decon class. Got off just in time to hit Applebee’s for lunch and a brew. I knew no one when I entered the Resteraunt and spent the entire lunch sitting at the bar exchanging pleasent conversation with fellow Vets, strangers all.

Nicest lunch I’ve had for a while. Now I’m torn between staying awake and watching a good military movie, or checking my eyelids for leaks. Decisions, decisions.

AW1 Tim

Was up most of the night tending to my 13 year old daughter, who had a 24-hour bug. She’s fine now, but dad is dragging. I went out for 2 pints at the local pub, and a plate of soft tacos. I stopped by Subway and got a free 6″ sub to bring home for supper tonight, as I’m not certain if the kid is ready for solid food just yet.

Ah the joys of parenthood. 🙂

Royko’s column is a great one. I always liked his writing and am sorry he’s gone. I wish there were more like him.


We went to Cheeseburger in Paradise for lunch (the Jimmy Buffet chain). They were giving free entrees with any proof of service such as a Legion card or even a photo. Further, with every burger purchased on Saturday and Sunday, they are donating a dollar to the Wounded Warrior Project.


Have hit the time of the day (which always seems to consistently happen some time each Veterans Day and Memorial Day) when I get a little sad for all my friends whose fathers didn’t make it home at all. Hats off to you and your families for your sacrifice.

Funny – it seems that everyone I know who lost a father to war paid that sacrifice forward by also serving in the military. Maybe that disproportionate representation is just because I mostly only hang with folks who served, but still…


HBO is having a marathon of “The Pacific” episodes. Those boys went through hell,literally, and it’s about time the story was told. Got the box set DVD and i’m still watching it. I never pass up a chance to talk with a WW2 vet, either the Iwo Jima vets that stopped by my office on recruiting duty or my Grandfather, who was a WW2 veteran of the Navy’s silent service. It didn’t matter if I heard the same story from him a dozen times, it was still worth it.


WTF?! Watching a pregame ceremony before a hockey game,NY congresswoman Louise Slaughter was awarding the Purple Heart to an Army veteran AND FUCKING DROPPED IT!!!!!


At Ft Hunter Liggett, training. And it’s raining of course

2-17 AirCav

Here’s the opening paragraph of Senator Jay Rockefeller’s 2011 Veterans Day message:

“Throughout my years of public service, some of my best conversations have been with our country’s veterans. Maybe that’s why I appreciate Veterans Day so much.”

He thinks that maybe he appreciates Veterans Day so much because he has had some of his best conversations with veterans! Well now, if that’s not a standard his fellow democrats can aspire to, I don’t know what would be. As Buggs says, “What a ma-roon!”