Another Marine swept up with Occupy

| November 2, 2011

Jayel Aheram, for all appearances is indeed a former Marine who was honorably discharged last year, yet here he is speaking from jail to the Palm Desert Patch;

“I’ve been abroad to defend freedom and liberty in foreign countires. When I’m here exercising that freedom and liberty, I’m arrested, shackled and chained and threated like a common criminal,” Aheram said, wearing an orange jumpsuit.

Ah, the old standing on the bodies of veterans to rise above the inevitable arresting officers ploy.

It appears that the city of Palm Desert gave the “occupiers” a permit for four days which expired Friday. The occupiers continued occupying through the weekend without the permission of the people of the city. So they were arrested after the park closed at 11 pm;

“They ambushed us. It was a raid. It was a late night raid,” Aheram said.

The police ambushed them after warning the protesters they’d be arrested if they continued to flaunt city ordinances.

“I’m merely exercising my first amendment right. The city put a responsible citizen in jail for exercising his first amendment right,” Aheram said.

Yeah, responsible citizens don’t break the law.

A little Google research turned up a comment by Jayel Aheram on Red State in which he defends Kokesh against a Republican assault on Red State;

So I guess he can be loosely tied to IVAW. There are several other posts on the internet that connect Aheram to the anti-war ideology, although I can’t find evidence of his actual membership in IVAW, he certainly was a good candidate for them, if they still had actual veterans of Iraq in the organization.

Thanks to Valerie for the link.

Category: Antiwar crowd, I hate hippies, Iraq Veterans Against the War, Occupy

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Being a veteran does not mean that you get to act like an idiot. Another one of the 10% shirtbird that every service has.


Jayel Aheram? But he also goes by the name Jack Lee Noftsger? Please, I don’t think I can take much more of this.


@YatYas, if anything, being a Veteran means that you should inherently KNOW how to behave, as a responsible adult, and as a citizen and a member of society. These r-tards truly have no clue! I think if the “99%” were opposed by a .45% of us Veterans, they would back down and know their place (and give us fries with our order, I mean, they are mostly liberal arts college rejects and that is where they belong!) read Starship Troopers minus that pitiful excuse for a movie from that r-tard Dutch pansy Veerhooven… When you read the book as intended, it is an interesting treatise that explains why it might be a good idea to make the younger generations know what it is to earn their vote, citizenship and their vote.

Land-slide 0369


HELL YEAH! I’ve been saying that for a long time.

I have always thought that to be a citizen, you need to do one of the following:
1. Military Service (infantry your first two years and anything else after, women too, since they want equal rights “Shut up and ruck up”)

2. Police (I will consider serving in law enforcement as a form of earning citizenship. You will be fluent in the laws, and will know how hard it is to work to keep dumb asses from being dumb)

3. Firefighter (Another excellent service provided to the community)

4. Paramedic (Can’t leave out these brave medics that rush into dangerous situations with the police and firefighters)

5. Postal workers (I included this job for those that are unable to participate in a high risk job. My wife for example is a free bleeder, but she worked this job for 5 years)

Oh well, I’m done with my rant.



>if anything, being a Veteran means that you should inherently KNOW how to behave, as a responsible adult, and as a citizen and a member of society.

Well and you would think being over in “those” countries would show a veteran how much better out country is- warts and all…

>women too, since they want equal rights “Shut up and ruck up”)

Who is this “women” you are talking about? I am 5″0 nothing and have never had an aspiration to join the military, because simply put- I am not physically capable of being effective infantry. This probably would go for the other examples that you mentioned also-police, fireman & paramedic. I am not sure that I could pull a trigger unless you directly threaten my children(that being said-if you do, I can guarantee you I will put you down).
Also, not everything in life is equal. I am quite fine with the differences between men and women. They are quite complimentary, and what I wish most for my daughter is not “equal rights”– but the ability to know when she can and should do something…and when to bow out like a lady.


So, he pulled the vet card…loser. It doesn’t mean you get to break the law. Apparently, he also forgets that who he surrounds himself with counts…in this case- against him.


Land-Slide, I completely agree!!! Which is why, as an NCO, I FULLY support the Army’s decision to go to one standard for all Soldiers for the new Physical Readiness Test. Matthis is a Veteran like Rosie O’Donnell is anorexic


Great info on this dirt bag!

Funny how no other report mentions that they had a 4 day permit, eh? Now why would they omit that little bit of info?

I’m in a forum on flickr right now debating some stupid libtards about this guy….funny how libtards who hate the military love to use guys like this to justify their BS propaganda, eh?



Because most of them can’t count that high, nyctreeman.