Marine Corps, and the real Occupy movement
With all the Scott Olson (Fuck the Marine Corps) and Shamar Thomas (1 man, 2 cups 30 cops) talk around here, it was a mild sense of enjoyment that I read the following at lunch today:
On June 6, the Germans marched out of Belleau Wood. Their perfect formation, coal-scuttle helmets, and rifles at the ready gave them an air of terrible efficiency. Their eyes were on the Americans some 800 yards away. At the time, opposing forces in open areas usually engaged at 400 yards, so it would be a few moments before they were close enough to fire.
The Marines gave a few clicks of elevation to their rifle sights, waited a moment, and began firing. Almost every shot dropped a German. Hitting a target from 700 yards was not difficult for a Marine. At 600 yards, 500 yards, or 400 yards it was downright easy.
The Germans were astonished. This was the first indication that they were up against a new kind of opponent. The effectiveness of the rifle fire broke up the German attack.
Now it was time for Marines to do what they had come to France to do: attack. Now it was their turn to march across the wheat field. The most chilling of military orders was given: fix bayonets! This meant hand-to-hand combat with no quarter asked. It would be a fight to the death.
The Marines marched in line abreast across the open field, their officers waving walking canes to emphasize their orders. Maxim machine guns with interlocking fields of fire began stuttering at five hundred rounds per minute — taka-taka-taka-taka — and Marines fell as if cut down by a scythe. Hugging the ground provided no safety, as some Maxims had been sighted to fire almost at ground level. The First Marine attack in World War I was faltering. Then rose Gunnery Sergeant Dan Daly, rifle high in the air, and he thundered, “Come on you sons of bitches! Do you want to live forever?”
Daly charged through the wheat, into the dark hell of Belleau Wood and the deadly chatter of the Maxims. The Marines followed, shouting, screaming, intent only on their orders: “Occupy Belleau Wood.”
The Marines suffered 1,087 casualties on June 6, 1918, more than in any other day in the preceding 143 of Marine Corps history.
I’ve refrained from discussing SGT Thomas and LCPL Olsen for the simple reason that I truly don’t give a shit about those two. I really don’t. My level of caring about Olsen’s busted up grape is infinitesmal. I bear no great love of the Marine Corps, but when I read stuff like in the preceding, any man with half a bag of nuts gets goosebumps and thinks: There be men, giants here!
This punk ass bitch, Olsen, spits on that history. “Fuck the Marine Corps”? No, fuck you for ever thinking you could be a part of them. Gunnery Sergeant Dan Daly was more of a man on June 6, 1918 than you will ever pack into a lifetime Olsen. When you were in, you bitched nonstop and violated the rules. Now that it is convenient you want to use the hallowed names of those who tread the path 80 years before your birth to give legitamacy to your little protest.
Had you been in the wheat field that day amongst these demigods, I have no doubt that the Germans would have been washed away in a flood of your urine. And I’m sure that there are many generations of Marines out there who would love the opportunity to set you straight.
Preceding passage is from the book “Brute: The Life of Victor Krulak, U.S. Marine” by Robert Coram. It was given to me by my boss as a goof because (presumably) he thought I wouldn’t read a book about Marines. Well, joke is on him, I’d read a book about necrofiliac clowns if someone put it in front of me and I wasn’t reading something else already.
Methinks the OWS protesters would be better served protesting against the universities. They should really be pissed off about the useless degrees being peddled at the universities like “classical arts” and “Hispanic transgender gay & lesbian studies.” Gee, no wonder they can’t get hired! But do I feel sorry for these punks who took out $96k in loans to pay for the above-mentioned degree plans? Fuck no. They had a CHOICE.
Anon: My tales of combat shall only ever again be shared with my comrades. This is not some chest thumping air of bravado, but rather the solemn knowledge that a brain-dead dick bitter like you would not understand the horror and glory of what I have done in my life. You do not feel in your gut as a combat veteran does, the truths one learns when faced with their own mortality. How would you know of those moments, like ruck marching in the fog BMNT when the red lights stretch before you and behind you , reminding you that you are one more link in an unbroken cycle that stretches into storied memory and will continue to stretch into distant future? How could you understand Alpha males weeping unabashed tears for the loss of a fellow? Or the hugs that are given from one comrade to another to remind each other that yes they’re still there. I think a mind like yours would seek to throw unnecessary homoerotic onto those quiet affirmations of survival and loss. You seek stories of corporate success? It took at least ten years for WWII’s veterans to achieve the same level of success. But if you seek success stories I sugest you look at Ranger Up, Blackhawk, Ranger Joes, Bullets 2 Bandages, Soldiers Angels the Boot campaign, and many others. Do they cater to a military crowd? well seeing as perhaps only about .5% of Americans have BEEN to Iraq or Afghanistan, it would be awfully hard to sell related products to someone outside that niche. You will not see Veteran CEO, COO, or CFOs for many years to come, but rest assured if history is any indicator you WILL see them. We have already seen the first Iraq/Afghan veteran elected to the congress (it took longer for WWII veterans). I have no doubt in my mind that these veterans will fire up their workplace with the professionalism, drive and esprit de corps that they took from their service. So please take this time to fall on your own penis shaped sword, put on… Read more »
Here’s one for ya Doc Bailey, Arte Moreno is a Vietnam Vet who served with 1st CAV. Today he holds the distinction of being the first Hispanic owner of a major league sports franchise and first Hispanic billionaire in the US. After the service he got into the billboard business and later would be part of the initial ownership group that established the Arizona Diamondbacks. A few years later he ended up buying the Los Angeles Angels from Disney and the rest is history. The man was not born into money, he was one of 11 kids from a blue-collar Mexican-American family from Arizona. The man didn’t take any handouts and worked for what he wanted. Liberals don’t like to talk about him because he’s a REPUBLICAN. Anyways, he’s a good example of a veteran who saw success after the service for the turd-burglar who’s trying to bait people. Other examples could be anyone on the USAA board of directors and/or financial advisers they have on staff…
I also believe Drew Carey spent time in the Marine Corps as an enlisted man too…
Montel Williams was a Marine, Chuck Norris was in the AF, Charlie Rangal was in the Army, Gene Hackman was in the Navy, Elvis was in the Army, Johnny Carson Navy, pretty much every man that’s every been to the moon (save one), SEVERAL US presidents.
The list goes on and on and on.
I want to hear from the grunts who got well paying jobs when they got out
Depends on your definition of “grunt”.
Doc; I though Montel was Navy?
Actually, he was, but also enlisted Marine before going to Naval Academy Prep School and then to Annapolis. Hackman was also in the Corps.
As for the rest of this diatribe that has ensued away from the original part of this thread…………..
I will add this one thing: What I see being asked is whether the Marines that have readily joined in with the protests are shitbags for doing so and whether those that have not served in combat have the gravitas to say anything about their actions. Interesting concept, because the same thing was asked when Bush jr. ran for President insofar as the CiC being a Vet and the dems lame attempt to say that Bush didn’t qualify because he was only Air National Guard vs. Algore’s 6 month stint as a reporter. Yet, I didn’t hear that when Bill Clinton ran, or even when Obama ran. Why is it only a valid argument when a republican runs?
In regards to Anon2’s question at the top of the thread; it doesn’t matter if you were a combat Vet, or not, it’s what you do after that counts and in Olsen’s case, he wore part of his uniform when it was useful for him in the credibility area. Same with Shamar. It’s the matter of the hypocrisy on Olsen’s part, where he hates the Marine Corps bad enough to start a website stating such, but then turns around and uses that service when it suits his purpose. Shamar wearing his uniform and pointing to his ribbon rack while lecturing the police isn’t good standards, either. I don’t wear my uniform and if I were to wear it (shut up Lilyea), I would follow the standards laid out in 670-1 and attending protests while in uniform is verboten.
Yeah, I get it, many of those that agree with them are stating how courageous they are for standing up for their oath and the Constitution, but when you are willful in your disrespect for the uniform that you wore; how can anyone think that you are really that hard pressed on your oath to begin with? I think the two go hand in hand.
@59 I would be shocked if you could fit in your uniform
Since we’re all laying our cards on the table, how about using something other than ‘Anon’? Along with some bona fides….
@60 If you ever fit into one that you didn’t get off Ebay
@62 You couldn’t fit into yours either
@60: I would be just as shocked if you had anything relavent to say.
Relatively minor point:
Servicemembers wear their job history and qualifications on their chest for all the world to see. We, when in service, credited others for their experience, service, and insanity (in the case of thems that wear Dolphins) based on that.
By extension, why wouldn’t a protestor on either side wear uniform parts? I understand for the Progressives and OWS it’s all part of the kerryesque nostalgia (after look what such behaviour got Kerry). However, the uniform or its components don’t support their argument, nor does ‘…because I am a former (insert service here).’
The OWS argument is invalid on its own demerits.
With respect to the question about jobs. I just went to and typed in “electrical engineer” and got over 1000 hits. Then I typed in “liberal arts” and not so much. As we used to say in the Navy; choose you rate, choose your fate.
Amen, bobo. I’m already pushing 600 hours of OT so far this year, and next year I’ll be at least that, if not more. The biggest reason we don’t hire more people is because nobody can pass the aptitude/drug/background tests.
At least it ain’t like the Navy where I got paid X regardless of how many hours I was working/on duty/at sea. Choose your rate, choose your fate indeed.
As an aside, has anyone thought about pulling a Cloward-Piven on the Occupy movements? Why not just have a bunch of non-Occupy members use the free resources provided by Occupy (food, medical, clothing, etc)? If you can increase consumption beyond Occupy’s ability to supply, the system will crash under its own weight.
Well, rumor has it the NYPD is telling all the homeless and folks fresh out of Riker’s that there’s plenty of the above and hippie chicks with loose morals to be had.
Now if Bloomie just had the nads to call in an airstrike, problem solved.
NHSparky, I’ll look you up after I retire from this gig. I’m sure that you’ll still be hiring. Even guys from forward of the RC.
Oh, and before the OG/douchebag crowd accuses me of being callous towards the homeless and recent inmates of the state, let it be known I’d give them five minutes warning.
The hippies, well, they’d hear a high-pitched whine of incoming JDAMs.
@67: Well, bobo, they have been complaining about just that with the homeless in NYC showing up for meals, etc. and the “kitchen” staff did a 3 day work slowdown and issued minimal food for those days in protest. Now, they have been policing their ranks to make sure only protesters get food and money. Plus, there has been a lot of infighting about who has the funds and how they are dispersed, etc. It’s a real CF and it took less than 6 weeks to reach that point.
@64 I do not often see Military uniforms at protests on the right side. However the protests the Right actually participate in are few and far between. The only really protest that I’ve ever seen that involved large numbers of Veterans wearing partial uniforms, would have to be the Bonus Army. And then they were only asking for what they were promised.
They were far more respectful, and orderly than any protest movement I know of since. Their “Hooverville” was actually well built thought out, and actual (although ramshackle) houses were built. Any attempt to link OWS with the Bonus Army would be laughable though.
OG: sorry my computer glitched out should read: “I would be shocked if you ever fit into one you didn’t get off Ebay”
From Kumbaya to Lord of the Flies in two easy steps.
I said it before, but I’ll say it again. We have a chance to study sociologically, what will happen should most liberal policies get put in place. True they can not provide abortion (and its a bit too early for that) or more than basic medical services, but it is clear sanitation, food, money, social order, and pretty much every measuring stick that defines a society, can easily be seen and measured.
Pot is legalized, welfare is rampant (there are no taxes, but wait till cash runs out) and there is little to NO enforcement, or really any law. I would not be surprised if they accidentally cause a fire, and cause many deaths because of that.
Really we’re kinda lucky in a way. We can see how horrific it will get if we actually listen to these jacktards.
#74: Agree that we can already see the results of implementing everything OWS wants: Greece.
Which specifically proves my point that the OWS are just selfish brats who can not comprehend life outside themselves.
The problem is, DaveO, that the OWS crowd doesn’t have to earn a dime. It has all been donated money. If they actually had to do something, other than stand around and bitch, to get the money that is then put in the general fund, I think you would see it devolve even further than it already has.
Again, OT–you’re already seeing signs of that with their little drummer boys, who are being forced to hand over half or more of their donations to the general fund while pretty much everyone else sits on their asses and bitches about not getting anything.
Obamagirl also, is classified as “Target of no value, save ammuniton, do not engage.”
@75 – Doc, you’re right in that the Occupy movement is a microcosm of the system they which to implement, with the same inevitable results. The biggest problem, though, it that very few of the Occupy crowd are actually producing goods that can be used by the community. The few that are are being overburdened (taxed) at a rate far beyond the non-producing. If the producers feel that their burden is not even with their receipts, they will inevitably pack up and leave. The reason why socialism is as long lived in socialist countries is because the producers aren’t given the opportunity to pack up and leave. What we might see is the right side of the Laffer Curve, which, from my free market perch, would make me very happy to see proven out.
The name of the Jarhead from the story I related is Pierre J.Ortiz,
Col. Ortiz was in Le Legion Etrangere prior to enlisting in the Corps and volunteering for the OSS and the Jedbourg Teams, his Son and my Dad were classmates in their Recon school
:// (p116 I know Mattingly)
WHO LEFT THE DAMN DOOR OPEN?! You’re letting the shit flies, I mean Obamagirl in.
L-S 0369 #84: I always let her(?) comments through. Or Jonn does.
Myself, I rarely feed the trolls, but I kinda enjoy watching others do it. Oh wait… That makes me sound like a voyeur of some kind?
Oh well…
Which one is it that likes receiving pain? Sadist or Masochist? Whichever one it is that must be OG. I mean she comes on her and gets slapped down again and again and again, and literally gains like NO concessions on really any of the points she’s trying to hammer home. Really Its quite amazing. of course she’s also an unintentional spokesperson for exactly whats wrong with the Left. Logic and facts are not important, I need to insult people!
I just enjoy feeding them because my favorite cadence goes:
“I lured him in…with a piece of bread…and then I crushed…HIS FUCKING HEAD!”
Doc, Amen to that, and Landslide too!
OG is a classic “battered wife/Democrat voter” straight off an episode of COPS. When she’s standing oustide the trailer, seven months pregnant, Marlboro in one hand and tallboy in the other, blood streaming down her face into both her nearly swollen shut eyes, the cop is asking her why she stays with the abusive husband/political pimp, please, don’t laugh too hard at her when she says through her meth-rotted teeth, “BUT HE LOVES ME!”
Nice analogy
I look at it this way–there might well be honorably served veterans among the OWS crowd. Will stip, as they say in court. But I will say that the PERCENTAGE of shitbags among their ranks is a lot higher than one might find among AD troops of any branch, or what one might typically find in, say, your local VFW or AmLegion post.