Fecal Four: Ballduster, Hillar, Matthis and ____?
Well, here it is, the final matchup, and it’s a real battle for the ages, Soup the Hood v. Ghenghis Fraud!
1) MSGT Soup Sandwich – Nick Androsky
He robbed from the rich and he gave to the poor,
He stood up to the man and he gave him what for.
Our love for him now, ain’t hard to explain,
The hero of RTB, the man they call Soup!
Our Soup saw the Rangers’ backs breakin’
He saw the Rangers lament
And he saw those instructors takin’
Every honor and leavin’ five cents
So he said, “You can’t do that to my people”
“You can’t crush them under your heel”
Soup strapped on his hat
And in five seconds flat
Stole every medal the PX had to steal…..
2) “Gunny” – George Gunny Lauve
“There came into the world a blue-gray wolf
whose destiny was Heaven’s will.
His wife was a fallow deer.
They traveled together across the inland sea
and when they were camped near the source of the Onan River
in sight of Mount Burkhan Khaldun
their first son was born, named Gunny Lauve.”
So, there it is folks. Who joins his Stolen Valor Brethren in our Fecal Four? Will it be the Soup Sandwich himself, or Gunny Lauve? Poll after the jump….
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Category: Politics
And I predict the Dynamic Duet to come down to . . . . .
Soup vs Mathis.
Even ACORN cannot overcome Soup’s commanding lead. The carnival clowns are ruling the roost.
It’s gotta be Soupy
Anyone can be a phony service member. But it takes titanic stones to perpetrate said fraud on an actual military base. Extra points for getting busted out by the DS, and then attempting to get him written up by the CO for “disrespecting you”.