Occupy LA speaker endorses violence

| October 12, 2011

Our buddy, Ringo, caught a speaker at the “Occupy LA” protest endorsing violence against the “occupiers” because “the bourgeoisie won’t go without violent means. Revolution! Yes, revolution that is led by the working class”.

Um, hey Fragando Mboto, or whatever your name is, the working class are all at work, that’s why they call us “the working class”. You and your audience are just looking for a government subsidized existence. The rest of us are trying to be wealthy out here in the real world.

And, bourgeoisie? Really? Every socialist or Communist government became the bourgeoisie after they wiped out the middle class.

Thanks to our buddy Ringo and our buddy, Zombie.

Category: I hate hippies, Occupy, Politics

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Update from the SF one.

Local businesses are now reporting food thefts.
On the way home yesterday I saw human feces and urine on the sidewalk.

Country Singer

As I sit here taking a brief break (AT WORK, HIPPIES) the first thought that crossed my mind listening to this idiocy was, “Bring it, bitches”.

Just Plain Jason

I was thinking of the irony of this fool. What does he think is going to happen to his kind if his “revolution” happens? Does he think that people like Che, Mao, or Stalin are going to reward him? They will reward him with a job in a camp just like they did so many of their “revolutionaries”, he is just another useful idiot. I also find it ironic that they are also being joined by quite a few of the “1%” now…rich celebrities do they not qualify for some reason.

Frankly Opinionated

Awww Crap. I just flipped a coin to see if I would watch or pass this video. Tails sez I watch it. Dayummm, just dayummm.

Frankly Opinionated

I got his “Long Live Socialism”. It is in 5 parts in the cylinger of my .44 Bulldog by Charter Arms.


Shame, and the capability of being ashamed, is dead.

I don’t believe this clown knows the definition of “bourgeoisie.” I also believe most of the people in the crowd are the children of the bourgeoisie and the petite bourgeoisie.

French aside, the dude is lucky that most Americans associate the French word for the middle (trades) class with the hoi poloi, and not the normal, average everyday folks who work to make a living.

Doc Bailey

French revolution was a nightmare. France was in such a bad stat after the reign of terror, that they NEEDED another monarch to save them from themselves.

AW1 Tim

Actually, I think that France under Napoleon was a MUCH better and more enlightened nation than anything Europe has produced since. England, perhaps, excepted.

Under the mob, though. France and her lover, Madame Guillotine descended into the madness that was copied so successfully by tyrants, of the socialist, communist, marxist & fascist stripes ever since. I don’t believe that this moron with a megaphone fully understand what he is talking about, or if he does, he needs to be put down and that rather quickly. It’s a horror we don’t need to see repeated anytime soon.


Is this the leftist version of a ‘2nd Amendment solution’?

And since they aren’t likely gun owners, are they planning to go old school with torches and pitchforks?


CI: question being – did all the weapons that the ATF gave to the cartels actually travel to Mexico? Where are the weapons now?


I supposed we’d need the RFID logs to know that.


Let’s see. If they come at me with pitch forks and torches, I might just have to fill a super soaker with some gas and aim for the pretty fire.

Ah, the joys of being an unrepentant firearms owner… and taser owner… and ASP owner… bow owner… sword owner… throwing knives… oh, and I might just toss my wife’s can of OC gel in there, just for shits and giggles.


In the words of a former C-in-C, “Bring it, bitches.”

Doc Bailey

#9: A good question CI.

If Liberals are so opposed to gun ownership, (and they are practically terrified of things that go boom) and they are going for a Revolution. . . how do they propose to make this happen?

I mean really inaction isn’t going to really do anything. Point to Ghandi, but England was looking to nix India anyway (seeing as it was no longer the jewel in the crown it once was). So in reality all Ghandi did was give them extra incentive.

So Action is the only course. There are so many LEGAL gun owners that any attempt at forceful overthrow of the US Government would meet a lot of opposition from self forming/regulating militias. Isuroko Yamamoto said it best “I would not ever invade America there would be a gun behind every blade of grass” Fredrick Douglas said something along the same lines, only he was talking about how wrong Slavery was.


“Fragando Mboto?” I’m buying keyboards by the dozen hereafter!