Smelly hippies in DC
Media Benjamin, the head hag of Code Pink presents “Smelly Hippies Occupy Freedom Plaza”. “The police said we couldn’t have tents, but they didn’t say we couldn’t have cardboard boxes.” Four days of stench.
So much talk about courage when they don’t have a clue.
Thanks to TSO for the link.
Meanwhile, Casey J. Porter is taking pictures of “Occupy Austin“;
Category: Code Pink
“I’m an intern at Code Pink.”
That must be the worst job in the world.
Wow…..huge crowd in Austin…….3-4 people.
And to think she missed the “good ole’ days” when Bush was in office and they would protest the war at the main gate of Walter Reed with ersatz coffins and signs that said they would “support the troops when they shoot their officers”.
I seem to remember she was for war. With ISRAEL.
Well, they are assembling in Woodruff Park, adjacent to the SunTrust building, here in Atlanta. The good news is that no matter how many hippies show up, the local homeless have already been peeing all over the fountains and park benches for weeks, so there won’t be any appreciable difference in smell.
This is why I don’t go into DC, even though I live so close….
These protests should be “clothing optional”. It’s a 1st Amendment thing.
Is too! Look it up!
You know, I think interning at Code Pink should be right up there with guarding at Auschwitz…
What the hell does an intern at Code Pink learn? How to put on useless demonstrations that get them no closer to their goals? I was just there to photograph it, nothing more. There where a little over 4,000 people that said they’d show up to Occupy Austin. Yesterday was the first day, started at 10am, and there wasn’t anything close to that number by 2:30pm. Went back at night, and there was more, but still not as many as they had said.
Casey, not sure but it looks like a couple of hundred, at most?
Play Nice, there isn’t enough eye bleach in the world if Medea showed up “clothing optional”.
#10 John that royal ass posted a pic of Madea with her boobs covered by stickers. I had nightmares for weeks.
Thanks Casey! Hey Claymore? You want to go raze the hippies with me?
I’ve got your eye bleach x1000. Lovely Woman and my Camaro.
She really nailed all the talking points, didn’t she?
Did you notice the shirts the Code Pink hags were wearing?
“Bring our war $$ home.”
“Bring our troops home”
Ah, so the real priorities come out, yeah?
No fair changing subjects with your car pRon, Casey! lmao!
“It’s SUPER important for young people to be involved”
sounds like “but I’m so super cereal!”. Hay maybe if you dress up like ManBearPig they’ll run away.
If not, let’s all dress up like zombies and try to “eat” the mental zombies.
@ 15 NSOM; They’ve been flaunting that saying for several years now..
re #18
I hadn’t noticed…I disregarded them as an irrelevant edition of sideshow politics years ago so I guess I missed the change in rhetoric. What I would give to have been the fly on the wall when the membership argued against “troops” rhetoric. That’s when the real shit comes out.
Casey, is that near the arboretum where they are protesting and Bee Caves where my mind was happily scrubbed?
I wonder how much it will cost the taxpayers(and we’re broke!) to clean up after these “Occupations?” Not to mention the Police overtime,disruptions in business and regular people having to alter their transportation routes to go about their daily lives? Not to mention the fact that one of the main causes of our economic meltdown is because Barney”Dicksmoker” Franks and his Freddie Mac/Fannie Mae insured that under-qualified and unqualified borrowers got mortgages that they couldn’t sustain, to ensure minority support for the Democratic Party, despite warnings that it was incredibly risky. And why aren’t they picketing GM and Chrysler,who both received huge bailouts,or Solyndra who got a guaranteed $535 Million,even though the Bush administration turned them down because it was a bad investment and had a shoddy business plan, and their CEO is the first one to get his money,while 1100 workers get zilch. where’s the outrage there?
Thunder, don’t confuse the hippies with any facts, they’ll suffer overload and have to go find their organizer to tell them what you meant.
On yet another note, marvelling at the awesomeness that is Obama, he’s appointed Shakira to the White House Initiative On Education For Hispanic Americans, one small problem, she’s not a citizen. So, is she providing the Hispanic insight, or is she just window dressing for yet another useless dem commission or “initiative”?
Casey: Was this around UT or the new City Hall? Austin has changed so much since I lived there in the 90s and last visited in 2000.
This guy in your flickr stream looks just like this hippie bum I remember who used to sell jewlery on The Drag
Crusty, the pictures where taken on Loop 360 at one of the lookout points.
While it’s fair to say there where lots of different people there, it was mostly made up of the same ol’ same ol’. There where several things though that bothered me. One was when the stay at City Hall where taking down the flag at the end of the day people started cheering. Plus, someone did this to the flag…
WTF?!?! please tell me someone went and squared them away! This is unacceptable.
Oh and “freedom” is NEVER free. That which is gained with little effort has little value. What, priceless thing like freedom could be so callously given? And if so given, could really be valued to those receiving it? How many would just as quickly sell their freedom for security (which is actually what this protest is about)?
I must stop posting on this thread. I will break my keyboard.