Terror leader captured
Associated Press reports NATO claims that they captured another terror leader in Afghanistan on Tuesday. Haji Mali Khan is allegedly the leader of the Pakistan-based Haqqani terror network;
NATO said Haji Mali Khan was seized Tuesday during an operation in eastern Paktia province’s Jani Khel district, which borders Pakistan. It was the most significant capture of a Haqqani leader in Afghanistan, and could dent the group’s ability to operate along the porous border with Pakistan’s lawless tribal areas.
Shortly after NATO’s announcement, Taliban spokesman Zabiullah Mujahid denied in a message to Afghan media that Khan had been arrested but provided no evidence that he was free.
So I guess this gives the administration a chance to show what they plan to do with the high profile folks they capture on the battlefield. I wonder what it’ll be. probably not a tropical vacation in Guantanamo or one of the CIA’s secret prisons. The chance that he’ll be sprung or inspire terrorist attacks on prisons, probably leaves out imprisonment in Afghanistan. What a corner they’ve painted themselves into, huh?
Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Terror War
They’ll release him, but track him (somehow). Then, when the hub hub over his release dies down, he’ll be fortuitously among a group of other terrorists taken out by a drone strike.
Alice, the ATF will probably release him into Mexico to track how drug lords use terror leaders.
must be the election rush. Next to happen is gas price falling.
Now was it NATO that did it or did we capture him and NATO got the credit?
Strange that Republicans were so competent that in eight years they weren’t able to do this.
Must have been too busy raping the economy for their rich handlers.
Oh look a troll, how quaint.
Another stray, mutt loose on the street.
Only a liberal troll can take an apolitical post and turn it around. I could see the drool on his comment, as he licked his chops, smiling gleefully over his “conquest” of the mean conservative warnmongering weblog.
Well “Dog” they actually did. A lot. The media never covered it. But most of the groundwork was laid down during the Bush Admin. Much like unraveling a shirt, you had to pull certain threads to unravel the whole ball of wax.
oh and you do realize that Waterboarding and GITMO and Rendition, and all those things Librals freak about are the REASON you’re seeing this string of captures/kills
Yeah, but at least 0bama closed gitmo and ended the war, right?
And didn’t waste billions on his banker buddies, right?
Yep, all Obama has done is turned on the “Green Light”.
Love your books!
#4″Now was it NATO that did it or did we capture him and NATO got the credit?”
Doc this is exactly what I was thinking. I read he was taken into custody(with a few others) without a fight, though he was heavily armed. Also, he was picked up just inside Afghanistan, right near the Pakistan border. This leads me to believe that we either knew where he was or where he intended to be. The question is how did we attain this information.
Its possible the Afghan security directorate(I can’t remember its formal name), their intelligence agency, is responsible. They actually have been pretty successful foiling most plots in the capital. The Haqqani Network has a special terrorist node just for Kabul, with uniform factory & arms caches, which just executed a few Strikes this month. We learned for example of there phone calls back to Pakistani based Haqqani militants, during some of the fighting. We may have backtracked from there.
Another answer might be our electronic eavesdropping. Though they have taken precausions, they have done this imprefectly and not universally.
One last option is all of the HVT raids the SOF boys have done has kicked up alot of intelligence matierial. This forced the enemy to make moves they usually wouldn’t in a panic to compensate. I think this option is this least likely because frankly, the operators just haven’t killed that many people overall(there are a few exceptions). The enemy also has been able to negate many of their raids.
Oh well, we’ll see where this goes.
Hey Dog, last I checked I’m over here serving with Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, and Marines. I don’t recall what politcal parties they belong to, but we’ve been over here for quite a while. How about you shut rabid, punk ass mouth and show some respect!
At least Bush allowed the CIA, FBI & Military Intel to talk to one another & compare notes. Something the Clinton administration made illegal. Without that we’d have nothing.